‘Why have theYith waited until Aquitain came here to invade this world knowingfull well that the Panmagican Alliance will send an army here totry to get rid of them?’ asked Quab but didn’t wait for an answerand continued on.
‘They knowsomething that we don’t. Perhaps it is about how and why thisplanet was destroyed. Perhaps it is about this Time of Chaosprophesy or perhaps it is something altogether different. I canaccept Aquitain is here for a purpose but it is hidden to us alland possibly even to him.’
‘Aquitain isnot in Mudrun at present, he’s gone to Moonmist. For every day hespends there, five will pass here. He is searching for someone andthat will take a few days of Moonmist time but weeks of our time.If you wished to talk to him you are out of luck Safronius. Youwill have to wait until he returns. In the meantime, if theproblems we currently face continue unabated, then it is safe tosay that they are not due to him but some other influence.’
‘If you wish tofind villains then go and find out why the new High Druid is moreintent on making enemies than friends. Find out why a score ofdruids and a priest attacked me and two friends in this sanctuary?Find out why the new High Druid wished to try, convict and executePrincess Miranda of Argenta when he knew it would cause a war. Findout who ordered Curbut to kill Aquitain. Find out why there is apriest and druids attacking and killing little people andCrin.’
‘By The Lady,what is happening here? I was not told about these things.’ saidSafronius suddenly. ‘Perhaps you can explain them to me?’
It wassomething about the way that Safronius asked Quab to tell him morethat made him a little suspicious that something was amiss.
‘I’ll get somemore wine first. We might as well enjoy the evening.’ laughedQuab.
He went intohis cottage and searched for an old bottle of wine made bySafronius with a label made by Quab. It was made using an unusualberry that was normally toxic to Newmans but drinkable by druids.Safronius was one of the few druids that knew how to make the stuffnontoxic so that Newmans could drink it. He took it out and showedto Safronius expecting a laugh but got none. Safronius didn’trecognize what it was. Alarm bells rang in Quab’s mind as he triedto control his fear.
I’ll get someglasses for this wine, it’ll taster better than from the woodenmugs.’ he said and went back into the cottage. Once inside hesearched around for a small glass sphere. It was given to him yearsago. Merchants in Panmagica used them to check whether someone wastrying to charm them while selling or buying goods. If you werecharmed the glass ball glowed.
Quab found theball and clenched it in his left hand and it glowed brightly. Hereturned to the fake Safronius.
‘You’re animposter, a convincing one at that but an imposter all the same.The real Safronius would have recognized that wine and had noreason to charm me.’ then he shouted
‘Lady I seekyour favour. Rid me of this imposter.’ and the sanctuary lit upwith a golden glow and Safronius was teleported and dumpedunceremoniously in the swamp north of Twin Towers.
Quab dropped tohis knees and thanked the goddess for her protection then stood upwith a happy smile on his face thinking how wonderful The Lady was.He sat down and poured himself a wine to contemplate what hadhappened. The talk with this fake Safronius had actually raisedquite a few issues that were most interesting.
‘By The Lady,this is a wonderful wine it tastes almost divine.’ He thought.‘Maybe I should save some for Featherdown. No. He wouldn’tappreciate it. I’ll drink it all myself.’
After an hourof deep thought and a full bottle of wine Quab decided to go andsee Featherdown. He had just reached the mage tower when therecently deposed High Druid Heteronimus teleported in a few pacesfrom the entrance.
‘Hello Quab!I’m here to see the High Wizard. Would you like to accompany me? Ibelieve you’re involved in this incident with the priest.’ said thedruid.
Quab nodded butsaid nothing as he accompanied the old druid to the front door.Featherdown greeted them suggesting that the old druid must haverecently advised the wizard that he was coming.
‘WelcomeHeteronimus,’ Said Featherdown, ‘It is a pleasure to see you again.Would you like a hot drink or a brew?’
‘No thank you!Let’s get right to the point. I specifically told you to keep outof druid business. I believe you were involved in an incident ashort while ago involving a priest. I want him released to meimmediately.’
‘I can’t dothat.’ said Featherdown. ‘The law states that I will have to puthim on trial here as he was caught in my territory. He will get apublic trial so that all the people will know why he was here andsee that justice was done.’
‘That isrubbish and you know it. This is a political matter.’ replied theold druid. ‘You will do as I say or there will be seriousrepercussions!’
‘I follow thelaws that you and your council gave me to administer. It has notbeen changed so it is still in force. I am still the High Wizardhere and until I’m told otherwise I will administer the law by theDruid Council rules.’
‘You’re anidiot. Things have changed. I’m not going to stand here arguing.Either you get him for me or we’ll take him!’ shouted the olddruid.
There was asurge of magic and Featherdown was fully clothed in his battle gearcomplete with a Staff of Power.
‘You would dareto insult me in my own tower!’ shouted Featherdown.
‘STOP!’ yelledQuab as he moved between Heteronimus and the High Wizard. ‘I won’tbe a party to any territorial disputes; it’s time to lay yourdifferences aside and start working together. Something big isabout to happen and we must be unified or we’ll all lose. I havesome interesting news to discuss.’
‘What news!’exclaimed both Featherdown and Heteronimus both glaring atQuab.
‘Might Isuggest we all go a sit down and have a cup of brew and calm downthen I will tell you?’ said Quab calmly but forcefully.
‘Mumbling tothemselves both the High Wizard and the old druid reluctantlyagreed wondering what Quab