should be publicly lauded. You shouldn’t only accept affection behind closed doors.”

I squeeze my eyes closed, moving my hips, seeking more. “It’s okay,” I moan. “I just…want you.”

His fingers continue their slow and teasing pace, but his lips brush against the shell of my ear before moving lower, kissing my neck.

“I know you’re entitled to so much more, but I’m a fucking selfish man, Nova, and I want you all to myself.”

“Please,” I moan, bringing my hand to his, trying to force him to move faster. “You can have me, just please.”

He takes my hand off his and pins it to my side. “I’m also a man who likes to be in control. You’ll have to learn to accept pleasure the way I give it.” He nips the flesh on my neck with his teeth. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it.”

A raucous explosion of cheers outside the door penetrates our lustful haze. Elijah plants his lips on mine. Once. Twice. And then slides his tongue across my bottom lip before stepping away.

“Until tomorrow.”

My eyes flutter open. “Wait, what?”

“Be a good girl and don’t touch yourself tonight. Wait for me. It’ll be worth it.”


When I wake up on Saturday morning, the plan is to stay as busy as possible, so seven o’clock will arrive faster. Unfortunately, I’m incapable of sleeping in, so I was awake at seven in the morning, eating breakfast by seven forty-five, and then coming back from my run around nine-thirty.

After a shower, I have nothing left to do but wait and it’s not even noon yet. So now I’m in the living room with the TV on, but thinking about how I want this night to go.

After all this time, I’m immediately going to want to take her to bed and have my way with her. But I think I’ll prolong the wait a little more by making dinner for us. Plus, it’ll be nice to have a conversation without worrying about other students or staff watching.

With that thought in mind, I decide to head to the grocery store and pick up a few things.

There, I run into Lorraine.

“Elijah, what a pleasant surprise,” she says, coming over to kiss my cheek. “What are you up to this weekend?”

“Not a whole lot,” I lie. Then I realize that could be an invitation for her to plan something for us. “Well, nothing outside the norm. I have plans with my brothers.”

She nods once. “I see.”

“You? Any plans?” I ask, feeling slightly guilty for always blowing her off. I should find the right time to tell her there’s no hard feelings, but that I’m not interested in anything serious.

“Oh, I’m going to a friend’s house tonight. Just a bunch of women getting together to snack, drink wine, and complain about our love lives,” she says with a laugh.

“Ah, well, I hope you have a good time. See you around,” I say, turning the corner.

Once I’m done shopping, I head back home and put everything away, go out back to play fetch with Sugarfoot, making sure he gets plenty of exercise, then busy myself with grading homework and cleaning the house.

After what feels like years, it’s nearing seven o’clock and dinner is in the oven. At five past seven, I worry she lost the napkin I slipped her with my address on it. At ten past seven, the doorbell rings and my feet quickly carry me to the door. I take a deep breath before opening it.

Nova stands before me in a pair of blue jeans, a cream-colored sweater, and brown boots, but more importantly, she has a huge smile on her face.


“Hi,” I reply, staring into those warm, honey brown eyes. Her curly hair is tied up, but a handful of curls cover her forehead and frame her face.

“I took a Lyft so my car wouldn’t be parked outside.”


She steps inside and her eyes bounce around before landing back on me. “So, I’m back.”

I grin. “You probably left that night thinking you’d never be back here again.”

“I left hating the fact that I didn’t get your number. Guess fate was looking out for me.”

“Fate could’ve picked another way to bring us back together,” I groan.

She laughs. “I’m not complaining.”

I lead her toward the kitchen. “Because you like the taboo?”

“Because I like excitement.”

“And risk?”

“Nothing worth having comes easy.”

I raise my brows at her, but she ducks her head as a blush rushes to her cheeks. “I made us dinner,” I say, changing the subject.

“I brought dessert,” she states.

I turn around and inspect her, then she gives me a pointed look and I’m suddenly wanting to skip dinner and go straight for dessert.

“You’re trouble,” I growl.

“You love it.”

I guide her to the island in the kitchen where I already have our plates set, then I make my way to the oven to remove the pork chops, arranging the dishes in front of us so we can help ourselves.

“It’s apple cider pork chops, rice pilaf, and green beans. I have water, soda, and iced tea. What do you want?”

She smiles up at me, her eyes bright. “You didn’t have to do all this. I would’ve been fine with ordering pizza.”

I shake my head. “I’ve done that enough to last me a lifetime. This is better for you.”

She laughs. “You’re right. You may have to teach me a few things because I’m still perfecting spaghetti. And I’ll take water. Thank you.”

“How can you not have perfected spaghetti already?” I ask with a chuckle.

“Well, I never know how many noodles to make. I’m always afraid I won’t make enough and end up cooking up enough for two. And do you make sauce from scratch? Or just buy a can of sauce? I feel like those cans lack flavor, so I’m always trying to add certain spices. I don’t know. I’ll get there.”

I bring over a couple bottles of water, laughing. “Well, spaghetti is still better than eating pizza every night.”

She nods. “Yeah, I only do that like twice a week.” She

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