“Madame, you don’t know how much I needed to see you. I need a dress for the dance held by the Count and Countess of Arfort and my friend Angustias Walton also needs dresses for a complete change of wardrobe; corsets, stockings, evening dresses, afternoon dresses and a riding outfit. As well as accessories: gloves, bonnets and more.
The woman lit up like a Christmas tree. “Gladly, Lady Wilmington. If you would walk this way, please.” She pointed to the room.
“Girls!” She called to two young women who helped her. “Please, bring the fabrics that arrived this afternoon and bring tea.” The two young women rushed out to fulfill her orders.
“Miss Walton, let me take your measurements to get ahead.”
Angustias stood up and let the woman do her work while the women showed them beautiful fabrics and magazines with the latest designs in evening dresses. The two women stayed there for a good part of the afternoon and then went to a shop where they sold beautiful shoes for women.
While they were in the carriage, the two women talked about the terrible journey that they had to get to that country and that most people were talking about the heiresses who came to England in search of a husband.
“I’ve been told that the parents of Rose Johnson and Filippa will also send them to England for next year’s season.”
“Them too? Are all the good matches in America gone?”
Angustias made the sign of the cross. Sonia looked at her strangely. “You’ve done that several times while we’ve been in the carriage.”
“Oh, it’s just that we passed a church.”
“And every time we pass by one you make the sign of the cross?
“Yes ...” she answered fearfully. “Is that wrong here?”
“Oh no, of course not, but there are several churches on the road and if you do that all the time it can become somewhat uncomfortable for whoever goes with you.”
Augusta looked hurt. “Sorry.”
“Oh no, dear. I do not say it because of me. I say it for the people who go with you in a carriage when they invite you to a place or when you’re with a gentleman. Don’t bother with me. I want to help you, but for that, I need to be very frank with you and tell you how to do things here. Remember that what we have to do is try to fit in.” Sonia winked.
“You’re right. Thank you for your help, Sonia. It’s invaluable to me,” Angustias answered more animatedly.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything. I’ve been here for a short time, but my cousin the Visco- untess of Exeter has been a guardian angel to me. She is the one who advises me and told me everything that is normal for us seems like an attack on their customs to the nobility,” Sonia said with a dramatic face, making Angustias smile.
“Are you happy?” Angustias surprised Sonia with the question.
“Well ... I married Robert, right?” Sonia said with a nervous little giggle.
“Yes, of course, but you know that men are bossy and liars. I wanted to know if he’s as charming as the first day.”
“He is,” Sonia said with complete certainty because Robert had not changed for the worse. On the contrary, he was charming with her every minute of the day and that made her decision to leave him much more difficult.
The night of the dance arrived very quickly and in less time than what they expected they were already attending the event together with their companions and watching a large number of high society people waiting in a line to enter.
Sonia arrived first with her husband. They were announced and she could feel the piercing gaze of the other people on her. It was why she had taken great pains in her appearance that day. Her dress was an impeccable red wine color, made of French chiffon and silk with lace embroidered on the neckline. The lace embroidery was quite pronounced. In the lower part of the dress around the hem were capriciously placed garlands of artificial roses. Her hair was styled in a Greek style with small roses adorning it. It gave her an elegant and quite youthful appearance. She wore satin slippers and silk gloves to match the color of the dress. Madame Angelique had taken great pains to ensure everything was perfect. Not to mention Angustias dress that looked resplendent that night. Angustias looked like another person. She would be unrecognizable if not for her characteristic shyness in speaking to others. The tight bun at the top of her head was gone and now she wore a beautiful hairstyle that highlighted her face and the dress in white and gold gauze gave her a certain aura of elegance and delicacy that even surprised Angustias by the change. All the gentlemen admired her and in a short time, her dance card was almost full. Sonia approached her at all times to know how she was and apparently the advice that she gave her on deportment and certain words that were frowned upon had worked. The women looked at Angustias with obvious rage, because being so pretty and having such a great dowry, the young unmarried women saw her as a tremendous competition.
“How are you, honey?” Robert asked his wife.
“I feel good. Although, I would feel better if my husband invited me to dance.” Sonia teased with a mischievous smile.
“If that makes my lady happy. I’ll do that.” Robert offered Sonia his arm, and she took it. They walked to where the other couples were and she felt like her husband was transporting her to another place, they seemed to float on the air. It was one of the things that she loved about Robert and that she would surely miss.
Time passed and Sonia could see some gentlemen dance with Angustias and surprisingly, Angustias wasn’t making the sign of the cross, nor did she look at