“I’ll grab my stuff. And we’ll catch up tomorrow. I’d like to hear the full story.”

“Thanks, Joey.” Amber sighed and leaned into Kelos as Lauren and Elliot broke free of their mom and dad and rushed toward Joey.

“You’re going?” Elliot asked.

“I am. I’ll come back in a couple of days and we’ll take that hike into the mountains,” Joey told them as he reached the house. “Be good.”

“We will,” Lauren called before she turned around and went back to her dad.

“We need to find that man a mate,” Amber said sadly.

“It’s not that easy,” Kelos reminded her. “Believe me, I’ve waited for a very long time.”

“And was I worth the wait?” Amber asked as she flung her arms around Kelos’s neck.

“Every single second.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

The dragon shifter had finally found the woman of his dreams. But Amber was more than a dream. This was their reality and they would share it together. Forever.


“That’s the last nail.” Kelos twirled his hammer in the air and caught it before inserting it into his tool belt.

“Just in time.” Amber put her hands on her hips as she surveyed the finished cabin.

“Did you doubt me?” Kelos swung around and caught her in his arms.

“Not for a second.” She tilted her head back and cupped his face in her hands. “I love you, Kelos. Nearly as much as I love this house.”

He chuckled and his hand slipped down to cover her belly. “I love you more than anything.”

She sighed. “I suppose I do love you more than anything, too. Although, that might change once this little one arrives.”

“I can take it,” he said lightly as his lips brushed hers.

As his hands caressed her body through her thin cotton dress, she longed to take hold of his hand and drag him upstairs, past the newly decorated living room, and into the bedroom they shared. But they had guests due to arrive at any moment for their official house finishing party.

“We should get ready for our guests.” Amber was in no hurry to leave his arms.

“We should.” He brushed her hair back from her shoulder and lowered his head to kiss her neck. “But you are just too tempting.”

“Later.” She kissed his cheek and pulled away from him, catching hold of his hands and pulling him after her. “This is the first time Joanna is visiting us and I’d like to make a good impression. If she hadn’t helped us…”

“Okay, I get it.” Kelos kissed her cheek. “I’m sure glad she did help us out. Otherwise, this house would still be unfinished, and we would still be sleeping on the sofa.”

“Was that so bad?” Amber teased.

“Not bad at all,” Kelos mused. “I remember one particularly pleasurable evening…”

“Not in front of the baby.” Amber placed her hands over her belly as they reached the kitchen door.

However, before they went inside, Kelos raised his head, alert to an approaching car. Not that Amber could hear it herself, but she’d learned to read her mate’s actions.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“Martha and Hex.” A small smile spread across his face. “And the baby.”

“They’re early.” Amber glanced nervously toward the kitchen door. “It’s a good thing I have most of the food ready.”

“Come on, let’s go and meet them.” Kelos inclined his head toward the front of the house.

“You just want to see the baby.” Amber smothered a smile. She’d never met a man who was quite so broody. Her love for him grew a little more as he half turned and winked at her.

“I need to get in some practice for when our little one is born.” Kelos hesitated and turned to face her. “You are sure you aren’t overdoing it today with the party?”

“I’m sure,” she told him. “Anyway, I thought we were going to tell everyone about the baby today.”

“We are.” His eyes lit up with anticipation. “I can’t wait.”

“Hello!” Martha called as the car stopped outside the cabin.

“Hi there.” Kelos and Amber went around the side of the house.

“Martha insisted on coming early,” Hex told them and received an eyeroll from his wife.

“That’s because we have something to ask you.” Martha opened the rear passenger door and reached inside. When she straightened up, she held baby Evangeline in her arms.

“You do?” Kelos asked as he was drawn to the small baby who was no more than a couple of weeks old.

“Yes, we do, and we wanted to ask you both while we were alone.” Martha kissed Evangeline on the forehead. “We wanted to ask you…” Her cheeks flushed pink as she hesitated.

“You can ask us anything,” Kelos told Martha gently.

“We wanted to ask you if you would be Evangeline’s godparents. We’ve asked Beck and Mac, but we also wanted someone outside of the family and you seemed to be the perfect choice.” Martha shook her head. “Of course, we would not be offended if you say no.”

“We’d be honored.” Kelos glanced at Amber, checking that he was saying the right thing since he was answering for both of them.

“We would be honored,” Amber confirmed. She hadn’t had a chance to get to know Martha as well as she’d have liked, but since their children would be born close together, Amber intended to rectify that.

“And we have some news of our own…” Kelos glanced at his mate once more. They had agreed to make an announcement once everyone was here, but it seemed appropriate to tell Hex and Martha.

Martha grinned broadly. “I think I can guess but tell us anyway.”

“We are pregnant.” Kelos almost burst at the seams with pride.

“Congratulations.” Hex hugged Amber and then Kelos.

“This is so exciting,” Martha squealed and kissed them both on the cheek while she held her baby in her arms. “It’s all worked out for you, dragon.”

“It has,” he agreed.

“I think it’s all worked out for all of us,” Amber said but then she frowned. “Except for Joey.”

“That man needs a mate,” Hex agreed. “Although, until that happens, we are going to make use of his offer to

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