When I get outside, the cool air feels good against my face. I stand there for a few seconds, trying to determine which way I should go. What did she say? A block away? That’s hard to gauge since this whole area is just residence halls. I walk about a block’s length to the main road, but as I look to my left and right, I don’t find any sign of life. No bright signs or lit up buildings alert me of a restaurant left open for drunken co-eds. Maybe she meant a block from here.
I go in the direction that looks more familiar, but I still don’t know where everything is on this campus, and the alcohol and dark isn’t helping. I should probably just go back to the party, but now that I’m out here, I’m determined to find food.
I walk for a little while until I come to the decision that that girl was drunk as fuck and has no idea how to give directions or doesn’t know how far a block is supposed to be. I guarantee she had someone drive her about a mile or so away to get that damn burrito.
As I’m heading back to Cashis Hall, I pull my phone out and respond to a couple texts from Ayanna and Lorenzo, letting them know I’m on my way.
Two minutes later, headlights shine brightly into my eyes as a car approaches. A few seconds after that, the same car reverses and stops next to me.
I turn my head in its direction, positive it’s some creep about to hit on me, but when the window rolls down, I see Elijah’s face.
I stumble over a crack in the sidewalk as I make my way to his car. “Hey!” I say loudly, too excited.
“What are you doing? It’s cold out here.”
I shake my head, a smile on my face. “Not for me. I’m hot.”
“And drunk?” he asks, a tiny grin on his lips.
I shrug. “Maybe.”
“Are you lost?” He looks in his rearview, checking for oncoming cars, but the road is fairly dead.
“No,” I answer with a laugh. “I’m heading to Cashis Hall. My friends are there. I was looking for food.”
He barks out a laugh. “There isn’t any food within walking distance from Cashis.” He looks at the clock on his dashboard. “And I think things are going to be closed now.”
“Dammit,” I whine.
He laughs again. “Do you want a ride back to your friends?”
“I want a ride to some food.”
I’m rewarded with another chuckle. “Get in, Nova,” he says with a sigh. I hear the doors unlock, and I don’t hesitate to yank the handle and climb in.
As he drives away from the curb, I position myself to be able to get a good look at him. He’s still dressed in the clothes he had on in class today.
“Do you always work this late?”
“Not always, but I haven’t been here the whole time. I left and came back.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Where do you wanna go?”
Your house is what I think, then I giggle, because I’m still drunk. The look he gives me tells me I didn’t think those words. I said them.
“Oops,” I say with a smile. “I don’t know. I don’t care. What’s open?”
“Nothing on campus. Just the usual fast food places, probably.”
I close my eyes, wiggling into the comfortable seat. “It’s so warm and cozy in here.”
My eyes fly open. “Did I fall asleep?”
“You may have dozed off.”
I look through the windshield and see that we’re at Wendy’s. “Ooh, Wendy’s!”
“I wasn’t sure where to go.”
“No, this is perfect.”
After we go through the drive-thru, Elijah drives around to the other side of the building and parks in the corner. I’m already digging into my fries and slurping down my Hi-C by the time he puts the car in park.
He reaches over and brings a burger out of the bag, unwraps it, and starts to eat. I smile and he catches me.
“I’m pretty sure we’re on a date,” I tell him.
He gives me a stern look. “Nova.”
“Mm. I like when you growl my name like that.”
I laugh and continue eating before I realize I’m a total shit friend who didn’t tell my friends that there was a change in plans.
“I gotta text Lorenzo!”
Once I get my phone I notice a couple missed calls and a handful of unread texts.
“Shit, I feel awful,” I say aloud, firing off a few apology texts.
“Do you want me to take you back?” he asks.
“No, no. Just let me explain to them what’s going on. Well, not the truth of course, but you know.”
I tell them I started feeling sick and decided to catch a Lyft back to my house. Ayanna threatens to kill me if I ever disappear again, and Lorenzo seems worried and sad that I went home early. I explain that I won’t be such a loser next time we hang out.
“Okay, we’re good,” I say, sliding the phone under my thigh and going back to my food. “Thanks for bringing me here. I know you probably don’t want to be alone with me.”
Alcohol always loosens the lips. I say things my sober mind would tell me to keep to myself.
He sighs, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “You should know by now that the problem is I want to be alone with you too often.”
Warmth spreads across my cheeks and my stomach clenches. I shove the food into the bag and turn to face him. “I love that you want to be alone with me.”
His eyes meet mine. “I know you do.”
“I understand you’re worried about your job.”
He shakes his head and I’m not sure if he’s trying to say that he’s not worried about his job or if he’s just frustrated with the whole situation.
“How old are you, Nova?”
I was wondering when he’d ask. I’m almost afraid to tell him, because it’s just going to give