16. Brent D.A. et al., ‘An Outbreak of Suicide and Suicidal Behavior in a High School’, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1989.
17. Aufrichtig A. et al., ‘Want to fix gun violence in America? Go local’, The Guardian, 9 January 2017.
18. Quotes from author interview with Charlie Ransford, April 2018.
19. Confino J., ‘Guardian-supported Malawi sex workers’ project secures funding from Comic Relief’, The Guardian, 9 June 2010.
20. Bremer S., ‘10 Shot, 2 Fatally, at Vigil on Chicago’s Southwest Side’, NBC Chicago, 7 May 2017.
21. Tracy M. et al., ‘The Transmission of Gun and Other Weapon-Involved Violence Within Social Networks’, Epidemiologic Reviews, 2016.
22. Green B. et al., ‘Modeling Contagion Through Social Networks to Explain and Predict Gunshot Violence in Chicago, 2006 to 2014’, JAMA Internal Medicine, 2017.
23. Fitting a negative binomial offspring distribution to the cluster size distribution from Green et al., I obtained a maximum likelihood estimate for the dispersion parameter k=0.096. (Method from: Blumberg S. and Lloyd-Smith J.O., PLOS Computational Biology, 2013.) For context, MERS-CoV had R=0.63 and k=0.25 (from: Kucharski A.J. and Althaus C.L., ‘The role of superspreading in Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) transmission’, Eurosurveillance, 2015).
24. Fenner F. et al., Smallpox and its Eradication (World Health Organization, Geneva, 1988).
25. Evaluations of violence interruption methods: Skogan W.G. et al., ‘Evaluation of CeaseFire-Chicago’, U.S. Department of Justice report, March 2009; Webster D.W. et al., ‘Evaluation of Baltimore’s Safe Streets Program’, Johns Hopkins report, January 2012; Thomas R. et al., ‘Investing in Intervention: The Critical Role of State-Level Support in Breaking the Cycle of Urban Gun Violence’, Giffords Law Center report, 2017.
26. Examples of criticism of Cure Violence: Page C., ‘The doctor who predicted Chicago’s homicide epidemic’, Chicago Tribune, 30 December 2016; ‘We need answers on anti-violence program’, Chicago Sun Times, 1 July 2014.
27. Patel D.M. et al., Contagion of Violence: Workshop Summary (National Academies Press, 2012).
28. Background from: Seenan G., ‘Scotland has second highest murder rate in Europe’, The Guardian, 26 September 2005; Henley J., ‘Karyn McCluskey: the woman who took on Glasgow’s gangs’, The Guardian, 19 December 2011; Ross P., ‘No mean citizens: The success behind Glasgow’s VRU’, The Scotsman, 24 November 2014; Geoghegan P., ‘Glasgow smiles: how the city halved its murders by “caring people into change”’, The Guardian, 6 April 2015; ‘10 Year Strategic Plan’, Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, 2017.
29. Adam K., ‘Glasgow was once the “murder capital of Europe”. Now it’s a model for cutting crime’, Washington Post, 27 October 2018.
30. Formal evaluations are not available for all aspects of the VRU programme, but some parts have been evaluated: Williams D.J. et al., ‘Addressing gang-related violence in Glasgow: A preliminary pragmatic quasi-experimental evaluation of the Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV)’, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2014; Goodall C. et al., ‘Navigator: A Tale of Two Cities’, 12 Month Report, 2017.
31. ‘Mayor launches new public health approach to tackling serious violence’, London City Hall press release, 19 September 2018; Bulman M., ‘Woman who helped dramatically reduce youth murders in Scotland urges London to treat violence as a “disease”’, The Independent, 5 April 2018.
32. Background on Nightingale’s Crimea work from: Gill C.J. and Gill G.C., ‘Nightingale in Scutari: Her Legacy Reexamined’, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2005; Nightingale F., Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army: Founded Chiefly on the Experience of the Late War (London, 1858); Magnello M.E., ‘Victorian statistical graphics and the iconography of Florence Nightingale’s polar area graph’, Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin, 2012.
33. Nelson S. and Rafferty A.M., Notes on Nightingale: The Influence and Legacy of a Nursing Icon (Cornell University Press, 2012).
34. Background on Farr from: Lilienfeld D.E., ‘Celebration: William Farr (1807–1883) – an appreciation on the 200th anniversary of his birth’, International Journal of Epidemiology, 2007; Humphreys N.A., ‘Vital statistics: a memorial volume of selections from the reports and writings of William Farr’, The Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, 1885.
35. Nightingale F., A Contribution to the Sanitary History of the British Army During the Late War with Russia (London, 1859).
36. Quoted in: Diamond M. and Stone M., ‘Nightingale on Quetelet’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 1981.
37. Cook E., The Life of Florence Nightingale (London, 1913).
38. Quoted in: MacDonald L., Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003).
39. Pearson K., The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton (Cambridge University Press, London, 1914).
40. Patel D.M. et al., Contagion of Violence: Workshop Summary (National Academies Press, 2012).
41. Statistics from: Grinshteyn E. and Hemenway D., ‘Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-income OECD Countries, 2010’, The American Journal of Medicine, 2016; Koerth-Baker M., ‘Mass Shootings Are A Bad Way To Understand Gun Violence’, Five Thirty Eight, 3 October 2017.
42. Background from: Thompson B., ‘The Science of Violence’, Washington Post, 29 March 1998; Wilkinson F., ‘Gunning for Guns’, Rolling Stone, 9 December 1993.
43. Cillizza C., ‘President Obama’s amazingly emotional speech on gun control’, Washington Post, 5 January 2016.
44. Borger J., ‘The Guardian profile: Ralph Nader’, The Guardian, 22 October 2004.
45. Background from: Jensen C., ‘50 Years Ago, “Unsafe at Any Speed” Shook the Auto World’, New York Times, 26 November 2015.
46. Kelly K., ‘Car Safety Initially Considered “Undesirable” by Manufacturers, the Government and Consumers’, Huffington Post, 4 December 2012.
47. Frankel T.C., ‘Their 1996 clash shaped the gun debate for years. Now they want to reshape it’, Washington Post, 30 December 2015.
48. Kates D.B. et al., ‘Public Health Pot Shots’, Reason, April 1997.
49. Turvill J.L. et al., ‘Change in occurrence of paracetamol overdose in UK after introduction of blister packs’, The Lancet, 2000; Hawton K. et al., ‘Long term effect of reduced pack sizes of paracetamol on poisoning deaths and liver transplant activity in England and Wales: interrupted time series analyses’, British Medical Journal, 2013.
50. Dickey J. and Rosenberg M., ‘We won’t know the cause of gun violence until we look for it’, Washington Post, 27 July 2012.
51. Background and quotes from author interview with Toby