away but she grabbed hold of him and pulled him close. “Not so fast. We’re not done here.”

His eyes darkened as her mouth met his and she nipped his lower lip. Moving her hands to his upper arms, she urged him to join her lying on the sofa. It was a squeeze since there was nothing small about Kelos, but he nestled between her thighs as she angled her knee so that it rested against the back of the sofa. She’d have positioned herself on top but despite her arousal, she was bone-shatteringly tired. As her first orgasm wore off that became apparent.

A fact she did not share with Kelos. She didn’t want him to change his mind and not make love to her. Not when his arousal was so evident by the press of his hardness against her thigh.

“What can I do to make you believe this is all real?” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

She shivered as his warm breath skimmed across her cool skin. “I have a few ideas.”

Amber slipped her hand between their bodies and curled her fingers around his hard length. He groaned and nipped her neck, as she changed the angle of her body. Pushing her panties to one side and wishing she’d thought to take them off before they became a tangle of limbs on the sofa, she guided him into her.

He sighed with contentment as he entered her. Then he stirred as if he’d awoken from a deep sleep. His body tensed, every muscle and sinew alert as he pushed deeper inside her. Amber’s eyes widened as her eyes locked with his and saw the burning desire there. The dragon was awake within him as she stared into his eyes, she could almost see the two joined as one.

Kelos thrust forward hard, his weight resting on his elbows as he buried himself deep inside her. Amber matched his desire, her hands exploring his body, touching him, teasing him, her mouth tasting him as he made love to her. Hard and deep he lunged into her before pulling back but never leaving her.

His fingers toyed with her nipples, playing with her, as the intensity of their lovemaking flared. He kissed her breasts, his mouth worshiping her nipples as he sucked and licked the taut buds. It was as if he could touch every part of her at once. Excitement flooded her veins as her orgasm hovered in front of her eyes and then they crashed over the edge together.

Kelos jerked into her, his seed filling her with the promise of a new life.

Of a child she never knew she wanted, but now wished for more than anything in her whole life.

Chapter Seventeen – Kelos

“Do you have an address for Fabian?” Kelos passed a cup of coffee to Amber as she tilted her head back and let the early morning sun wash over her face.

“No.” She accepted the coffee. “Thanks.”

“So how are we going to find him?” Kelos asked.

“I was going to call him. On his usual phone. I figured if we were in the city then there was no harm in the call being traced.” She sighed and her shoulders slumped forward. “I was thinking that there would be no way of tracing Margie and the kids back to Bear Creek… Unless…” Amber glanced up at Kelos before looking down at her cup.

“I won’t lead them back here,” Kelos assured her. “They won’t be able to trace me to Bear Creek.”

“Why won’t they?” Amber asked, leaning back in her seat and half turning to face him.

“I’ll use one of my aliases.” He gave a crooked smile as her eyes widened in surprise. “I don’t age like most people, so I have a couple of identities I cycle through.”

“You are a man of mystery and intrigue. I like it.” She smiled with relief. “Then the plan is back on. All we need to do is find someone to babysit Margie and the kids.”

“I’ll ask Joey. I trust him and he knows how to look after himself.” Kelos didn’t like the idea of Amber going to the city. He’d prefer to go and track Fabian down alone, but he doubted there was anything he could say or do to change her mind, so he’d just have to work hard to keep her safe.

“I’m also going to have to tell Margie you are a dragon or else there’s no way I can explain how we plan to get the city and back so fast.” Amber glanced at him as if checking if that was okay.

“I’m okay with you telling her,” he reassured his mate. “It’s not as if you can keep it a secret from her forever. Not when so many of my friends know. Someone would let it slip eventually.”

“I hope Margie agrees to this.” Amber didn’t look too sure. “Me riding off on a dragon to rescue Fabian is not exactly normal everyday life, is it? But then nothing that’s happened in the last couple of weeks has been normal.”

“We can ask her.” Kelos inclined his head toward the house. “She’s coming down the stairs.”

Amber pointed at him. “That is freaky.”

“But you like it.” He waggled his eyebrows and she laughed. It was as if the sun shone brighter.

“I’ll tell her the part about the dragon when we’re alone.” Amber got up from her chair and went into the kitchen to meet Margie. “Morning.”

“Why do you look so happy at this time in the morning?” Margie asked as she covered a large yawn with her hand.

“I am happy.” Amber glanced over her shoulder at Kelos who had followed her into the kitchen. She gave him a guilty smile before her mood sobered.

They had a right to be happy. But perhaps it was insensitive to appear so happy around Margie.

We have lived apart from humans for a long time, it’ll take a while to get used to the subtle nuances of human behavior. But get used to it they must since they would be

Вы читаете Kelos Spring Shifter Seasons
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