hurried on, it was as if she could sense him, if she pushed out her senses, she’d be able to pinpoint his exact location.

“You really believe that.” Uncertainty laced Fabian’s voice.

“Yes, I do, and you will, too.” Amber broke into a run, pulling Fabian along with her just like when they were children.

He laughed and ran by her side, leaving behind all his fears for his family as they sprinted through the darkness. At least, she hoped he was leaving it all behind. Amber hated the idea of her brother being permanently changed by what had happened.

“I’m proud of you,” she told him as they slowed to a walk. They were close. He was close.

“Listen, Amber, I just want to tell you…thank you.” Fabian’s voice faltered. “Thank you for coming when I asked you. I don’t know what I’d have done if anything had happened to Margie and the kids.”

“That’s what I’m here for, to help you. We’re family.” She wanted to hurry on and meet up with Kelos, but Fabian wasn’t finished yet. “You would do the same for me.”

“I hope I would.” He stared at the ground for a moment before he looked at her once more. “And if that means I have to believe in dragon shifters then so be it.”

“Are you okay?” Amber prodded, there was something different about Fabian, but she couldn’t decide what exactly it was.

“Do you think we’ll be okay? I mean me and Margie. After what I’ve put her through…” He took a breath. “I still don’t know if we’ll be able to go back to our old lives.”

“She loves you. She also knows you did the right thing.” Amber closed the distance between them and hugged Fabian. “Talk to each other. And be honest.” As she pulled back, she added, “Be honest with yourself. Do you want to go back to your old life? Or maybe it’s time to start afresh.”

“And you recommend Bear Creek?” Fabian asked as they continued on. “I get the feeling you’ve lost your heart to the town.”

“And to Kelos.” She glanced sideways at Fabian. “I’m in love. It’s real and it’s messy but it’s love.”

“I know. I can see it in your eyes.” He grinned. “He must be quite a guy.”

“He is.” She saw him, silhouetted next to a tree, larger than life. He came toward them. “Ready?”

“Yes.” Kelos glanced at Fabian. “Good to see you again, Fabian.”

“Kelos.” Fabian stopped walking and said, “My sister told me we’re going to ride back to Bear Creek on your back. Because you’re a dragon.”

“That’s right.” Kelos kept his tone flat. “Shall we go?”

“Sure.” Fabian nodded and shot Amber a disbelieving look. “Why don’t you shift? I think I got the right term.”

“You did.” Kelos took a couple of steps backward. “I’ll shift here under the trees, it’ll give me some cover. You two climb on my back and then I’ll head out into the open before making a near vertical ascent. You’ll need to hold on tightly.”

“Okay,” Fabian agreed nervously. He shuffled his feet and moved closer to Amber who couldn’t figure out if her brother was more worried about Kelos really being a dragon shifter or what the repercussions would be if he were not. “Go for it.”

Amber dashed forward, kissed Kelos on the cheek and said, “See you in Bear Creek.”

“Safe journey.” Kelos gathered her into his arms and kissed her mouth before letting her go. Almost immediately, the air around him shimmered and she backed away, watching as Kelos’s human form gradually faded away.

“What the hell!” Fabian was left speechless when the hulking shadow of the dragon came into this world and stood before them.

“Shall we go?” Amber grabbed hold of Fabian’s jacket and propelled him forward. “It’s risky being on the ground too long.”

“We’re going to ride on a dragon.” Fabian looked at her, still not believing the statement to be true.

“Yes, we are.” She shoved him forward even when he tried to drag behind her. “We need to move fast, Fabian.”

He staggered forward and clumsily followed her actions as they climbed onto the dragon’s back. “Where do I hold onto?”

“You sit at the front and hold onto this horn and I’ll sit behind and hold on to you.” She settled down behind Fabian and reached around him to place his hands on the horn. “Okay. Hold tight.”

A long loud whine filled the air as Kelos crouched down and sprang into the air. Fabian clung so tightly to the horn in front of him, Amber could see the whites of his knuckles even in the dark.

“We’re flying.” Fabian gasped as the dragon beat his wings up and down in a strong swift motion that took them straight up into the air.

“We are. On the back of a dragon.” Amber kept a tight hold of her brother as Kelos kept climbing.

“I guess this is the biggest ‘I told you so’ of all time.” Fabian’s tone had changed from one of shock to one of awe.

“I’ll skip that as long as you promise me you won’t tell anyone about this. He’s one of the last of his kind and I am his mate,” Amber told her brother.

“I won’t tell anyone. I promise. And I owe you that and much more considering you and Kelos have saved me from a miserable life always looking over our shoulders.” Fabian fell silent as the dragon banked to the right and made his way toward Bear Creek.

Amber had traveled all over the world but as the mountain peaks appeared in the distance, silhouetted against the starlit sky, she experienced her first taste of returning home.

Her heart beat faster in her chest and a thrill of excitement sent shivers up her spine. This was the place where she would live with Kelos. This was where they would raise their children.

The dragon surged forward faster, his wingbeats stronger. He’d sensed home, too. Or maybe he’d sensed his mate’s excitement. Amber slid one hand from around Fabian’s waist and placed it flat on

Вы читаете Kelos Spring Shifter Seasons
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