trying to find him, because he was also caught trying to break into our home, but he was hiding out pretty good.”

“Damn,” Lorenzo says.

“That’s crazy. So, what’s going on now?” Ayanna asks.

“Well,” I look at them both. “Don’t think I blame you, but apparently, he saw the photos you tagged me in on Instagram. I had deleted the app but not the profile, and he was watching it, I guess. He saw the bar we went to on Halloween and let my sister know that he had found out.”

Ayanna gasps, her hand flying to her mouth. “Oh my God, Nova. Holy shit. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe this.”

I put my hand on her arm. “It’s okay. Like I said, I don’t blame you. I should’ve told you the truth earlier, but I didn’t want to hash it all out.”

“Fuck,” Lorenzo exclaims. “I feel like shit, Nova. I’m sorry, Mami.” He looks at Ayanna. “You know we’d never do anything to put you in danger.”

“I know, I know. It’s okay. I just think he might be on his way. Or he might be here. I don’t really know. I’ve been in touch with the police today and got these little alarms for my apartment, but yeah, I just wanted you to know what was going on.”

“Well, shit. You can’t stay there alone,” Ayanna says. “I’ll stay the night. We can have Luca and Lorenzo stay over too.”

I give her a small grin. “I appreciate it, but I only have one bed and one couch.”

“Then we take turns.”

“Fuck it, I’ll sleep on a floor. I don’t care,” Lorenzo says.

I get up and give them both a hug. “I love you guys. I have to get to work, but I’ll text you when I’m off.”

“Before you’re off,” Lorenzo adds. “I’ll meet you here and make sure you get home safe.”

“Yeah, don’t go anywhere without one of us,” Ayanna says, giving me another squeeze.

“Okay, I’ll be in touch. Talk to you guys later.”

The whole time I’m working, I keep stealing glances at the door, hoping Elijah comes in. I feel like shit when I realize he probably thinks I’m freaking out over our secret affair. I don’t know his phone number, and I only have his work email address, but as I was typing out a quick email, I started wondering if the university could access it. I’m not sure why anybody else would feel the need to go through the professors’ emails, but maybe, and I didn’t want to risk it.

I want to kick myself for not getting his number, but my mind was on other things.

Right before I’m about to get off work, I text both Ayanna and Lorenzo to let them know, and within ten minutes, both of them are waiting for me at the door.

“I’ll ride with you. Lorenzo’s gonna follow,” she says, holding onto a duffle bag. “I brought clothes and stuff.”

“Okay,” I answer with a grin. I’m already so thankful to have them in my life.

When we get to my apartment, Lorenzo takes my key and looks through every room before letting me and Ayanna in.

“I don’t think he knows where I live,” I say.

“Maybe not, but you can’t be too safe,” he says, handing my keys back to me. “Wanna order Chinese?”

I shrug. “Sure.”

All three of us sit in the living room, chomping down Chinese food while trying to study, do homework, and watch TV.

“Do you want me to stay?” Lorenzo asks.

“We’ll be fine,” Ayanna says. “But we’ll text you if anything happens.”

“Well, call the cops first.”

She throws a pencil at him. “Duh. Get out of here. It’s girl time.”

Lorenzo shakes his head with a grin on his lips. “Whatever. I’ll check around outside before I leave. Stay safe. Lock the door.”

“Yes, Dad,” I say, rolling my eyes. When I get to the door, I give him a hug. “I really do appreciate it.”

He squeezes me back. “It’s the least I can do.”

Once he’s gone, me and Ayanna spend a little more time in front of the TV before we get ready for bed. It isn’t until we’re lying next to each other that she asks, “What’s up with you and Lorenzo? Are you guys gonna get it on or what?”

I snort out a laugh. “I don’t think so. I really like him, and I wouldn’t want to mess up our friendship.”

“I think he really has a thing for you.”

I sigh. “Maybe.”

“You still crushin’ on Kingston?”

“He’ll always be attractive,” I say. It’s my way of telling the truth without delving deep into the details of what’s going on now.

“That’s for sure. I found out which teacher he’s banging.”

My body tenses up. “What? Who?”

“Professor Drakulich. Don’t you have her for English Lit?”

The air leaves my lungs. “Yeah.”


On Wednesday morning, when it comes time for Nova’s class, I hope she’ll be early so we can have a couple of uninterrupted minutes, instead, she waltzes in with Lorenzo, and his arm is wrapped around her shoulders.

My primal instinct is to rush over and pry them apart. I don’t know what it is about male instinct, but the need to let everyone know she’s mine runs deep. It takes a lot of self-control to keep my facial expression in check, but I only allow them one glance before pretending to study the screen on my computer.

As she passes my desk and gets into hers, she says, “Good morning, Professor.”

I look up and give both her and Lorenzo a quick look with a tight smile. “Morning. How are you two?”

“We’re good,” Lorenzo answers, glancing at Nova with a grin that makes me want to lose my cool.

With another peek in her direction, I say, “Great.”

Nova rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Did I miss a test on Monday? I…uh, something came up,” she says, her eyes cutting to Lorenzo. He frowns a little then reaches his long arm over to her and squeezes her shoulder.

My brows furrow together as my jaw clenches. I try to

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