looked so boyishly handsome at that moment and the interruption befuddled my brain and made me lose my place.  I could not let emotions or attraction get the better of me.  Morality and truth must be my shining light.  I took a breath and ordered my thoughts.

“You make your living from criminality which I find disturbs me greatly.  You have presented yourself in many disguises meant to deceive.  You have deceived me and yet—” I paused for a measuring breath.

“—And yet… you also assisted to stop Euan’s scheme in its tracks…and you gave me The Staff of Asklepios as a gift.”  I paused again, torn by expressing the duplicity of this man’s behavior and my unnerving magnetic attraction to him.

“Even though what you suggest is sinful, I find you…fascinating.  I must admit I… do share your desires for more.  I would like to become acquainted with you, but when it comes to the matter of trust, I cannot say that I trust you, for that would be a lie.  But what I can say is that I will try to trust as you give me a reason to.”

Sebastian ran a thumb and forefinger absently to trace the outline of his succulent lips.  He was deep in thought, considering all I’d said.  I sat back and sipped at my cooling tea.  Then Sebastian spoke,

“You humble me, Benedict.  That was a kind and measured response.  You are indeed correct and incisive in your rendering of me.  I understand that my profession and deception gives you every reason not to trust me.  But, when it comes to the use of disguises, in my defence, all I can say is that it was not time for me to reveal myself.  I was unsure if I could count you as an ally, and when we met on the train I did not know if you were aware of the full contents of the Ardmillan Will.  As events unfolded and we conversed I saw that the man I knew when I was in disguise as Josiah was, in fact, your true-self and you would not compromise yourself for the likes of Lord Euan Ardmillan.  Moving forward I will endeavor to be honest and do my best to give you every reason to trust me”.

“Very well,” I conceded.  “So what next?”

Sebastian’s eyes brightened and with a wry grin he said, “Isn’t that obvious, friend?”

Men like us took our pleasure in snatched moments of illicit fumbling in bathrooms, a back-alley upright, or an evening at a Molly house.  Then we got on with our lives as if the exchange had never happened.  I did not want our connection to be like that.  Seedy, illicit, and dangerous.  If Sebastian was to be my new friend, we would need to make proper arrangements.  We would see one another regularly, and get to know each other’s tastes.  It would also mean I would be permitting a wanted criminal to have access to my life, to my family, my business acquaintances.

“Before we proceed I need you to promise something.”

Sebastian nodded.  “You will never steal from me or my family.”

“Gods!  Of course not!”  Sebastian seemed rather outraged that I had dared to voice those words.

“Very well,” Sebastian held my gaze.

“Then we have an understanding.”  He said.  The implications of those words made me feel lighter and younger than my years.

“It appears we do.”  I agreed, and to hell with my determination to remain celibate.  I wanted to kiss him then…to seal the deal as it were…but this was not the time or the place.  Not when my servants were in the house about their business.

“Thank you.  I was so incredibly nervous to speak with you.  I played through a plethora of scenarios during my journey back to London.”  Cavell admitted, and I found this admission most endearing.  He gave a lopsided smile and I felt that smile in my groin. I swiftly averted my gaze.

“So, how can I assist you?”  I asked in an attempt to dissipate my growing arousal.

“I require some information, and I thought that you might be able to help,” Sebastian explained.  He drew a weathered leather wallet from the inner breast pocket of the navy jacket I had loaned him.  He opened the burgundy wallet and removed two pieces of what appeared to be paper.  He unfolded the first and pushed it across the table to me.

“I understand that due to your profession you are knowledgeable about maker’s marks and symbols.  Have you ever seen this symbol before?”

The slip of paper looked like it was torn from an envelope flap and contained a stamped symbol –a circle of intertwining rings with the monogrammed letters FS inside.  I looked at the symbol and then enquiringly up at Cavell whose hazel eyes were studying me intensely.

“Yes.  I have seen this before.”  Cavell’s eyes grew large with excitement.


“A moment please, I can show you.”  I stood and made my way to my desk.

When I’d returned home after my Christmas journey a large pile of correspondence awaited on my sturdy oak desk—I found letters, Christmas cards, and a curious gift wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.  With Cavell watching me eagerly I sat at my desk and opened the left-hand drawer.  I drew out the brown paper package.  I removed the item from its protective covering.  What I’d found inside was a beautifully bound book.  There was no card accompanying the book and more curious, when I’d first opened the book I discovered that, peculiarly, the pages were all blank.  I was confused but concluded that this thoughtful gift of a journal must have been sent by a client.

I returned to the tea-table clutching the small red book.  The leather felt warm in my hand.  I passed the book to Sebastian and sat, observing as his nimble fingers inspected it.  It was truly a beautiful volume,

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