Creator, thebeing responsible for creating the universe.
creature, anautonomous living unit comprising a sentient or non-sentient spiritoccupying and controlling a body container capable of independentmovement and decision making.
Crin, a speciesof newman-sized sentient ant-like creatures.
crystal sight,ability to see through rock similar to the stone sight of stoneelementals.
dead magic zone,an area made of rock that avidly absorbs magic essence.
dispel magic, anantimagic effect that causes other magical effects to be countered,removed or terminated.
Divine Power, agod-like Power or deity.
Divinity Seed, asmall piece of divine knowledge forbidden to mortals.
domination,magical way of taking absolute control of another person’s mind sothat you may force them to do your commands.
draconic,language used by the dragons, language in which magical effects andpowers are written.
druid, asentient creature devoted to preserving nature especially animalsand plants. A servant of the Goddess of Nature locally called theLady of the Jungle.
Druid Council ofMudrun, the governing body of Mudrun.
elemental, acreature whose body container is composed of fire, water, stone orair and uses magic essence as food.
elements, thefive elements, fire, water, stone, air and ectoplasm.
fey, an organiccreature that can use magic essence as food.
fairie world,alternate trivial name of Moonmist.
Fount, alsoFount of Wisdom, legendary creatures with strange powers.
gateway or gate,a magic portal allowing instant transport to a second portallocated on a different world. Permanent gateways are hugelyexpensive to create and are closely controlled with restrictedaccess. Temporary gateways require great magical skill to open andonly exist for very short durations.
gate world, aminiature world created by a Power, hosting permanent gateways toseveral locations.
gatherer, anon-sentient creature or plant that exists to gather raw data.
hive mind, aninnate telepathic method of communication similar to a mindlinkused by the Crin allowing them to be in continual contact withtheir Queen.
isoform ofmagic, one of the four physical states of magic essence.
innate ability,a magical ability that all individuals of a specific, oftennon-sentient creature type are born with and can use for offence ordefence.
Little People,several clans of different coloured small sentient reptilian peoplewith a mysterious past.
jeti, a sleekblack jungle cat.
Jeti people,clan of little people whose spirit totem is the spirit jeti,Jacintra.
llanllean, asentient shape changing spider that lives on Moonmist (pronouncedthanthean ie ll = th).
Logicon, anewman sized sentient intelligent slime creature that has evolved acomplex logic based society and uses polyhedral mobile body shellsas a mode of transport, protection and status.
magic essence, aform of energy/matter that can be manipulated to do work. It existsin gaseous, liquid, solid and ectoplasm isoforms.
mask, alias Maskof Chaos alias Jacintra’s Image, powerful sentient magic maskdesigned to cause trouble.
memory crystal,a small walnut sized crystal that contains a small bit of the usersmind.
memcrystal, anabbreviated name for a memory crystal.
mantras of Yith,seven sacred methods of mind manipulation. 1st mantra is a methodof remembering, 2nd mantra is a method of forgetting.
meta-elemental,a creature showing mixed elemental and organic features.
mind clay, alsocalled chaos matter, a clay-like material that can be mentallymanipulated by mind wizards to form objects. Its origin isunknown.
mind wizard,magic users who have the ability to use their minds to controlmagic essence drawn from an internal font called the source, tocreate magical effects called powers.
mindlink, a mindwizard method of private bi-directional mental telepathy.
mindspeak, localname for mental telepathy, unidirectional mind to mindcommunication.
Moonmist, aworld linked to Mudrun via a permanent gateway.
Mudrun, a worldof vast oceans and two continents covered in jungles with amysterious past.
newman, race ofhuman-like people excelling in magic technology that spreadthroughout the universe in search of the ultimate knowledge.
nymph, analluring sentient female fey creature reputed to lure unwary malenewmans to their deaths by excessive sexual activity.
organic,creatures that can live without magic essence, most animals andplants.
owl-bear, anmagically engineered monstrous aberration.
Panmagica, thecity-state of knowledge, hub of the universe.
perturber, anAgent of Chaos, a creature employed to upset the balance ofnature.
power, a magicalability; a magical effect produced by a mind wizard.
Power, asentient creature of great magical ability.
powerstone, astorage crystal containing one or more powers that can be mentallydischarged by a mind wizard. Similar to a scroll used bywizards.
preserver, acreature devoted to preserving the balance of nature (egdruid).
priests, membersof religious orders that use magical powers derived from DivinePowers via prayers.
prime directive,the most important rule set that governs the life of a Logicon.
psions, alsocalled mind wizards.
reincarnation,the process of rejoining or rebirth of a newman spirit in the bodycontainer of an animal.
resurrection,the process of rejoining a spirit with a new or repaired bodycontainer of the same kind.
seeker, asentient creature that is free to discover and use any knowledgethey find. Newmans and Yith are seekers.
scroll, a pieceof paper, cloth or skin used to store a written version of a singlepower that may be discharged by a magic user with the appropriateknowledge.
scry, to use amagical power to create a remote eye (like a camera) that can beused to observe distant events.
scrying pool orcrystal, devices used to receive the signal from the scryingeye.
sentient, acreature that is self-aware, that can think and reason.
skill crystal, acrystal used to store knowledge of a skill.
source, the fontof magic essence held within the spirit of a mind wizard.
spell, a recipeor set of instructions used by sentient creatures to control theeffects of magic essence.
spell-likeability, a natural ability under conscious control that usesmagic essence in a similar way to a spell.
spirit, anautonomous membrane-thin sack made of ectoplasm encoded with theinstructions for controlling a body container.
spirit aura, thevisual image of a creature’s spirit.
telepathy,locally called mindspeak, mind to mind communication.
teleport, amagical essence driven method of instant transport from onelocation to another within the same world. Generally expensive andlimited to higher level wizards and mind wizards.
teleport marker,a stone marked with magical symbols of the teleport coordinates ofa location. It allows error free teleport to the markedlocation.
Unity of Wisdom,council of wizards and religious faiths that govern Panmagica.
wand, a shortrod containing several powers of the same type that may bedischarged by a magic user with the appropriate knowledge.
wizards, magicusers who use learned magical effects derived from experimentationto control the effects of free magic essence taken from theenvironment.
Yith, a sentientbut violent militaristic lizard race.
Yithmardu, aYith druid.
Other Books by DesPensable
Divinity Seeds Book 1- Visions of Chaos
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