Never Doubt a Duke

The Never Series

Book One

By Maggi Andersen

© Copyright 2020 by Maggi Andersen

Text by Maggi Andersen

Cover by Wicked Smart Designs

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First Edition May 2020

Kindle Edition

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Additional Dragonblade books by Author Maggi Andersen

The Never Series

Never Doubt a Duke

Never Dance with a Marquess

Never Trust and Earl

Dangerous Lords Series

The Baron’s Betrothal

Seducing the Earl

The Viscount’s Widowed Lady

Governess to the Duke’s Heir

Eleanor Fitzherbert’s Christmas Miracle (A Novella)

Once a Wallflower Series

Presenting Miss Letitia

The Lyon’s Den Connected World

The Scandalous Lyon

Also from Maggi Andersen

The Marquess Meets His Match


Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Publisher’s Note

Additional Dragonblade books by Author Maggi Andersen

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five


About the Author

Chapter One

Dountry Park, Keswick Cumbria

Late February 1815.

“Nellie, you must see this article!” Nellie’s sister, Marian, her green eyes wide, rushed into Nellie’s bedchamber, clutching a newspaper. “It’s about the duke!”

“I don’t know why you have those scandal broths sent to you. Let me see.” Nellie almost snatched it. Thirsting for any information on the man she was to marry and had yet to meet, she quickly perused the item concerning the Duke of Shewsbury. “Oh, dear Lord!” She thrust the paper back into her sister’s hands as if it burned her.

“It shows Shewsbury is human.” A gleam of amusement and affection lit Marian’s eyes. She plopped down onto the sofa, waking Peter, Nellie’s beloved King Charles spaniel. He sleepily licked her hand.

“Does it? A brute and a rake, more likely.” Nellie picked it up from the table where her sister had cast it. “A certain duke whose estate is in Leicestershire, but shall remain nameless…”

“It may not be Shewsbury,” Marian interrupted as she fondled the dog’s silky ears.

“It’s hardly the Duke of Rutland, he has a brood of children and breeds racehorses.” Nellie continued to read, “…seems to have had some trouble with his French mistress. This writer was passing a certain elegant establishment in Mayfair when he sighted said duke, descending the steps to the road with a comely lady over his shoulder, one hand on an unmentionable part of her anatomy, the other holding a canary’s cage. Smoke could be seen wafting from an upstairs window. As I watched, captivated, the duke was addressed in voluble French as she pounded her fists on his back. He set her down none too gently to hail a passing hackney. Placing her and the canary’s cage in the carriage, he then gave the jarvy directions, and slammed the door, running back, apparently, to stifle the flames. Might their affair be at an end?

“This…” Nellie’s voice hitched, “…coming right on top of that other newspaper article describing how he took a member of the press outside Parliament by the scruff of the neck and savagely shook him.”

“Not a dull man by all accounts,” Marian observed.

She glared at her sister. Marian refused to take this seriously. Perhaps because her own husband could be relied on to behave badly on occasion. Nellie suspected Marian enjoyed it.

“Surely, Papa doesn’t expect me to marry a brute!”

“Papa needs an injection of funds after that stock exchange debacle, but I doubt he’d sacrifice you. He and the old duke were friends, so he must know the family well.”

“I must speak to Papa. Mama is talking of purchasing new liveries for the footman, hiring more staff, and having the drawing room and the guest bedchambers repainted. I can’t let them spend a fortune to make us look prosperous for the duke’s visit if I don’t intend to marry him.”

The newssheet clutched in her hand, she went downstairs and knocked on her father’s study door.

Papa hunched over a stack of letters on his desk, a glass of brandy beside him, while the smoke from his cigar drifted around the room.

He glanced up from a letter he held and smiled. “What do you have there, Nellie?”

She approached the desk and held the paper out. “This can only refer to Shewsbury.” He took it from her and read it while Nellie leaned against his desk and fidgeted with his silver pounce pot. “It must be the duke. He’s a rake, Papa. Surely you don’t wish me

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