Under Royal’s arm, I watched his friend with a curled lip, he and of all people, Ramses, actually challenging each other for how many plates they could throw down. Funny enough, Ramses was holding his own considering how lanky he was, and color me surprised when he won the eat-off. The champ for the day, Ramses shot up from the booth, the room crying out his name.
Grunting, Jax tossed his half-eaten burger back on his plate, but did give Ramses props when he pounded his fist. The whole thing had both Royal and me shaking our heads.
Ramses eased out of the booth. “I need napkins.” He pointed at me. “’Zona, you need anything?”
I rolled my eyes, telling him no before laughing at his dumb ass. Shrugging, he pounded my fist before going up to the bar and sweet-talking the server. Of course, she gave him what he wanted and then some, giving him stacks and stacks of napkins. Royal arched his neck back, smirking at the display. “Idiot.”
He’d said this but smiled to himself a little after the smirk. Something was definitely happening between those two, and I noticed it more and more every time it did. I pushed his chest. “Admit it. You’re starting to like him.”
“I tolerate him,” he stated, blond eyebrows jumping before he popped a French fry into his mouth. He smacked a kiss on my cheek. “And I do that only for you.”
He had put up with Ramses invading his space. I thought my friend had a death wish for even suggesting going out for the team, but not only had he followed through, he’d done well and Royal, God love him, had actually let him. I’d be naive in saying the latter had nothing to do with me though.
Crossing my legs, I watched my boyfriend eat his fries, engaging in conversation with Ramses when he handed Royal a napkin. The two tapped fists, and even Knight talked to Ramses a bit, smiling too. Again, something was changing around here.
Something was healing around here.
I sat quiet and enjoyed it, the evening a good one. We stayed at the diner late into the hour, and I think Royal and I only left early because he said he wanted to take me somewhere. Needless to say, I hadn’t fought him much. These spring evenings were doing us so much good, and I enjoyed them each and every time, the calm breeze and light winds. It reminded me so much of LA.
We sat in his car outside my house later that night, the lights on. My dad was in and flicked the blinds every time Royal decided to get even remotely close to me. Each time he got caught, Royal would just wave his fingers at him before returning to his seat. Only then would my dad be satisfied enough to let go of the blinds. Dear ole Dad had taken up with waiting for me to get home every night and had been very anal about it. For a while it used to bother me, but I had to admit it was nice that someone did care. It was nice that he cared and, as it seemed, did so without even being told. My aunt barely had to lecture him during the time she’d stayed here with us.
Royal laced our fingers together. “You think one day your dad will actually trust me?”
“I don’t know,” I said, sliding under his arm. I gazed up. “Think one day you’ll stop having sex with me?”
Since that was not a chance in hell—on either one of our parts—Royal just shrugged before kissing the top of my head. He rested his mouth there. “I want to take you some place tomorrow. You game? It’ll require you waking up early is the only thing.”
I sat up, eyeing him. “Where?”
“Well, that would ruin the surprise, princess.” He chuckled, flicking my nose. “You wanna go? I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
Since he wanted to play games, I could too. Without answering him, I let go of his hand, taking my purse and getting out of the car. I started to walk away when I heard the window go down.
“Five, then?” he said behind me. I could hear the laughter in his voice.
Continuing to play my game, I stalked up the steps to the house. I’d barely touched one before the door opened, and my dad stood in the frame. That had become typical as well, him waiting. He nodded at me before peering a look over at Royal.
I did turn then, seeing nothing but Royal’s smile behind the windshield. He waved at my dad, something he always did too, before starting the car and cruising down the driveway.
“You have a good time?” Dad asked, something he always asked now. Like I said, something had changed.
“I did,” I told him, my phone buzzing, and when I pulled it out. I wasn’t surprised by whom I saw.
Royal: I’m taking that as a yes. I’ll be here for you in the morning. Hope you’ll be ready.
Funny enough, dear ole Dad actually hadn’t minded me going out that morning. I told him I was going to breakfast with friends, and though Royal had breakfast when he picked me up on a Saturday morning, a few bagels and coffee, I doubted breakfast was the only thing in