clit tightened until every nerve pulsed with ecstatic pleasure. Then, just as he grunted and pressed his cock into her as deep as he could go, the hot jets of his come coating her pussy, he pulled her clit between his thumb and finger and gave it an insistent pinch.

She screamed his name as she came, her voice going hoarse with the effort.

“Fuck, yes,” he cried out as her body clenched and released around him, milking every last drop from him.

She didn’t know if she managed to move, or if he brought her down with him, but they ended up lying side by side on the bed, chests heaving, facing one another. The heat of his body lulled her into a dazed state somewhere between sleep and wakefulness.

The distant sound of a car door had her eyes popping open, slamming her back into reality. She groaned and buried her face in his neck, needing to hide if only for another few seconds.

“How loud was I?” She knew she’d screamed, but maybe it wasn’t as horrible as she recalled.

His grin said it all. “Soundproofing this room might not be a bad idea.”

And now she had to face those men.

“Luca and Emmet were outside long before that, though, so you have nothing to worry about.”

She popped her head up. “Really?” It was one thing for her to have behaved like a nut job at dinner, but to then come to a screaming orgasm with them close enough to hear was more than she could wrap her mind around.

“Really.” He pressed his lips to hers again. “If I’m not mistaken, that’ll be Jaxon. I’ll wash up, then you can have that shower. Come down when you’re ready.”

Niko gave her one last squeeze, then kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m looking forward to our tomorrows,” he said before climbing from the bed.


Two days ago, had anyone said she’d be counting tomorrows and looking forward to seeing what each one would bring, she’d have told them they were nuts. Maybe she was the one who had lost her marbles. Not only had she agreed to stick around knowing that danger would follow, but she was contemplating making Dexter her home. How could she not?

Had she the power to build her perfect man from a mold and give him all the traits she’d want in her spouse—or mate—Niko would have been the result. Physically, he ticked every single one of her boxes, found a few that she hadn’t considered, and ticked those, too. He didn’t hide his loving nature and kindness. Even though Luca had blown it off, Niko had apologized for his behavior toward his brother. She had the feeling that when he gave his heart, it was forever. And maybe that was what had frightened her the most. Maybe he was too good—too perfect. Maybe he’d wake up one day and decide she really wasn’t good enough.

She took a shuddering breath, her heart racing along with her thoughts. No. I’m not doing this again. I promised to take things one day at a time, and that’s what I’ll do. I’ll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

She didn’t waste any time. Using quick, efficient movements, she lathered herself up, then rinsed the soap from her body. She wasn’t up on pack etiquette, but she’d bet that keeping the Alpha waiting wasn’t a good idea. Jaxon gave her the impression he was a fair and good leader, but she wasn’t willing to test out his good nature so soon.

Padding from the bathroom, she went straight for the bags. She hadn’t washed the clothes, but at least they were clean-ish. She quickly found socks, underwear, and jeans, snapping tags off as she went. She pulled them on and kept rooting around for a shirt.

When she opened the second bag, her mouth watered. Maple, I love you. There, at the very top, a big baggie—not a sandwich bag, but one of those large freezer bags—sat filled with various candies she’d made. She opened it up and grabbed a few, sticking them in her front pocket before unwrapping one and popping it into her mouth.

Maple was concerned about what she should sell in her store once she opened her doors in the spring, but any one of the treats Rylee had sampled so far would be a major hit. She didn’t have a huge sweet tooth, but already, she was addicted. That said something.

Digging deeper, she pulled a T-shirt out. She didn’t have it close to her skin yet, and her nose was wrinkling at the smell. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. Would rooting through Niko’s things be too intrusive so early in their relationship? She didn’t think so. If anything, she suspected that her mate would like to see his clothes on her.

She was about to cross to the closet when a splash of grey over the back of a wooden chair caught her eye. The Beatles shirt that had looked so good on him the day before. Perfect. As much as she’d love to have it over her naked flesh, she threw on her bra, then slipped into the soft shirt, moaning once it was in place. It. Smelled. Amazing. More than amazing. She bunched the fabric to her nose and drew a deep breath. He might never get it back.

She ran a quick brush through her hair and pulled it up into a messy bun. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. She’d been dallying for over fifteen minutes already. Time to get down there and get this over with, chickadee.


Perched on the top step with a cold beer in his hand, Jaxon looked like he hadn’t a care in the world. Of course, Niko knew better. He had the responsibility of the entire Wassookeag pack on his shoulders. His mate had mellowed him, for sure, but he still wasn’t a

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