“And your eyes are so damned beautiful.”
“I suppose we could use this cloth.” She set the queen’s crown in the middle of the velvet square, then tied the tasseled corners at the top.
“You’re so good with your hands.”
Her mouth twitched. “Are you trying to sway me with a flood of flattery?”
“Ah. You’re really clever, too.”
She scoffed. “Would you stop, please?”
“Such polite manners.”
“Stop!” She punched him in the shoulder.
“Your right jab is excellent.”
She laughed. “What am I going to do with you?”
Love me. He pulled her into his arms. “We could start with a kiss.”
“Silas.” Her smile faded away as her eyes searched his. “We can’t. You must know that.”
“I don’t care what people think. I’m not giving you up.”
She stepped away from him and busied herself putting the rings back into the bag. “I need to take these and the crown to the Kings of the Forest. I assume you’ll want to send some guards with me.”
“You only need me.”
She glanced at him. “You’ll go with me then?”
“Yes.” He would go to the ends of Aerthlan for her.
Chapter Twenty-Three
After changing into her now-dry breeches and shirt, Gwennore rushed to the courtyard, where Silas had readied two horses. The queen’s crown was hidden in a plain canvas sack and tied to the saddle of his horse.
She noticed that he was now wearing leather gloves. And he’d added a sword and leather scabbard to his belt. “Are you expecting trouble?”
“Not really. It’s just a precaution, since we’re traveling with the crown. Are you ready?”
“Yes.” She started to mount, and he grabbed her hips to give her a boost. When his hand lingered too long on her backside, she swatted at him.
With a grin, he strode toward his horse.
The rascal. She’d been so tempted to kiss him in the crown room when he’d pulled her into his arms. He was becoming increasingly hard to resist.
He swung easily into his saddle. “Let’s go.”
They set off at a slow pace, side by side, as they headed north toward the lake.
The sky was a brilliant blue, the air cool and crisp. Gwennore took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of pine and cedar. How she loved being outdoors in this country! And it felt especially good to be here with Silas.
When they reached the clearing, she studied the cabin as they rode past it. Should she ask him if he had recently dressed there? Should she ask if it was a place to provide clothes for dragon shifters?
He cleared his throat. “What do you think of Norveshka?”
Was he trying to distract her? She noticed he was avoiding even looking at the cabin. “I think you keep too many secrets.”
His hands tightened on his reins. “Sometimes secrets can keep a person safe.”
Was that a warning? She huffed. Maybe safety was overrated. But then she remembered how Romak had been murdered and the queen was being poisoned. Draven Castle was definitely not a safe place. She was already under attack with the malicious gossip going around. “I think you have too many rude and useless people at court.”
“That is true.”
She glanced at the sack containing the crown. “I think the Norveshki people place too much importance on jewels.”
He nodded. “True.”
She glanced at his hands. She’d never seen him wear a ring or any sort of jewelry. His uniform was always made of the same cloth as the ones worn by the other soldiers. For a man with a great deal of power, he was still down to earth and humble. He felt no need to flaunt his strength, and that made him seem even stronger. Even more appealing.
How could she ever leave him?
She shook herself mentally. Stay focused on business. “I think the war with Woodwyn is unnecessary and a sad waste of lives.”
“True. Those are things we need to change.” He looked at her. “Anything else?”
When he said we, did that mean he was including her? “Does my opinion actually count?”
“Of course.” He gave her an exasperated look. “Do you still not know how much I value your insight?”
Her heart warmed in her chest. From the beginning, he had always thought highly of her.
“Is there anything good about my country?” he asked wryly.
She smiled. “I’ve made some wonderful new friends.”
“That’s good.”
She looked at the sweetly scented forest with its undergrowth of green ferns and wildflowers. Boulders lay here and there, colored green and gold with spongy moss and lichen. In the distance, snow gleamed on the mountain peaks. Nearby, the Norva River was making a roaring sound as it tumbled over the falls into the canyon. The falls that had almost swept her to her death.
“I think the land can be frightening. But at the same time, wonderfully soothing.” She sighed. “It’s the most beautiful countryside I’ve ever seen. It draws me to it. I don’t know why.”
His eyes narrowed. “Does it feel like your homeland?”
Yes. She shrugged. “It’s fairly obvious that I come from Woodwyn.”
He remained quiet and thoughtful as they rode into the green pasture next to the lake. Nearby, the giant redwoods stretched into the sky.
Gwennore winced. In order to communicate with the Kings of the Forest, she would have to drop the shield around her mind. Silas wouldn’t be able to hear what the trees were telling her, but he would hear all of her thoughts. She’d have to be careful not to let him know how much she’d fallen for him.
She dismounted before he could help her and strode toward the giant trees as she stripped away the shield. Greetings, Kings of the Forest.
It is the Elf.
She has returned.
I’ve brought the heir to the throne with me, Gwennore explained, glancing at Silas, who was tethering the two horses to the low branch of a pine tree. He will make sure a law is passed, prohibiting men from cutting down any more of your kind.
The trees swayed gently, even though there was no wind. Gwennore tilted her head back to watch the tops of the trees move in