in these lands. What will I do if he fires me?”

“Do what you want,” Sonia shouted.

Sonia heard a sob from the girl as she ran away. Sonia did not know what to do. Enraged she thought of creating different situations to make Robert pay for his betrayal. She lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Later that evening a noise woke her up. She looked around, but it was dark. She lit the oil lamp next to her bed and saw that they were opening the door. Robert came with Charlotte and brought a tray of food.

“I hope that you have calmed down. Sonia did not answer but looked at him with murder in her eyes.

“Charlotte has brought you dinner and is going to help you pack. Tomorrow we leave early for Bath. I have business to attend at Redwood Manor.

Sonia was stunned. “You won’t try to lock me up in the country house, will you?”

“If you do not do anything crazy, I will not have to lock you up,” Robert said hastily. He didn’t look like the same cheerful and jovial person that he had been with her even though with others he was as cold as ice.

“Thanks for being honest at least.” Sonia looked at Charlotte. “You can take that away. I’m not eating. I prefer to die before being the prisoner of this man.”

Robert took her by the arm. “Don’t say that. Do you understand?”

Charlotte screamed.

“You do not want to find out Sonia. I can be the best husband or your worst nightmare if you make me angry.”

She had a hurt look in her eyes he could not resist. He touched a lock of her hair. “If you really wanted to we could live in peace. I can make you happy.”

“A man who lies from the beginning? One who does not feel anything for me just for my money?” Sonia said bitterly. “No, thank you.”

He sighed. “Very well, as you wish.” He signaled the maid to leave the tray. “She will decide if she eats.” Charlotte left the tray. Robert walked out the door followed by Charlotte. Sonia closed the door but listened when Robert locked the bolt. She stood in front of the door, full of rage.


The next morning very early, the suitcases and trunks of Sonia and Robert were loaded into the carriage. Sonia climbed in reluctantly with a feeling of fear and despair. How exactly had the situation that caused her the most fear come to pass?

“We will go directly there and we will only stop at an inn for lunch.”

“Sir, I think we’ll have to stop more than once because we have certain intimate matters that a lady cannot simply avoid like you men,” Sonia said defensively.

“If you prefer we can stop at several inns, every time your ... needs require it, but I must say it will take a little longer to arrive.”

“I don’t mind being late to my prison.” Sonia gave him a proud look.

“Oh my God! I’m going to travel on a horse. I prefer to ride than to listen to your complaints all the way there.” Robert left the carriage, leaving Sonia open-mouthed at his rude attitude.


The journey was difficult, but she was always deep in her thoughts. The hours passed quickly until they reached the country house and when they arrived all the servants were waiting to welcome them. She had to put on her best face to greet them and pretend that everything was fine. Sonia didn’t want to go through the shame of being locked up there and all the servants finding out. Also after many hours to think on the road, Sonia realized that it was best to make Robert believe that she would not run away. In order to have more time to be able to make a plan that would later take her out of there.

Robert climbed the stairs and supervised Charlotte and Sonia as they settled into their room. He looked at her with suspicion, but he wanted to give her a chance not to have to lock her up. “You are not going to try to escape?”

“And where am I supposed to go? I don’t know anyone around here. So you can say that you have won. You ruined my life and now you have a nice decoration for your house, besides the fortune that my father gave you.”

Robert looked at Charlotte, who looked uncomfortable and looked as if she had a sign saying “Get me out of here”.

“Charlotte, please leave us alone.” Charlotte left immediately and closed the door behind her.

“I would appreciate it if you did not air our problems in front of the servants.”

“Why? Didn’t the servants of the house in London not realize that you locked me up and everything else?”

“That was because you forced me to do it, but if there is anything I ask of in my house it is discretion, and they all have it. I do not want the same thing to happen as it did in London.”

“It will not happen, don’t worry.” Sonia looked out the window, waiting for him to leave, but far from that, she felt him move behind very close to her.

“You are a strong woman Sonia. I know you do not like what is happening. I have not seen you cry like a spoiled child. I know this is not what you expected but I want us to have a normal marriage, full of harmony and peace.”

“I’m sure that’s what you want,” Sonia said with irony. “It is what everyone wants. Meanwhile, I will stay here having children until one of those births ends my life and if that does not happen, then I will spend the rest of the time avoiding all the gossip about you and your current mistress.”

“It bothers me that you speak with such bitterness.” Robert took her by the shoulders and turned her around slowly. “You are a beautiful woman. You enchant me and I did not think that

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