‘What are you doing here?’ she demanded, attempting to feel outraged but finding that fear was her predominant feeling, fear of that look in his eyes.
‘That’s a damn stupid question to ask me,’ he sneered. ‘Where is he? Still in the bedroom?’
Her mouth fell open in surprise. ‘What are you talking about?’
If it was possible he sneered even more. ‘Your lover—this Alan you seem to find pleasure in tormenting me with.’ His voice was decidedly slurred, even more evidence of his having been drinking.
‘You’re drunk,’ she accused.
He threw back his head with a harsh laugh. ‘Of course I’m drunk! What the hell else do you expect me to be?’
She took an involuntary step towards him, flinching as he pushed her away. ‘Damien, what’s wrong?’
‘What’s wrong?’ he repeated scathingly. ‘You left James’ house this evening with the intention of jumping straight into bed with this Alan you seem to find so attractive—of course I’ve been drinking! I’ve been trying to forget exactly what you are and what you’ve been doing all evening.’
Kate shook her head, staring at him disbelievingly. ‘You don’t know what you’re saying.’
‘Like hell I don’t!’ He looked towards her bedroom, the glowing light in there evidence of her recent occupation. ‘What’s he doing, hiding in the bedroom?’
‘There’s no one here but us,’ she denied.
‘I can’t believe he’s left already.’ He staggered over to the bedroom door and kicked it open with his foot. ‘Well, well, well.’ He walked into the room, looking about him interestedly. ‘So you really were alone.’
‘I told you I was.’ Kate held the bedroom door open pointedly. ‘Now if you wouldn’t mind removing yourself?’
‘Oh, but I do, I mind very much.’ He sat down on the bed, patting the space beside him. ‘Come over here.’
Her eyes widened. ‘No!’
He lay back on the rumpled bedclothes. ‘Mmm, quite comfortable.’ His voice seemed to be becoming fainter and Kate’s face mirrored her dismay. He just couldn’t pass out here!
She rushed over to his side, trying unsuccessfully to pull him to his feet. ‘You can’t fall asleep here,’ she said desperately. ‘Please, Damien! Get up.’
His answer was to give her hand a sharp tug, unbalancing her so that she fell on top of him. With a swiftness she wouldn’t have believed him capable of in his inebriated state he rolled over, pinning her beneath him.
‘Damien!’ she pleaded.
There was no mercy for her in those narrowed green eyes as he bent his head to kiss her throat. ‘Damien what?’ he muttered. ‘Damien, leave me alone? Or Damien, love me?’ He continued with his caressing lips down to the hollow between her breasts.
‘Damien, I—’ she groaned as he touched her breasts with his mouth, coaxing them to full pulsating life, her denials for his touch dying on her lips.
‘Damien, love me,’ he answered for her throatily. ‘I intend to, angel. I intend to love you all the way to hell and back.’
‘Hell?’ she asked breathlessly.
‘I’m going to give you some of the hell you’ve put me through since I met you. Oh, Kate,’ he moaned against her lips. ‘I’ve got to have you, whether it be willingly or a fight to the end.’
He took her lips with a savagery that told her he wasn’t going to be gentle with her, that his taking of her was to be a punishment. A trip to hell he had described it, and she could well believe he meant it.
‘No, Damien!’ She began pushing at him. ‘Not like this.’
‘Exactly like this,’ he told her between gritted teeth. ‘You won’t taunt and tease me again, that I can promise you.’
Her whimper of pain as he pinned her to the bed was unheard by him. He was intent only on taking her body, his lips painful and brutal. Finally, when she thought she could fight him no longer, she felt the life go out of him, his body suddenly heavy on hers.
‘Damien?’ she queried tentatively, not sure if this was another trick. She said his name again when he didn’t answer her, but there was still no reply. There could be no doubt about it, he had passed out.
It took all her strength to push him off her, but finally she managed it. He must have had a lot to drink for it to have affected him like this! It was impossible to wake him, so in the end she gave up trying. He would have to stay here for the night. She could sleep on the sofa.
She made him more comfortable before leaving the room, slipping off his shoes before sliding his legs on to the bed. She wished she could take off his jacket, but he was much too heavy for her to move. Oh well, it served him right if he ached in the morning. She had no sympathy for him.
She was still shaking when she came out of the bedroom, turning out the light and closing the door behind her. Damien was going to have the devil of a headache in the morning. And so he ought to have!
Kate was sipping a cup of coffee when Josie came in, her nerves slowly steadying. She had no doubt that if Damien hadn’t passed out he would have carried out his threat. There had been a steely inflexibility that would have ignored her protests.
Wordlessly she poured Josie a cup of coffee from the pot, still too shaken to engage in polite conversation.
‘Thanks.’ Josie sipped the brew. ‘There’s a fantastic car outside,’ she exclaimed excitedly. ‘Paul and I have just been looking at it. I wonder if it belongs to someone living in the building.’
‘No,’ Kate answered dully.
‘Do you know who it belongs to?’