Harder, but not enough to pierce the skin, making her gasp. He brought a hand up and wrapped his fist in her hair, tugging gently, positioning her the way he wanted, then took her mouth again.

He snapped his hips back, then filled her so fast she cried out. The pleasure shooting through her wouldn’t be denied. She may want to make it last, but her body wasn’t giving her that option. Niko growled as he repeated his hard, deep thrusts, sending her body soaring higher with each one.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, the smooth glide changed, becoming more erratic, less controlled. His sighs joined hers as he drove into her. Her pussy quivered around him. Every cell in her body hummed with the white-hot pleasure whipping through her. Unable to contain it, Rylee let go. Her pussy clenched and released in hard spasms that stole all reason.

Niko moaned. His thrusts faltered, and when he snapped his hips forward again, he stayed where he was, buried as deep inside her as he could go. His cock jerked, and she tightened the grip of her legs around him, wanting every drop his body was giving.


Rylee sat at the kitchen island as Niko threw the two steaks he’d seared into the oven. Each one was big enough to feed a small family. He glanced her way and grinned before going to the fridge. If he didn’t want her staring, he should have put his shirt back on, or at least done up the button of his jeans. As it was, she might jump him all over again. They could eat tomorrow.

“So, tell me about the job. What are we looking for? Do you have any clues as to where I can start my search?” he asked as he pulled lettuce and veggies out to make a salad.

She rose from the stool she’d parked her ass on when they’d come in, went to the sink, and washed her hands. “I can hold my own in the kitchen. I’ll chop while we talk.”

He plunked a heavy cutting board next to the spot he’d been working at and handed the knife over.

“A package meant for my client, an external hard drive, was intercepted three weeks ago. The information contained on it could be dangerous in the wrong hands. The person who stole it hasn’t surfaced since the day it went missing, which means either the vamps got him and he’s dead, or he’s not quite as stupid as he seems and has gone into hiding.”

Niko paused washing the lettuce to look at her. “The vamps don’t have it. If they did, they wouldn’t be after you. He’s in hiding.”

She was nodding before he finished speaking. “I suspect as much.”

“And you think he’s somewhere near here?”

“He went to U of M in Orono seven years ago. He did some camping in the woods surrounding Dexter on weekends and breaks.”


“Jason Manchester.”

He looked at her for a few seconds before shaking his head. “Doesn’t ring a bell, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’ll ask Jaxon and Emmett. Nothing goes on in this town that they don’t know about. Do you have a picture?”

She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and pulled it up.

He scrutinized it for a moment then shook his head again. “Nothing. Can you send it to me? I’ll show the others. If he’s in our woods, someone will have seen him.”

“Sure. What’s your number?”

He rattled off his digits, and she saved them before forwarding the image. The sooner they found the guy, the better. Her job had nothing to do with keeping the thief alive, but if she caught up to him and relieved him of the package, his chance of survival went up—at least a little.

“Do you know what’s so important to your employer that people are getting murdered to get it back?”

“Nope. And I don’t want to know. It doesn’t change anything for me. I’m not paid to have information. I’m paid to retrieve things.”

He raised his eyebrows, concern etching his face. “Sounds risky. And dangerous.”

“My job may not be all fun and roses, but I’m good at what I do.”

When his eyebrows lifted further, she laid a hand on his forearm. “I don’t take unnecessary chances. I screen my clients to make sure I’m not lining up with the wrong people.”

He gave her a small nod, but his frown remained.


Niko didn’t like it. Just the thought of Rylee being in danger had his wolf howling with rage, but what could he say? He was shoved into harm’s way almost every time he took on a tracking job. That didn’t stop him from doing what he needed to do, though, and he suspected it wouldn’t deter her, either.

“All right. So, first thing in the morning, I’ll go scouting around Wassookeag Lake. That’s the most likely place where he would have done any camping. There are smaller lakes around, but that’s the easiest to get to, and there are plenty of places to disappear if a person wanted to get off the grid,” he told her.

“Great, I’ll go with you,” she said, smiling.

“I’d love for you to, but I’ll cover a lot more ground in wolf form, and there’s no way your bike will handle the rough terrain. I wouldn’t bring any of my bikes there, either,” he added when she looked like she’d argue.

“What am I supposed to do all day then?” she asked, pouting her lips in a way that made him want to kiss her all over again and forget about the steaks.

He could offer for her to hang out at the house, but he didn’t want to leave her alone, and he could use Jaxon’s help. If he and Luca took one side of the lake, and Jaxon and Emmett took the

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