knowingly given poisoned crowns to the humans they’d selected to rule? Gwennore winced. If so, that had been a cruel and vicious trick. “How often are the crowns worn?”

“At all the royal functions,” Margosha replied. “The annual ball, any weddings or funerals involving the royal family, and the Summoning.”

“What is that?” Gwennore asked.

“It’s when the king listens to complaints and disagreements from the people,” Annika explained. “And then he makes a judgment.”

Margosha nodded. “Centuries ago, the Summoning only happened twice a year. There weren’t many roads, so it was difficult for people to travel to the royal court. But now, the journey is much easier, so the Summoning happens every month.”

“That means the more recent kings and queens are wearing the crowns more often,” Gwennore concluded. That would explain why the curse seemed worse now and why the queens were going mad at a younger age. “I have to see these crowns.”

“They’re in a locked room in the cellar,” Margosha said. “Only a member of the royal family can take you inside.”

The queen was too ill and the king didn’t trust her. Gwennore sighed. “I’ll have to ask Silas.”

*   *   *

“Any idea where Silas is?” Gwennore asked Annika as they ventured into the courtyard.

“No, but you could ask Karlan. His office is over there.” Annika pointed at the northern wing.

“Let’s go then.” Gwennore took a few steps before realizing that Annika hadn’t budged. “What’s wrong?”

“I think I’d better go back to the workroom.”

“I need you.” Gwennore linked her arm with Annika’s. “Come on.”

Annika frowned as she walked beside her. “Am I a chaperone? Are you afraid to be alone with Silas?”

“Something like that.”

“Coward,” Annika muttered.

“You’re one to talk.” Gwennore gave her a wry look. “You’ve managed to avoid Dimitri for two days.”

Annika winced. “It hurts when he ignores me.”

“Then don’t let him ignore you. If I were you, I’d make sure he saw me several times a day.”

Annika shook her head. “It would be too awkward. He’s made it clear he wants me to stay away from him.”

Gwennore opened the door to the northern wing. “Maybe he’ll change his mind once we get rid of the curse.”

“I hope so.” Annika led her down the hallway. “Here it is.” She opened the door and stepped inside. “Karlan, do you know—” She came to an abrupt halt, causing Gwennore to bump into her.

One quick glance around the room, and Gwennore spotted the problem. Dimitri. He was standing across the room, next to Brody in dog form.

Dimitri’s reaction had been equally quick. He’d stiffened, then turned to stare out the window.

“Can I help you?” Karlan rose from his seat behind his desk.

“We were looking for General Dravenko,” Gwennore said, noting how pale Annika’s face had become. “Do you know where we might find him?”

“He said he was going somewhere, but I don’t know where.” Karlan glanced at Dimitri. “Do you know?”

Dimitri’s jaw shifted as he stared out the window.

Annika stood deathly still as she gazed at the floor.

Karlan looked perplexed as an awkward moment of silence hovered over the room, growing longer and longer.

Gwennore winced. This was not a peaceful silence. She could practically feel the tension radiating between Dimitri and Annika. Even Brody was moving his head back and forth, glancing at one, then the other.

Finally, Dimitri cleared his throat. “The general is on his way.”

“Ah. Good.” Karlan motioned to a pair of chairs. “If my ladies would like to be comfortable while you wait?”

Annika drew in a sharp breath. “I need to go. Brody, didn’t I promise you a nice bone from the kitchen?”

Brody barked and gave her a grin.

“All right. Let’s go!” She dashed out of the room with Brody trotting behind her.

Dimitri closed his eyes as a pained look stole over his face.

He loves her, Gwennore thought. But he was trying to protect her. “I think we’re making progress in defeating the curse.”

“Really?” Dimitri glanced at her, and there was a golden glint in his eyes before he blinked it away.

Dragon eyes. Gwennore nodded. “Yes.”

After a few more minutes, her superior hearing caught the sound of rapid footsteps coming down the hallway. Someone was running toward them.

Silas skidded to a halt in the doorway. “Gwen.” He breathed heavily. “You wanted to see me?”

Somehow he had known she was waiting, so he had rushed here. Gwennore glanced at Dimitri. During that long moment of silence, had he communicated mentally with Silas? If she had lowered her shield, would she have heard them?

She recalled Puff telling her the third rule for dating a dragon. Whenever you need me, you only have to call and I will come.

Silas had come.

He was in uniform, as usual, but once again, he was wearing the breastplate with the tarnished star. Had he dressed in the cabin and run all the way here?

“Gwen.” His mouth curled up. “Did you need me?”

Did the rascal have any idea what his smile did to her? She had better keep strictly to business. “I would like to examine the crowns. Could you take me there?”

He blinked with surprise. “All right.” He strode over to Karlan’s desk and retrieved a key from a drawer. As he approached her, he smiled. “Let’s go.”

She winced inwardly. With no chaperone, she was going to be alone with Silas.

*   *   *

Silas shut the thick metal door so the guard outside wouldn’t be able to hear them. “Alone, at last.”

Gwen stepped away from him. “Could you light more candles, please?”

Did she think he was going to jump her just because it was dark? It was tempting, he thought as he went around the room lighting the candles with the candlestick he’d brought inside.

As the small underground room slowly brightened, he could see her better. Her skin looked luminous in the candlelight. Her hair, a shimmering white. Her appearance was so beautifully feminine, her movements so graceful, he still found it amazing that underneath that delicate exterior, there was an inner strength as mighty as a powerful sword. And her clever wit was as sharp as any blade. She’d certainly pierced

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