them to us and that cannot be a good thing. And before you answer Evers, I know we are a much superior species, but even we are not infallible." Jamil said these last words with a note of anger in his voice as it hitched on the last word.

"Yes Jamil, you are correct. We are not infallible as the Elders found out to their dismay. But I hope we will be better guardians of what has been given us by the Gods. And if these Earthers are curious about what we are about, then so be it.”

Jamil gave Evers a cynical look and harrumphed at his explanation. “You talk a fool’s message. The Elders plan, if such as this can be called a plan, is as ridiculous as any I have ever heard. We are here because we were lucky and that is all that it is.”

Evers returned Jamil’s look with one of his own. “I believe it is not just coincidence or luck as you say that we were directed here. I know we are here for a significant reason. The Elders spent thousands of years forming this course of action. It is not a fool’s errand. This is, as it should be."

With these ominous words, Evers turned and walked into the light and disappeared.

To Be Continued

Fun House


The Face In the Mirror

I wondered aloud why they called it a fun house

Jumping at every shadow like a scared little mouse

Warped mirrors threw back my sad distorted face

There was nothing fun about this damn place

Around that corner was a woman from my job

Used her as a scapegoat, tossed her to the mob

Another twist and turn, and I saw the lies I told

That made my little sister sell her immortal soul

My mother’s last words came back to haunt

Please she said, please help your aged aunt

Dark shadows loomed large as I closed my ears

I looked around to see if others saw my dry tears

In the fun house mirror stood my big brother

He loved these drugs more than his own mother

I hung my head at the things he did for crack

I wanted to run, but Instead I turned my back

All around me I heard laughter, loud and gay

Others had no trouble finding their lost way

But every way I turned I ran into a dead end

A light ahead, finally freedom around the bend

I stepped up to the mirror for one last look

I saw my life unfold as if read from a dirty book

Deceitful deeds where I schemed and planned

Never giving a damn about my fellow man

I had sold my soul for fifteen minutes of fame

Ghosts from my past showed me my shame

A shrill laugh floated by me on dirty white wings

You’re still one of us, a harsh voice loudly sings

Never in my life had I thought this would be my end

Standing here confronted by my own guilty sins

But like the hypocrite I am, I only tugged at my blouse

And still I wondered, why did they call it a fun house

Running Out of Time


Time Waits For No One

TIME STOOD STILL, AS Gabby bolted straight up from her bed. She had a terrible headache that the morning sunlight streaming through her window only emphasized.

The nightmare was the same as the previous ones she had for five straight days. This time it seemed more pressing, more realistic than ever before. With an urgency she sensed rather than knew, she jumped up from her bed.

Gabby looked to her cell phone holstered in its stand. The phone’s display read, Thursday September 23, 2035 7:45am. Morning already, she thought and to her dismay, not Saturday. She needed to get up and prepare for work as she did every day except Saturday and Sunday.

But today’s usual routine seemed wrong somehow. The vision seemed more of an omen than a dream. What was she to do? She had no super powers to stop what she had seen. She only had her grandfather’s old watch that had been gifted to her. Her grandfather had passed on to his reward several years ago.

Her mother’s father had been a gentle and kind being. He charmed her whenever they visited him with his tales of dark magic and special abilities. He had a gift, her mother often said, that drew people to him in droves. He had given her the watch and told her to wait. “One day,” he had said, “you will need it and you will know what to do with it.” How she wished he was here now so she could tell him of her dream.

The dream started as usual with her rushing out of her car, barely putting it in park. What a horrific accident. There were smashed up pieces of car everywhere. A young woman was on the ground and blood covered a good bit of her face and chest. The front of the car was totally demolished. Thankfully, a toddler was still strapped into a car seat in the back seat of the car. Gabby could hear the baby's loud crying from where she stood.

"Breathe, breathe, please oh GOD, just let her breathe."

"Mam, you have to get back or we won't be able to get the equipment adjusted the way we need." The older woman paramedic was literally pushing Gabby out of the way as more help came on the scene.

And what a scene it was. Flashing lights of red, orange and blue were swirling out of control. The lights formed a crazy kaleidoscope of colors that burned a blinding path straight into Gabby's overworked brain. She could still see in her mind, the vehicle that caused this horror racing down the street.

The paramedic screamed at her to get out of the way. The police officer came and took control of the accident scene by physically removing her from the paramedic's right side. "Mam, were you in the car, if not you

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