“I want you, Kelos. Before we go and find my brother, before this whole thing escalates, I want one night where it’s just you and me.” She leaned forward and kissed his chest, featherlight kisses before she turned her head slightly and sucked his nipple into her mouth.
He gripped her upper arms with his hands, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough that she knew she was driving him crazy. She liked crazy.
Grazing her teeth over the hardened buds, she dropped her hands down to his belt buckle and yanked it open. The buttons of his jeans were no match for her eager fingers and the denim pooled at his feet, leaving him naked before her.
“Not bad for an old man.” She took a step back and admired her handiwork.
“I might have lived a long life, but I’m not old.” His husky voice filled with emotion and longing made her swallow down her own desire. The fire in his eyes spoke of yearning, a longing that needed to be fulfilled.
Heat spread through her body, radiating out from her core which ached in need. A need she had never known existed until now. Sex had been a part of life’s pleasures, but never this intense. Never had it been a need. It was now. If Kelos didn’t make love to her, she was certain she would explode.
Amber dragged her sweater over her head and unbuttoned her shirt. At least she tried to unbutton her shirt, but she fumbled, nerves overtaking her as she battled to remove her clothes.
“Let me.” He moved swiftly, surely, with the confidence of a man who was sure of himself and his prowess.
Amber let her hands drop to her sides and stood meekly while he slipped her shirt from her shoulders and then pushed her black slacks down over her thighs. In only her underwear, she lifted her chin and stood, taking in the warmth of his gaze as he drank in her body.
“You are beautiful,” he growled before he stepped forward, unclasped her bra and cupped her breasts in his hands as they spilled out. Expert hands. His thumbs rubbed across her nipples, the tightened buds aching as he tortured them. Around and around he circled them, as he lowered his head and sucked her right nipple into his warm mouth.
She tensed her whole body, each nerve ending focused on the exquisite torture of his tongue over the hardened bud. Her inner muscles tensed and a deep ache in her belly spread out until it was as if her whole body was consumed in dragon fire. She was wet, her need for him overwhelming and she longed for him to spread her thighs and make love to her.
She wasn’t a bystander. Her brain snapped back into control and she reached down between their bodies and curled her fingers around his hard length. Kelos groaned, his hips jerking forward as she stroked him up and down. His mouth moved to her left nipple and sucked on it harder, his teeth grazing her sensitive flesh as he pushed her arousal higher.
Could it go any higher? The tension in her body built and she sensed her orgasm hovering just outside of her reach. Squeezing her thighs together, she wondered if Kelos might be the first man to make her come without touching her intimately.
But he wanted to touch her intimately. Very intimately.
Lifting his head, he looked down at her with eyes filled with fire. In a heartbeat, he’d scooped her up and carried her to the sofa where he placed her down, his hand on her right thigh, easing her legs apart. Sliding his hands over her soft thighs, he slipped a finger inside her, watching her face as she gasped and writhed in pleasure. Two fingers now, he hooked them slightly and grazed her inner walls, while his thumb brushed against the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs. Amber arched her back and he took advantage, lowering his head to lick and suck her breasts. She floated above the clouds as he pushed her toward a shattering orgasm. Her body tense and yet incredibly relaxed, as if there was only this moment in time and nothing else mattered.
In and out his fingers probed while his mouth explored her breasts before he finally claimed her lips as her orgasm crashed into her. She whimpered against his lips, lifting her hips off the sofa and pushing down on his fingers as she rode out her orgasm.
“Are you okay?” Kelos asked as she regained her breath and opened her eyes.
“Define okay.” She wriggled to a sitting position and cupped his face in her hands. “I’m more than okay,” she told him as she noted his concerned expression. “Who wouldn’t be okay after...” Her cheeks flushed pink, the memory of his hands and mouth on her body still incredibly fresh.
He smiled and kissed her mouth, stirring her arousal once more. She could make love to this man all night and never stop needing him. It was a fact. She was addicted. To a dragon.
A small bubble of laughter rose up inside her and she couldn’t stop it as it erupted into the room. “This is the craziest thing ever.”
“Being here with me?” Kelos asked. He did not share her amusement.
“Hiding out in a cabin with my sister-in-law because my brother is testifying against a bad man. And that cabin belonging to a man who can shift into a dragon and who swears his undying love to me.” She shrugged. “If you wrote that into a movie, no one would believe it.”
“But you believe it and that’s all that matters to me.” He tilted his head on one side. “You’re tired, we should sleep.” He went to move