until you’re ready to face forever. As long as you promise that if ever you don’t want to stay, you’ll come to me and say goodbye before you go—because I’m not going anywhere.”

Her breath caught in her throat. Could it be that simple?

“What do you say? Can you promise me tomorrow?”

She lifted her fingers to his cheeks, as though the simple touch could give her the courage to reach for what she wanted most. “Yes, I can do today. We can work on tomorrow.” The heavy ache that had settled in her chest since she’d bolted from the kitchen lifted.

“That’s all I ask.”


Rylee pressed herself deeper into Niko’s body and tipped her chin up. There were many reasons why she should slip out of his arms—and out of his bed. There were other men in the house waiting to speak to them. Jaxon would arrive soon. But she had more to keep her right where she was. The intensity of their conversation had left her restless in a way that needed an outlet. One that would solidify their new understanding. The budding idea of a future with Niko required cementing in her mind—in her soul.

“I don’t suppose we have time to seal the deal, so to speak, before your Alpha gets here?” she suggested, tracing her tongue along the bow of his lip. She couldn’t keep her body still, and from the hard press of his cock against her thigh, she didn’t think he minded one bit.

“We’ll make time.” He tangled his fingers in her hair at the base of her neck, angling her head the way he wanted it before taking her mouth in a kiss that spoke of the desperation still thrumming through him. She recognized it because it was the same need to reconnect that was running rampant through her—a physical demand to join and be one.

He pulled away only long enough to tug the tank top up over her head before dragging his mouth down the column of her neck. Goosebumps chased the rough scrape of his whiskers, making her nipples pucker beneath the lace of her bra. She needed out of her clothes, but more than that, she was desperate to have him out of his. Nothing else would do.

With more strength of will than of body, she pushed against his shoulders. He resisted for a second before finally releasing her. “Naked. Now,” she demanded as she sat up and reached behind her for the clasp of her bra.

Niko watched her for what felt like an eternity, his hunger bright and powerful in his eyes, driving her want much higher. It wasn't until she flung the undergarment away from her and rose onto her knees, fighting with the button of her shorts, that he sprung into action. His shirt came off and went flying in the same direction her bra had. He brought his hands to her waist, helping her when she struggled with her fumbling fingers.

He managed to pop the button and lower the zipper before she took over again. “Yours,” she said, her speech reduced to single words and simple phrases.

In a second, he was off the bed and had his jeans down to his ankles. He kicked them away, then crawled to her again. Rather than intimidate her, the predatory gleam in his eye sent fresh waves of damp heat rolling through her to land between her legs where her clit throbbed in time with her pulse.

“Have to hurry,” she said when he paused with his hands on either side of her hips. She’d only managed to get her shorts that far.

Rather than pull them lower, Niko gripped the material in his fists. “Do you trust me?” he asked her, his voice rough.



He jerked her hips, flipping her so that she was on her belly. He slipped her shorts down to her knees, then off. Where they ended up, she had no idea. She didn't care.

With a huge palm on her belly, he pulled her up onto her knees in front of him. He angled himself between her thighs, and in the next instant, he was inside her. It wasn’t a soft, gentle thrust that would have her mewling in pleasure over time. This was a hard stroke that hit every nerve ending and every muscle on the way in and made them sing in ecstasy. It was a claiming, pure and simple.

“I can’t be gentle right now,” he warned as he dragged his hips back. Niko’s fingers dug into her flesh hard enough to leave a mark, but she didn’t care. He was as hungry and desperate as she was.

“You’re mine,” he said, then slammed into her again.

She should try to be quiet, but with the pleasure rushing through her, she couldn’t for the life of her remember why.

“Say it,” he demanded as he withdrew once more. He paused with only the head of his cock inside her and slipped his hand from her hip to the juncture between her thighs. The first stroke across her clit had her breath catching in her throat. With the second, she was moaning as she pushed against him, trying to bring him back inside her, but he held her where she was.

“Say it,” he insisted again, his fingers strumming slowly around her clit.

“I’m yours, at least for today,” she whispered, almost too breathlessly to be heard. “I’m yours. Take me,” she said, her voice gaining strength with the conviction behind her words.

As soon as the words slipped from her lips, he slammed inside her again. Skin slapped against skin. His pelvis pounded against her ass, and all she could do was hang on and let the pleasure wash over her.

Niko’s moans drove her need higher until her pussy fluttered around his shaft. His smooth, hard thrusts became more sporadic. His sweeping strokes around and over her

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