Springing forward, she went around the side of the bed facing the window and checked that he hadn’t fallen out of bed.

No sign.

Panic filled her and she put her hand on Margie’s arm and shook her awake. “Margie.”

“Amber?” Margie opened her eyes, blinking against the light.

“Where’s Elliot?” Amber asked. Although, since Margie had been asleep, she probably had no clue.

“Elliot?” Margie sat up, her eyes wide as she patted the bed. “Elliot.”

Margie swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, her clothes rumpled and her hair a mess as she looked around the room.

“I thought he was here with you.” When Amber had left, they were all in bed together. Now there was only Lauren and Margie.

“Did you see him come downstairs?” Margie asked as she dragged on her shoes and headed out of the room.

“I wasn’t here,” Amber confessed.

“Where did you go? I thought you were downstairs keeping watch.” Margie’s voice rose in accusation.

“I went for a walk with Kelos.” She turned her head to look out of the landing window. “Kelos will know where he is.”

“How will he know if he was off on some hike with you?” Margie dragged her hand through her hair and headed downstairs while Amber double-checked the two empty bedrooms upstairs and the bathroom. And the linen closet just for good measure.


Amber ran downstairs. Margie was coming out of the living room, shaking her head. “He’s not there.”

The two women were locked in a state of panic. What had happened to Elliot? Had someone come into the house and taken him?

Amber berated herself for leaving them alone. She’d told Fabian she would protect them and already she’d failed. Her heart hammered in her chest as she swung around and ran outside.

“Kelos.” Panic rolled through her and she struggled to draw breath as her throat constricted. “Kelos.”

“Amber.” Kelos ran around the house to meet her. “What’s wrong?”

“I thought you said Margie and the children were all here safe.” Her accusation was met by a puzzled expression from Kelos.

“They are.”

“Then where is Elliot? He’s not with Margie and Lauren.” She held out her hands. “We can’t find him in the house.”

“He’s here.” Shawn walked around the side of the house with Elliot and a young girl about the same age as Lauren.

“I heard the car and went to see who it was,” Elliot said, looking more relaxed and happier than Amber had seen him for a long time.

“I didn’t see you when I came into the house.” Amber had only turned her back for a moment while she got a drink of water. Had Elliot snuck past her without a word in that time?

“Elliot!” Margie called as she came outside and saw her son. “I thought I told you not to go outside on your own.”

“I didn’t.” Elliot looked sideways at Jane before his cheeks flushed pink.

“Elliot, don’t lie to me.” Margie reached for her son and pulled him into her arms. “I was worried sick.” Elliot looked mortified as Margie hugged him with no intention of letting him go.

“Why don’t I go and make us some tea?” Amber offered. “And there are some cold sodas in the fridge.”

“I’ll come and give you a hand,” Kelos offered.

“That would be great,” Shawn replied. “While you’re gone, I can talk to Margie and Elliot.”

“Great.” Amber’s gaze lingered on her sister-in-law for a moment. There was no prizing Elliot out of her arms right now, so she left Shawn to do his doctor magic,

“Are you running away?” Kelos asked as he followed her to the kitchen.

“I’m giving them space,” she replied. “Margie does like to overreact. But then that’s how I might react if I had kids.”

“She’s been through a lot. I’m sure Margie’s just being protective.” Kelos grabbed the kettle and filled it with water while Amber fetched three sodas from the fridge.

“I honestly don’t know how she does it,” Amber confessed. “I think I’d go crazy if my kids were in any danger. So, it’s a good thing I don’t have any.”

Kelos placed the kettle on the stove. “Yet?” he asked hopefully.

“I told you, having a child is like living in constant fear something might happen to them.” She shook her head. Was that still true?

Now that she’d met Kelos, the thought of having a child didn’t seem quite so scary. Especially with a man who would never leave, no matter what.

Amber had never wanted to settle down and have a normal life. But maybe here in Bear Creek, she might just change her mind.

Chapter Eleven – Kelos

Amber really meant it when she said she didn’t want children. The shock hit him in the solar plexus and robbed him of breath. He’d spent so long waiting for his mate, longing to share his life with her and raise a family. Now those hopes and dreams were all gone.

Not gone, his dragon replied. Our mate is still here.

But children… Our bloodline will die with us. Kelos turned away and stared out of the open kitchen doorway at the distant mountain peaks. He’d dreamed of one day teaching his own children to fly over the mountains.

“Where’s Mom?” Lauren walked into the kitchen, bleary-eyed from her afternoon nap.

“She’s outside with Elliot. They’re talking to Shawn. He’s brought his daughter along to say hello.” Amber went to her niece and slipped her arm around the young girl’s shoulders. “Do you want a soda?”

“Yes, please.” Lauren rubbed her eyes and yawned. “Thanks.”

“How are you feeling?” Amber brushed Lauren’s hair back from her face and studied her critically. “You look pale.”

“I’m okay.” She sighed. “I’ll feel better if I go outside.” Lauren eyed the open kitchen door with longing. “Has she calmed down now that she’s found Elliot?”

“I think so. Your mom was just worried. Elliot shouldn’t have gone outside without telling anyone.” Amber turned around as the kettle came to the boil. “We’re making tea and then why don’t we all go out together.”

“Okay.” Lauren drank her soda and wandered over to the doorway. “Elliot loves it

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