got some smooth trails you can ride. You can’t rip through them like you were doing in town, but you can still take her for a spin if you’re careful.”

It took all of one second for her squeal to fill the barn, and another to snatch the key from him. “I’ll take good care of her.”

He shook his head and grinned before heading for the back doors and opening them for her. “At the fork about a hundred feet out, veer left. You’ll loop around and come back if you stay on that trail.”


What the hell was Niko doing? No one, not even Luca, laid a hand on his Chief, much less ride it, yet he’d handed the key over to Rylee as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Even now, watching her speed down the trail with her long hair blowing in the wind behind her, he couldn’t help but smile.

The woman had a thing for motorcycles. His grin widened. He’d have to build an extension to the barn so Rylee could house her own collection. For now, he’d move two of his bikes into one of the bigger stalls so Ursula would have her own space.

By the time he had things rearranged and the Ducati in its new home, the soft rumble of the Chief’s engine grew louder. Rylee hadn’t been gone long—ten minutes, at most—but already his wolf was panting to see her again, to smell her—to claim her. He took a soft cloth and began polishing the pink machine to a brilliant shine.

When she’d brought up the fact she was his mate, and even used it to keep from getting into trouble over the whole video thing, joy had speared through him. He couldn’t care less if she’d seen the scenting ceremony video. She was right, as his mate, it wouldn’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things. It had been a project the females of Blue Creek had undertaken that had gone incredibly wrong—yet also very right for each of them since they’d found their mates with the Wolfe brothers. They were good men and deserved the happiness their mates brought to them.

Rylee’s smile, when she came rolling into the garage, stole his breath. Fucking gorgeous. And he hadn’t seen her out of her leathers yet. Not that the tight material hid the luscious curves, but he wanted to see more.

She returned the bike to its rightful spot with all the care of a mother with a newborn babe. She didn’t spare him a glance when she hopped off the bike or when she bent down and yanked her boots. But the moment she straightened, she zeroed her gaze on him. Her smile disappeared as she ran her tongue over her lips, but the sparkle in her eyes remained. It was hotter—needier—than when she’d left. She unzipped her jacket and slung it over the rail of one of the stalls as she strode by. Her pale pink T-shirt hugged her figure, putting her breasts on display. Even from where he stood, he could see her nipples poking at the fabric. She took another step before grabbing the hem and yanking it up and over her head. It fell in a pile at her feet where she dropped it.

A pink lace bra was all that stood between his hungry gaze and the rosy nipples he could see peeking out at him. But rather than reach up and remove that one last barrier, she went to work on the pants.

“I’d start stripping now if I were you,” she said breathlessly when she stopped a few feet away to wiggle out of her leathers.

His heart pounded, but nowhere near as hard as his dick. She was fucking stunning. He ripped his T-shirt from his body and flung it aside. If she wanted him, he sure as hell wasn’t saying no. He had his jeans and boxers off before she reached him. She looked him up and down, licking her lips as though she wanted to eat him up. Fine by him.

When she finally stopped in front of him, she threw her arms around his neck, and crushed her lips to his. This wasn’t a soft and sweet kiss—this was hard and desperate. Tongues battled and teeth clashed. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning into his mouth when the position brought her pussy into contact with his shaft.

One thin bit of pink lace that matched her bra separated them. He squeezed her ass cheeks in his hands and held her steady as he rocked his hips, making her moan again.

She unwrapped herself from around him and pushed against his chest. As hard as it was, he let her go. It was soon—too soon, maybe. If she had gotten caught up in the moment and was having second thoughts, he’d respect that. But the way she was ogling his chest—and then lower, to his cock—it sure as hell didn’t look like she was uncertain.

“Panties,” she said as she hooked her fingers in the tiny elastic and tugged them down her thighs.

He closed the gap between them and went to his knees. He’d fantasized about burying his nose in her pussy half a dozen times already. There was no way he was letting the opportunity pass. He brought the scrap of lace to her feet where she lifted first one, then the other, allowing him to remove the panties completely. He fisted the material, brought it to his face, then took a deep breath as she watched.

Rylee gasped, and more of her intoxicating scent filled the air. As delicious as they smelled, she smelled sweeter. He needed more. Grasping her thighs in his hands, he pulled her closer until she was right where he wanted her. He lifted one thigh over his shoulder, his hands steadying her, and burrowed deeper. His nose ruffled the

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