the dragon’s side. His body thrummed beneath her palm, reminding her of a cat’s purr.

A small smile crept over her face. Kelos was as soft as a purring kitty cat yet with the ability to turn and strike out with claws and teeth if he needed to protect his own. Would he like the analogy?

Happiness threaded through her veins. When they reached Kelos’s cabin, she had no desire to pick a new destination to travel to. She wanted to set down roots and make a home.

“There!” Amber yelled at Fabian and pointed toward the small cabin tucked away on the lower slope of the mountain. She couldn’t actually see it, not yet, but it was there.

“Where?” Fabian scanned the area she was pointing to.

“Just wait for a couple of minutes.” Amber kept her finger pointed at the spot as Kelos’s dragon skimmed the top of the trees, hurtling down the side of the mountain toward the safety of the cabin. Amber could not wait to go inside and close the door on the world.

She also could not wait to see the look on Margie’s and the children’s faces when they saw Fabian. Amber had called Margie this morning and told her there was no news, but they were working on it. However, she hadn’t called again to say they were on their way home with Fabian.

Kelos slowed, his control incredible as he hovered above the small clearing from where they had set off only a couple of days ago. Then he dropped, his large talons splayed as he landed gently on the ground. The dragon rocked forward but kept his balance as he compensated for the two people on his back before tucking his wings into his sides and crouching down.

“This is our stop.” Amber tapped Fabian on the shoulder and then slid her leg behind her. With her hands flat against the dragon’s shoulder, she slid down to land on his foreleg before jumping to the ground. “Come on.”

She beckoned to Fabian who stared down at her for a moment before copying her moves. Clumsily he landed on the ground next to her, his hands outstretched as he reached out to grab hold of her arm. Amber gripped his upper arms and stopped him from face-planting on the forest floor. He’d survived Ostabell, there was no way Amber was going to let her brother injure himself now.

“That was wild.” Fabian righted himself and a grin spread across his face. “I just rode on the back of a dragon.”

“You only just realized that?” Amber asked with a laugh as her brother turned around to look at the huge fire-breathing beast.

“I was too terrified when I was on his back to let my brain compute.” He tapped the side of his head. “But now…” The dragon lowered his head and puffed smoke at Fabian. “Thanks. For the ride.”

He reached out his hand and touched the dragon who slowly began to fade from the world.

“Incredible, isn’t he?” Amber waited expectantly for her man to appear in place of the dragon.

“He is.” Fabian glanced sideways at his sister. “He risked a lot for me. For you.”

“He did.” Amber nodded. “You’re all part of his family now. He wants to protect us all.”

“As a man, I should say I can take care of myself…” Fabian paused. “But as a husband and a father, I am eternally grateful.”

“You are welcome.” Kelos stood before them and Amber rushed forward into his open arms.

“It’s good to be home.” Her lips skimmed his. “Shall we go and reunite Fabian and his family?”

“Yes.” Kelos kept his arm around her shoulders as they ducked under the trees and made their way down the trail to the cabin.

As they neared the cabin, the door opened, and the silhouette of a man was framed by the light from the kitchen.

“I’m glad Joey was here for them,” Amber told Kelos. “If only we could find him a mate.”

Kelos tightened his arm around her shoulders. “I wish he could know what it’s like to finally find his soul mate.”

“I know I’ve found mine,” Fabian stated as he rushed forward.

Margie appeared behind Joey, who stood to the side when Fabian ran toward his wife. “Fabian? Is that you?” She took a faltering step forward and stopped, peering into the darkness.

“Margie!” Fabian ran across the back yard. “I’m here.”

Kelos grinned broadly and glanced down at Amber. “A happy ending.”

“For now, at least.” Amber’s eyes glittered with tears. “Let’s hope for Fabian’s sake that Ostabell leaves the family alone now.”

“There’s no point in him pursuing Fabian. The guy is going to jail for murder.” Kelos stopped walking and looked down at her. “And if he does cause trouble, I would be happy to carry him off into the mountains and deposit him where he would never be found again.”

Amber’s eyes widened. “Murder?”

Kelos chuckled. “No, I would deposit him safely on the ground. But the chances of him getting out alive would be slim. But if he did, he would be a changed man. A brush with death often gives a person a new perspective on life.”

“And love.” Amber nodded toward Margie and Fabian who had been joined by Lauren and Elliot. “I think this will make them stronger.”

“You’re back.” Joey sauntered over to them, his hands thrust in his pockets.

“We are.” Kelos clapped his friend on the back. “Thank you for watching over Margie and the kids.”

Joey shrugged. “I enjoyed it. We finished your porch and began ripping out the rotted timber on the back wall of the cabin.”

“Are you okay?” Amber asked.

“Yeah.” He glanced over his shoulder at Fabian and his family. “The last couple of days have just shown me how much I’d love a family of my own.” He held up his hands. “Not that I have been inappropriate in any way with Margie. I would prefer a woman who is a little less high maintenance.”

Amber laughed. “And I am certain you will find her.”

“I’m going to get going.” Joey thumbed toward the house.

Вы читаете Kelos Spring Shifter Seasons
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