“We agreed that this was an arrangement.”

“I know.”

She looked up at me, as if she didn’t believe me.

I was going to respect her wishes, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t let her know how things would be if she gave me another chance. “If you were open to rekindling things, I’d do it much better this time. I’d give you romance and whispers of sweet nothings. I’d give you all the things I didn’t last time.” I wanted to tell her I’d open my soul for her this time as I hadn’t done that last time and instead, I’d run off.

I wondered if Alyssa’s father had given her any romance before he’d disappeared from the picture. I was dying to ask for the details, and at the same time, I didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to think about my precious Sinclair going to college and letting another man touch her. I didn’t want to hear how it was that she ended up a single mother. Where was the fucker and why wasn’t he helping her?

“Well, perhaps you can pretend you did all that when the townsfolk start asking about this whirlwind marriage,” she said.

“I think sticking as close to the truth as possible is the best. We were a couple the summer after high school, with big plans that I fucked up by running off. But now I’m back, all grown up and ready to be the man you need. And despite your reservations about me, you just couldn’t help yourself. So once again you threw yourself at me under the old oak tree.”

She laughed. “That was good until that last bit.”

I nodded toward her hand. “You’re not wearing the ring.”

“Wyatt, I don’t feel right wearing it. It’s an heirloom. It feels disrespectful to wear it in a sham marriage.”

The word sham was like a punch in the gut. “It will help sell the story of this marriage.”

“It’s in my purse. I’m terrified of losing it. But I’ll put it on when I go out.”

We finished eating and then she helped clear the table and took over dish duty. I was struck by how normal this felt. We could have had ten years of this if I hadn’t run off.

As she washed, I dried the items that didn’t go in the dishwasher. I dried off the slow cooker that had the sauce in it and reached over Sinclair to put in the cupboard over the sink. I took a moment to inhale her sweet scent. Yes. Honeysuckle or something floral.

She moved back, her backside hitting me in the groin. Of course, my dick went from zero to full-tilt in an instant. Or perhaps he was already semi-hard. So maybe it was thirty to full-tilt. Either way, need and desire rushed like a torrent through my body. That night under the tree came back in a firestorm; her soft body, suckable tits, tight wet pussy. God, I wanted that again.


I wrapped my arm around her waist. “Do you know what you do to me Sinclair?” I whispered in her ear. I wanted to respect her wish that we didn’t engage in naked activities. But if there was a chance that she’d change her mind, I wasn’t averse to encouraging that outcome.

“Yes.” Her ass moved side to side over my dick.

I hissed as my cock grew painfully large in my jeans. “Am I alone in this?” Looking over her shoulder, I could see her nipples straining against her cotton top, so she wasn’t completely unaffected. I wanted to slide my fingers in her pussy to see if she was wet to make sure.


I didn’t push her. I just held her there. She knew what I wanted, but if she was going to push me away, I’d leave her alone. So, I waited to see what she’d do.

Her breathing picked up. “Wyatt. We won’t be able to get an annulment if we do this.”

I’d heard that if a marriage wasn’t consummated, it could be annulled. I didn’t know if it was true, but I did know it didn’t apply to us. Not yet anyway.

“We’re not married yet.” Taking a chance, I trailed whisper light kisses along her neck, loving how her body shuddered at my touch.

“Do you think it matters?” her voice was breathless.

I wanted to tell her it didn’t, but I didn’t know the law. I only knew that I didn’t like her talking about ending a marriage that hadn’t even started yet.

“I don’t know and I don’t care.” I pressed my dick between her legs, hoping it would give her enough friction to let her body do what it wanted. “I want you, Sinclair. I want to do things to you.”

“Oh god.” Her hands pressed over mine, dragging them up to her tits. “What things?”

I kneaded her tits, squeezing her nipples through her thin top. “I want to eat your pussy. I never got to before.” I licked her neck. “My tongue on your clit. Fucking your pussy.”

She let out a gasp as her hips gyrated against my dick.

“Then I’ll suck it. Do you like that, Sinclair? Do you like it when a man goes down on you?”

“I…I…I don’t know.”

I stilled for a moment at her answer. Then not wanting the moment to end, I sucked on her ear lobe. “Has a man ever loved your pussy with his mouth?”


Ah fuck. My dick was going to explode. The idea that I could be the first man to taste her sweet pussy juice was more than I could bear.

“I’m so hot. Tell me to stop if this isn’t going to happen.”

She didn’t say stop. She didn’t say keep going either. But I could smell the distinctive scent of her sex. She was hot and wet and I wanted my mouth there more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life.

“Can I eat your pussy? I’m dying to taste you.”

“I…I… Is it gross?”

“No baby, it’s not gross. And you’ll love it. I’ll make you come so hard.”

“Oh God, Wyatt… What are

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