“Friendlyfire, shot me in my leg and shoulder the idiots. Come help me now,” he calledto me, the pain was evident on his face and I was enjoying it. Before I could answerthree zombies came shuffling around the corner slowly until they caught sightof Deacon but they soon quickened their pace after that. They had troublenavigating the bodies on the floor but were making steady progress.
“Georgehurry!” he called, he was now starting to panic, I had never seen this look onDeacon before but I quite liked it. Anger surged through me and I knew exactlywhat to do.
“You knowwhat, you bastard?” I called back taking a few steps towards him, “I hope theyeat every last bit of you so that when you die you stay dead. I hope you feelevery set of teeth that enters your skin to rip it to shreds, for every fingerthat you laid on Nia and all of the other women, you prick,” I said and justfor good measure I held up my gun and steadied myself and took aim at his goodkneecap.
“Come onGeorge we can work this out. I rescued you, we played darts together….” hestarted. I fired the gun, missing his kneecap but hitting his shin bone, thiswas just as effective. He screamed out in pain but pure anger shone in hiseyes. “I will get payback George, I will hunt you down for this,” he screamedat me. The zombies were now about twelve foot away from him. “Bye Deac,” I called, I closed and locked the door to thegarage, so that nobody could get into us.
Xanderhad turned his truck around ready to go, he stuck his head through his windowand called out to me, “Deacon?”
I shook myhead no trying to look disappointed. He hung his head.
“You guyskeep driving and don't stop for anything, we will take up the rear. Just getthose that are left to safety,” Will called out to Xander.
“Willdo. Good luck Will, George. See you guys soon,” he called back, pulling histruck to the front of our convoy.
The doorswere run by a remote control that Will held in his hand, he pressed the buttonto open the door, “Get ready George we may have a huge fight on our hands. “Heand John were in the front of our truck both had guns at the ready. He took mygun and reloaded it.
The Swissarmy truck went first; Lewis had told me that it could seat up to twenty peoplein the back. The bottom of the box was solid but the top was like a tarpaulin.However, they should be safe enough as long as they kept moving. The truck wasout the door first, there were a few zombies outside which it easily drovethrough and over, instead of around them. Our truck was next through the doors,I looked around, the place was almost unrecognizable. Bodies were everywhere.Most of them were zombies and some of them were people from the warehouse,people I saw every day and even though I didn't really speak with any of them Iwas still sad that they had died in this awful manner.
Wedrove forward towards the back gate, I turned to see if the other Land Roverwas behind us. I could not believe my eyes. From around the corner of thebuilding came a horde of zombies. “Uh Will? We have some company coming frombehind,” I told him, my voice was getting louder and louder.
“What isit?” Will asked turning to look at me and then seeing what I saw. He picked upthe walkie-talkie that was connected to the frequency that Xander'swas. “Xander we have a lot of trouble coming in fromthe rear you need to step on it. You clear in front?” Will asked.
“Yeah,Will, we see them, we are all clear in front so far and are speeding up,” cameJason's reply, he must have been sat up front with Xander.
“Copy that.Keep going south we will check in, in half an hour in case we get separated,”Will said.
“Ok. Wewill go scout ahead. Bye,” Jason said.
The truckin front pulled away and we started to accelerate. I was glad that we werepulling away from the horde. They must have heard the car engines and startedtowards the sound. Car number two started to slow down and stop. “Will we havemore survivors; we’re stopping to get them.” Nia's voice came over the radio.
“No Nia,Lewis if you can hear me, keep driving, the horde is too close to you,” Willshouted into the walkie.
I could seethe survivors, there was a group of them now running to the car. Shots werefired from the back of their car dropping the zombies closest to them. The backdriver’s side door was open ready for the people on foot to jump in. They dovein although where they all would fit I would never know. “Start driving, theyneed to get out of here fast,” Will told John.
Lewis comeup close behind us, a few more shots rang out for the car behind us but I couldnot see if they had hit their targets.
We wereclear of the gates and there was no sign of the truck that was in front of us.Hopefully our plan had worked and we were on our way to the fire station to getAdam and Amelia and then home to my babies.
We saw afew more zombies on the way to Aldham, they would see or hear the car and turnto follow us for a while before something else would gain their interest andthen they would follow after that. I wondered how many people were left in theworld and where they were. I closed my eyes and listened to the purr of theengine. There was small chatter between Will and John as Will gave himdirections to the fire station and I took comfort in