“Your taste is perfect, my dear. You are so wet and hot for me,” he said in a voice full of desire, “You do not know what that does to a man. He began to suck her, to lick her juices, sucking hard on her clitoris, while Sonia trembled and he punished her with his tongue until he reached her vagina. His thrusts were strong, and he was dedicated to giving her a strong orgasm. He was rewarded by listening to her pant and she grabbed his hair.
“Oh, God!! No more! I can’t take anymore!” Sonia shouted.
Robert showed no compassion and continued tormenting her with his mouth, listening to her screams that he uttered with total abandon, without caring who listened to her. When her body was about to explode, he gave her a small bite on her clitoris and she simply fell apart into a thousand pieces, screaming her powerful orgasm, while her body trembled.
A while later, she was limp in the armchair, with Robert at her side. She had no idea when he had lifted her and placed her on top of him to hug her. After what seemed like an eternity, she quickly stood up and tried to compose herself.
“This should not have happened,” Sonia said still somewhat affected.
“Why not? You are my wife, Sonia, and we both wanted it.”
“I will not be available whenever you want. There are many things that separate us and I can tell you with complete certainty that I have not forgotten any of them.”
“But for a moment you did,” Robert said with his best smile.
She walked toward the door but he stopped her. “This must end, dear.”
“It ends when you give me my freedom.”
“You know very well that will not happen.” His were cold eyes. Every warm and loving gesture on his part vanished.
“Then we don’t have anything to talk about.” Sonia left quickly without saying anything else.
The next day Sonia went down to breakfast but did not find Robert, who was always there at that time. She sat down at the table and a footman began to serve her. The butler approached from a prudent distance.
“Good morning, Claude.”
“Good morning, Lady Wilmington.”
“My husband left early?”
“Lord Wilmington has gone on a trip for a few days,” he said uncomfortably, “he left a note in the study.”
“Bring it to me, please.”
He left immediately to retrieve the note.
When she read the note, she saw that Robert only said what was strictly necessary.
I’m going to London for a few days on business. Do not do anything stupid like trying to escape. You know very well that it will not work.
R. W
He did not write when he would return or even a “take care” nothing ... no kind words. Sonia knew he was upset, but she was angry, too, and his feelings were not more important than hers. Although no matter what happened or how upset he was, his departure, in that hasty way with that impersonal letter, took away her appetite. She ate some coffee and toast. After that, she went on her morning walk.
When Sonia returned from her walk in the garden, the butler approached her.
“Lady Wilmington you have a visitor.”
“Who is it, Claude?” It was strange because Sonia didn’t know anyone there.
“It is Mr. Leopold Connell, Lord Wilmington’s cousin.”
Sonia kept thinking, what could Robert’s cousin want with her? But she didn’t want to look rude.
“Tell him I’ll be right down. Take him to the green room and take care of him while I meet him in a little while.”
“Very good, milady.”
Sonia went upstairs to freshen up. Although, she did not change her dress. The dress she was wearing was fine for a day visit and she thought it flattered her figure. She remembered meeting Robert’s cousin. She thought he was a strange quiet man. He never treated her badly like her father-in-law had done. She did not talk much with him except when he congratulated her in a respectful manner. Although in the end when he left he wished her good luck with an indecipherable expression.
Sonia went downstairs and into the room where the man was waiting for her. He was looking at a painting of Robert’s mother that was hanging on one of the walls.
“Good morning, Mr. Connell.”
“Thank you.”
Sonia approached him and he took her hand to kiss it.
“I imagine you are wondering the reason for my visit.”
She nodded. “The truth is, yes. Please sit.”
“Thank you.”
“Would you like tea and cookies?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Sonia rang the bell to request tea service and continued talking with him.
“The truth is that I have come from my aunt’s country estate and it’s quite close to here. I said to myself why do I not visit my cousin that I have not seen for a while? But I find that he is not here and that he will be absent for several days.”
“It’s true. I’m sorry. Surely he would have liked to see you.”
“I do not doubt it. We have always been good friends.”
“I’m not equally pleasant company, but since you have come to visit us, I hope to attend you well.”
“Oh, do not say that,” he said embarrassed. “Your company is very precious to me.”
Sonia spent a pleasant afternoon talking to Leopold and time flew by. She invited him to eat, and he accepted enchanted.
“Then will you accompany me for supper?”
“Of course, I see no problem in leaving a little later.”
“Or maybe ... you can leave tomorrow,” Sonia said smiling.
“I could not...”
“Of course you can. In fact, I insist that you stay a few days. My husband will be gone for several days and I get bored terribly.”
“If you insist I cannot refuse.”
“Well, then we won’t speak of it anymore,” Sonia said enthusiastically.
A week later Sonia had formed a friendship with Leopold and had told him in confidence that she was very unhappy there. That her husband was a