“Elijah, you’ve done enough already.”
“I want to do anything I can to help you. And you don’t need to worry about long-term parking or anything like that.”
She wraps her arms around my waist as she rests her head on my chest. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to find you,” she says.
I kiss the top of her head and we just hold onto each other for a few minutes. I think we’re both aware this may be the last time we see each other for a long time.
“Okay, let’s hit the road. We have a bit of a drive.”
It’s been two weeks since I’ve been back in Florida. Everything’s been a blur. When I landed, Gia’s boyfriend Greg was there to pick me up. We went straight to the hospital with me asking a million questions the whole way.
The car was described by witnesses to be a silver Ford Escort with no plates. The windows were tinted, and it seemed to speed up right before hitting her. They don’t think the car was going more than forty miles per hour.
My sister was crossing a street, having just left her friend’s house. She had to park on the opposite side of the road, and as she was crossing, she was hit.
She has a broken leg and wrist, a fractured rib, and a mild traumatic brain injury, amongst many scratches and bruises. But she’s alive.
I have no proof, but something in my gut tells me this was Mario. He did this to get back at me, and now I’m waiting for a letter to show up. If he did this because he wanted me back in Florida, then he’ll reach out, but in the meantime, I wait.
My sister will be recovering for months to come, so I went ahead and contacted the college to let them know what happened, and then told them I’d be withdrawing. I can’t go back to Ohio and leave my sister here to recover alone. Especially if Mario is still out there. I know she has Greg, but he has to work, and Gia will need someone around her for a while.
I’ve been in touch with Elijah, but now it’s time to tell him I won’t be going back. I have to call Ayanna and Lorenzo, too. They know what happened, but nobody knows I won’t be returning.
I sit in my sister’s house, curled up on the couch while she’s asleep in her room, then dial his number.
“Hey,” he greets, sounding both worried and happy to hear from me.
“How are you? How’s your sister doing?”
“She’s okay. She’s in bed. Still in pain, but she’s cracked a couple jokes. I’m okay. Just tired. How are you? How was Thanksgiving?”
“Thanksgiving was good. All of my brothers were here, and Midge and London.”
I stay silent, dreading having to tell him that I won’t be going back. “Well, I uhh…I’ve been in touch with the school.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Umm.” I sit up and cross my legs, picking at the fuzz on the couch. “Elijah, I won’t be going back.”
He doesn’t respond right away, and I hold my breath, wondering what he’ll say.
“Oh. Well, yeah, okay. That makes sense.”
“She’s going to be recovering for a while, and she’ll need help around the house. I’ll need to find a job to help pay the bills. I’m sorry. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
“Hey, I understand. That’s your family. I know more than most that family comes first. You have to take care of her, so please don’t apologize.”
“I’m gonna miss you, though.”
He breathes down the phone. “I already miss you so much.”
“Do you think…can this work still?”
“It’ll work if we make it work, just like it won’t work if we allow it to fail. I think that’s on us.”
“Do you want to try?” I ask, hopeful, yet nervous.
“Of course I do. What do you think about me going down there for Christmas break?”
My smile grows as I sit up and stare at the wall across from me. “Really? You’d do that?”
“Of course. You can’t come here, so I’ll go to you.”
“Well, now I’m looking forward to Christmas, and it’s still a month away!”
He chuckles. “It’ll be here before you know it.”
“God, I wish I could hug you. And kiss you.”
“I know. Me too. Stay safe out there, okay?”
Before we hang up, Elijah offers to clear my apartment out. I tell him to sell or donate the few furniture pieces I have. I’ll call the manager of the complex and explain everything, then tell her to expect Elijah to drop off the key.
After we end the call, I sneak into my sister’s room to check on her.
“I see your big head poking in,” she says.
“You’re awake.”
“I’m awake. Who were you talking to?”
“Nobody. Somebody from back home. Well, back in Gaspar.”
Nope. I haven’t told her about Elijah. She has more important things to worry about right now.
“I appreciate you coming back to help me, but I don’t want you to miss out on school.”
I step up to her bed and push her hair away from her face, checking for a fever. “I’m not missing out on school. I’m enrolling in a community college. No matter what, I’m getting a degree. Don’t worry.”
“But you made friends.”
“I have friends here too.”
“But you just started over. We don’t even know where Mario is right now. It’s not safe for you.”
I shake my head. “I’m not arguing with you. I’m here and I’m helping. Case closed.”
She growls. “You’re frustrating.”
“So are you. Are you hungry? Greg went out to get some food.”
“Yeah, I’ll try to eat something. I need to pee and I need to clean up. I feel gross.”
“Okay, let me help.”
I get my sister into the bathroom so she can relieve herself, then I help her in the shower. We have to get a bag to cover each cast, and her movements are limited because of her wrist and rib injuries, so I help wash her