good sign. These military men and women were trained to protect, to keep calm. It was an organized chaos. Because the public living area was full, captain Cooper and his men had set us up in their military living quarters.

This sister site that had been attacked was going to be a new living area, the plan was to start rescue missions again, but to bring more people in we needed more room.  There was a small crew over there clearing out a huge warehouse and securing the fences. Making it a habitable place.

I didn’t know much more than that, I hadn’t really been a part of anything since we got back, I just lay in my room, not talking to anyone and barely eating. Nia and Will had tried but were now giving me the space that I needed.

Billy and I exited the building into the bright sunlight causing me to squint a little until my eyes adjusted.

Will bumped into me from behind, grabbing my arm he started to pull me along at a run.

“Will, what the….?”

“Nia was in there George” I heard the worry in his voice and suddenly fear replaced the anger I felt.

No, no, not again, please God, I can’t lose anyone else, especially not her, I prayed to myself as the three of us ran at full speed towards the large open gates.

Chapter 2

Adrenaline pumped through my system, and I forced myself to run faster, I overtook Will and got my gun ready. It was surprising how easily this came to me now. Captain Cooper’s men were already at the scene, barking orders, moving efficiently through the chaos, loud gunshots echoing all around me. It looked like the people working there had been caught by surprise, I spun around in circles looking for Nia. I could see the men covering up the three dead, but refused to believe that she was one of those, so instead I focused on the living.

The military men were herding together the survivors; they would have to be thoroughly checked for bites or scratches and then put into a twenty-four-hour quarantine.

There were only four people in line being checked over, Amelia was one of them, I jogged over to her and gave her a hug. Happy to see her safe and hoping that she was not infected.

“Amelia, where is Nia?” desperation laced my voice, my heart felt like it was in my mouth and I found it hard to breathe.

“Uh, I don’t know, there was so much going on and we got separated. She tried to lead them away from the rest of us. It didn’t work, they kept coming. That was the last I saw of her. She was in the building.” Amelia pointed to the large red-bricked warehouse that would hopefully become extra living quarters for new survivors. Amelia’s lip started to quiver and she broke down into sobs.

The nurse checking her over, gave her the all clear for any bites or scratches and then led her back to the main compound where her and the others would be put into separate rooms, used for quarantine. They would be observed for twenty-four hours and then if still not showing any signs of the zombie virus they would be released back into the rest of our populace.

The pop of a gunshot was heard coming from inside the building and suddenly my legs were propelling me forward at top speed. Heading into the dark, ominous looking property, followed closely by Will and Adam. The stale damp smell of a long-abandoned building hit me, it wasn’t pleasant but I ignored it, instead focusing on getting my eyes used to the darkness.

“Nia” I called not caring who or what heard me. We were standing in what used to be a warehouse, what it distributed I didn’t know and didn’t care. There were multiple red doors that lined the light grey walls on this floor.

“George, you take the bottom floor, Billy and I will take the second floor.” I nodded to Will as two military men came in the doors we had entered through carrying large, heavy looking torches.

One followed me and the other followed Will. I noted that they didn’t offer to go up ahead and keep us civilians safe.

We walked quickly, desperate to find her alive and unharmed, I stayed alert my eyes darting all over the area, my ears trying to pick up the tiniest of sounds. We checked every room as we went, several pump trucks, empty pallets, and forklifts were lined against the right-hand wall. Long rows of red metal shelving units from floor to ceiling held various sized boxes. Private Lewis checked the area in-between the storage shelves. I could see an office at the back of the storage area. The torch Private Lewis held, highlighted small reddish-brown stains leading towards it, I broke into a run not bothering to check the rest of the doors or wait for the others.

I could now hear them, moaning and grunting, there were two of them trying to get past a barricade of office furniture. They were so focused on their prize that they didn’t notice me behind them. I lifted my gun and shot them both at close range, in the heads, not missing.

“Nia!” I called, trying my hardest to push the furniture out of the way. Fear gripped my heart tightly until I thought it would burst, I was scared at what I would find inside.

“George?” I heard her small voice, coming from around the side of the office, I followed the sweet sound to see her shakily climbing up behind the sliding office window. I helped her through, and before her feet touched the ground the military man had his gun pointed on her.

“Don’t move, miss, I’ll need to take you to quarantine.” He barked.

I ignored him in favor of

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