hoped.’ replied Miranda a little worried.

‘Well it’llhave to do as I’m going to be doing a lot of bluffing and I hope itall works.’ said Llalorax as they prepared to teleport to theball.

‘Can youreplace the glamour effect in case I need it? asked Miranda.

‘Mmm. Yes thatmight be useful.’ replied Llalorax and placed a glamour on her.

Mirandarecreated her dragonfly persona then switched it off. She took afew deep breaths and began thinking like a Princess.

‘Thank you, I’mready!’

Chapter 33 Time ofTesting

Aquitain watched indisbelief as the Queen was torn to pieces by the foxes. He lookedat Terrin and said.

‘That’s quitedisgusting? Is that supposed to make me leave the dream?’

‘No. It’s not a dream.Let’s see how it plays out.’

They watched as theLords took sides. It seemed that there were two camps. Darkmantle’sgroup sided with Princess Gemelica and the others who thought thatthere should be a grand conference to decide whether others couldchallenge for the crown as the law allowed.

The two groups arguedfor several minutes then suddenly Llalorax appeared accompanied bya woman who wore golden Brilliant Armor like Snowbelle, a goldenmask in the shape of a snarling Jeti, an archwizard’s cloak ofradiance, held a High Druid’s staff in her hand and had a smallstone spider perched on her shoulder which scuttled down her backand off behind the dragon throne.

It took about tenseconds for Aquitain to realize who it was.

‘By the Powers, that’sgot to be Miranda. What’s she up to? She’s going to get in over herhead for sure. She’ll need my help.’

‘Are you sure? As aWarden perhaps you shouldn’t interfere.’ replied Terrin.

‘I might be Warden ofMoonmist but she’s my chosen and that comes first.’ he replied ashe watched the proceedings looking between the crystals in thedragon’s crown.

Llalorax walked overto Darkmantle with Miranda at his side and casually asked ‘What’sgoing on here?’

‘Get lost Llalorax.’said Darkmantle rudely wondering who the new woman was.

‘Do you mind? I am theRoyal Mage. It is my duty to arbitrate any disputes between Lordsat the ball.’

‘Queen Aurora is deadand she locked you in prison.’ replied Darkmantle. ‘You have nostanding.’

‘I dispute that LordDarkmantle. I was not locked in prison. I was told by Her Majestyto wait until called by her as she expected problems tonight. Shewas quite correct. Unfortunately it seems she did not call in time.However, I am here now and it is my duty to resolve any problemsbetween the Lords.’

‘He’s correct.’ saidLord Neutral,

‘Her Majesty informedme that Lord Llalorax was waiting in case of trouble.’

Darkmantle wasfurious. ‘OK! Let’s assume that you are correct. We believe thatPrincess Gemelica should be crowned Queen. They want to have aconference, to determine whether anyone would like to challenge thePrincess for the throne.’

‘Have you anyone inmind?’ Llalorax asked those opposing Darkmantle.

‘Not specifically butwe need time to discuss it.’ said one of the Lords.

‘The rules state thatthere can only be two contenders for the throne at any one time andsince there are already two there is no need for any furtherdiscussion.’ replied Llalorax.

‘What do you meanthere are two contenders?’ demanded Darkmantle and the other lordalmost in unison.

‘Well there isPrincess Gemelica and Queen Miranda of Argenta who stands besideme.’

‘I have capturedArgenta.’ stated Darkmantle. ‘It is now a possession of our kingdomand last time I heard the outlaw Snowbelle was Queen.’

‘Well you have beenmisinformed. Our esteemed deceased Queen Aurora ordered no suchattack on Argenta and was expecting the new Queen Miranda to attendthe ball tonight as a special guest. You all know that she planneda special announcement tonight and that is what it was to beabout.

Queen Snowbelle tiredof the dispute between us has abdicated naming her daughter as hersuccessor. I wish to present her majesty Queen Miranda who nowcontends for the throne.’

Miranda was shocked tothe core. What was Llalorax up to? He couldn’t mean it. She wascontending for the crown of Queen of Moonmist? This wasunbelievable!

All eyes were onMiranda. She stepped forward and removed the mask. There was ahushed silence as most present recognized Miranda. She was theimage of her mother Sindel before she had been reincarnated asSnowbelle. Darkmantle turned visibly white. There was no doubt thatit was Snowbelle’s daughter.

Maybe what Llaloraxsaid was true. He hadn’t consulted the Queen about attackingSnowbelle’s gateworld. Maybe the Queen had planned this as acounter to his plans. Maybe Snowbelle had abdicated to herdaughter; she certainly looked regal enough and was wearingSnowbelle’s radiant armour.

The other Lordsquickly realized that this was an ideal opportunity to thwartDarkmantle’s grasp for power.

‘We nominate QueenMiranda as our contender.’ said one of the Lords.

‘But only a member ofthe Royal family can contend the throne.’ argued Darkmantleweakly.

‘That is not quitecorrect Lord Darkmantle. As you are aware I am the keeper of theRoyal Code. I know it intimately. It states that only a member of aroyal family may contend the throne. It doesn’t stipulate whichroyal family.

As Queen Miranda isQueen of a realm she is a member of a royal family and she was bornin our kingdom. In fact I believe she was born at Darkmantleestate.’

Darkmantle’s faceturned red and in a furious voice shouted

‘As Queen’s Champion Ichallenge her champion to a duel. The winner will have his Queencrowned Queen.’

‘You are not a Queen’schampion.’ replied Llalorax calmly.

Darkmantle flashed thesceptre of lordly might and said ‘This says I’m Queen’s championand I defy anyone to dispute the fact.’

Suddenly there was agreat murmur within the crowd as they recognized the sceptre.

‘How do we know it’snot a fake?’ asked Llalorax.

‘As you know QueenAurora invited in independent artisan from Mudrun to the Balltonight who is well acquainted with the sceptre as his family madeit. Perhaps he can verify it.’

All eyes were uponGarret as he was escorted to the centre. He examined it closely andverified that it was indeed the real sceptre of lordly might.

‘We are getting aheadof ourselves.’ said Llalorax.

‘The contenders mustbe approved by the dragon throne before they can become Queen. Isuggest we seek the approval of the throne before we have anychallenges.’

‘That will be a wasteof time.’ replied Darkmantle. ‘The throne has been inactive fornearly fifty years.’

‘The protocol is thatthe candidates shall each make their way to the throne and eachshall touch an arm of the throne

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