to defend him. However, he did not want her to defend him on this point. Not considering the circumstances.

Shawn lifted his head and locked eyes with Kelos who briefly shook his head. “I’m sorry,” Shawn told Amber. “It was insensitive of me.”

“It’s a private joke,” Kelos cut in, not wanting the doctor to take the blame for something that he did not deserve. “Shawn and I like to tease each other. A little like brothers and sisters.” He directed his comment toward Margie. “I’m sure Lauren and Elliot tease each other.”

“Lauren and Elliot.” Margie snapped her attention to Kelos as she registered him saying her children’s names, but she didn’t seem to have heard the question.

“Do they tease each other?” Shawn asked Margie, concern on his face as she switched her attention back toward the children. “Margie, they are okay. Just breathe and drink your tea.”

“Sorry.” Margie tore her attention away from the children who were following a butterfly around the garden as it fluttered between the early flowers that still hung on to life in the overgrown borders.

“No problem,” Shawn said gently. “It must be tough for you.”

She gave a short laugh and her hand went to the phone in her pocket. “I’m scared for my family.”

“Have you heard from Fabian?” Amber asked quietly so the children didn’t hear. Their conversation about teasing was gone, replaced by more serious matters.

Margie shook her head. “No.”

“Can’t you just call him?” Shawn’s brows knitted together as he looked from Margie to Amber.

“We’re afraid someone might trace the call,” Amber explained. “When the safe house was compromised, Fabian called me to go get Margie and the kids. He said he couldn’t guarantee his phone wasn’t bugged or that they wouldn’t trace any calls.” She rubbed her hand over her eyes and swept away the tears that threatened. Kelos reached out and took hold of her hand, squeezing it gently.

Amber looked up and smiled at him and the need to make this all right for his mate overwhelmed him. Biting down on his lower lip, he took a gulp of tea as he fought his simmering rage. Amber had been thrust into the middle of a dangerous situation and she’d stepped up and helped her brother. But this nightmare might never be over.

“Amber picked up a burner phone,” Margie continued. “You know, one of those phones that can’t be traced.”

“That was a good idea,” Shawn conceded.

“It’s just that Fabian hasn’t used it for a couple of days. Not since the day we left,” Amber told him. “And we’re worried that if we call the phone, they might trace the call. That… That he might be compromised in some way.”

Margie’s gaze refocused on the children. “If they can’t find us, they can’t use us as leverage to get him to keep quiet. That’s what they want, for him to lie and say he got it wrong. I’m going crazy not knowing if he’s okay.”

“There might be some reasonable explanation as to why he hasn’t called.” Kelos couldn’t think of one immediately. If he were stuck in a hotel room with nothing else to do, he would be calling Amber every hour just to hear her voice and make sure she was okay.

“He’s probably being overcautious.” Shawn glanced toward Jane who was leaping across the lawn like a frog, followed by Lauren and Elliot. “We do whatever it takes to protect those we love.”

Kelos watched his friend out of the corner of his eye. Was Shawn hiding Jane in Cougar Ridge because he was protecting her? Or was he protecting Jane’s mom?

“If he loved us that much, Fabian would think twice before he testifies.” Margie’s cheeks flushed pink and her voice cracked with emotion. “Sorry, I was thinking out loud.”

“What did the guy do who he is testifying against?” Shawn asked as he reached for a cookie and took a bite.

“Money laundering,” Amber said. “He launders large amounts of money through his business for various criminal gangs.”

“No wonder Fabian’s in danger,” Shawn clamped his mouth shut after a stern look from Amber.

“It’ll be fine once the court case is over,” Amber tried to reassure Margie.

She’s lying, his dragon said.

I don’t think she’s actually lying, Kelos answered. But you are right, she doesn’t believe everything will be fine. She’s just trying to protect Margie.

His dragon puffed smoke out of his nostrils. I suppose she is, his dragon conceded.

Sometimes protecting people is not about who can take down an opponent by force. Kelos watched his mate as her jaw tightened and her eyes misted with tears. Amber knew her brother’s family was in danger, a danger that would not go away overnight. Fabian’s decision to help send a bad person to jail had come with a life sentence all of its own.

She will do whatever it takes to make them safe. To make things right for them. There was a warning in his dragon’s voice.

And we will do whatever it takes to keep our mate safe. Kelos had a sneaking idea that might be harder than he’d ever imagined.

Chapter Twelve – Amber

“This house of yours.” Amber tilted her head back from where she sat on the lawn next to Kelos and scanned the house. “What’s next?”

“Next?” Kelos asked. “You mean for repairs?”

“Yeah. While we’re here, why don’t we help you?” Amber asked. “We could earn our keep.”

Kelos chuckled. “Okay.”

“Wait, did you mean all of us?” Margie asked, as Amber, Kelos, and Shawn stood up.

“I have an hour or so to spare and since Jane and your kids are getting on so well, Margie, why don’t you do something to take your mind off everything.” Shawn gave her a lopsided smile. “If it helps, I’ll say doctor’s orders.”

Margie pressed her lips into a thin line. “It doesn’t help.”

“Well, sometimes medicine is tough to swallow.” Amber reached out a hand to Margie. “Come on. I think it’ll do you good.”

“But the children…” Margie began.

“They are not going anywhere,” Amber told her. “They’re in the back yard and Kelos and Shawn

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