Neither was hewilling to change to please others. That’s why she could not stayhere. He couldn’t handle seeing her flinch every time he walkedinto the room. That was no way to live.
At the sound ofsoft footsteps above, he snapped out of his musings and movedquickly out of the way. He hid into the living room and listened.God forbid she want anything. Hopefully, she had just gotten up touse the bathroom. That’s it, she would then go back to bed and passout again.
Moments later, he heard the toilet flush. Now, back to bed with you, hewilled.
Unable to sleepany longer, Becky flung the sheets off herself and sat up in bed.Her head was pounding, her stomach growling. How much longer untilshe felt normal again? She was frustrated and angry at herself forfeeling so useless and out of sorts.
Getting up, shedizzily made her way towards the bathroom and relieved her bladder.At least, she’d managed to take care of that matter unassisted.Embarrassed, she winced at the thought of how Kelley and Dorian hadto look after everything else for her.
Besides beingmen, they had been basically strangers before this happened. Justthinking about everything they’d had to do for her in hersemi-conscious state made her cringe. She had never experiencedhaving men in such close proximity, not to mention in such intimateways.
Her parentsdied in a car accident when she was only five. Since then, hergranny had raised her. There were aunts and uncles, of course, butthey lived all over the country. She had only ever met them ahandful of times at the odd family reunion.
Somebody musthave had to undress her! She frowned, studying the latest blackt-shirt she had on. Whoever it was had obviously seen her naked!How disturbing! Had they all seen her naked? All three of them,even Crispin, the one who hated the very sight of her? Did theytake turns gawking at her? Had they taken advantage? Dear God, thethought of being at the mercy of three mostly strange men, causedher to shudder.
She had beennuts to come here in the first place. Yet here she was. Feelingoddly… okay, under the circumstances.
Becky calmedherself, taking a series of deep breaths. Running her hands overherself, she carefully inspected her body for telltale signs ofmischief. Not that she knew exactly what she would find or evenwhat such signs might feel like.
Truthfully, shedidn’t feel as though she had been violated in any particular way,other than in her own twisted imagination. In fact, the entire timeshe had been out of it, she’d had the feeling of being well lookedafter. Setting herself at ease, Becky straightened her borrowedshirt.
What she shoulddo, is thank the Goths for looking after her, not accuse them ofbeing perverts. First, though, she needed something to eat. Herbelly was making an awful racket.
Crispin slowlygravitated towards the staircase, listening for signs of life. Shehad been in that bathroom an awfully long time. Could she havefainted? God forbid he would have to go in there. He cringed at thememory of when he had accidentally barged in on her the last time.She had screamed as though the world was coming to an end. Well, tobe fair, they had both screamed, but that was neither here northere.
He then heard adistressed sigh. “Oh, shit…” he grumbled.
Reluctantly, heslinked up the steps until he reached the top. There, he paused,staring helplessly at the bathroom door. Should he knock? Whatthen? Should he offer his assistance? Oh, for Pete’s sake, he wasnot made for this! Thus far he’d blissfully eluded the task oflooking after her, with the odd exception of placing a glass ofwater on her night table now and then. After all, he wasn’t acomplete bastard. Besides, the other two ninnies were quite happyto do step up to the task. Thank you very much!
He heard it again, that same sigh of distress.Oh, for fuck’s sake… Steeling himself for whatever he may have to do, he creptforward and prepared to knock. But before his knuckles could makecontact with the door, it magically opened, revealing to him thesaddest looking creature he had ever set eyes upon.
Beckyimmediately flinched. She hadn’t expected to catch Crispin lurkingoutside the bathroom door. Oddly, he looked as startled as she.“Crispin…”
“Yes, it seems our destiny to keep meeting like this,” he said,dropping his hand to his side.
Lookingcompletely unsure of herself, Becky tugged at her shirt in aneffort to keep it from revealing too much thigh, not that it waseven remotely possible since the shirt practically covered her toher knees.
“Everything all right then?” he asked, giving her a quick onceover before averting his eyes, hoping to get away from her thefirst chance he got. His mere presence was obviously upsetting her.Oh, yes, he had seen the unmistakable flinch. She hated him. Thatmuch was clear.
“Where’s Kelley?” she asked, peering over hisshoulder.
Of course, she would ask for Kelley. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and shrugged withfeigned indifference. Why should the fact that she felt the need toask for Kell when he was right there in front of her upset him? Thefact was it did, and that irked him to no end.
“Kelley’s not here,” he spat rather indignantly. “Nor isDorian, for that matter.”
“Oh…” she said, visibly shrinking away from him.
“Yes, I’m afraid I’m the only one here. Too bad for both of us,isn’t it?” The more she shied away from him, the more it hurt hisfeelings. Unsettled by the realization that he should even care, heinwardly chastised himself. He refused to let her get to him.Reactively, he retaliated with anger. “Now, if you’re done inthere, get back to bed,” he ordered, pointing in the direction ofher room.
She frowned athim. Frankly, she’d had enough of his attitude. Maybe it was theflu giving her a false sense of security, but she was one word awayfrom letting him have it!
“You heard me, dormouse.” Crispin snapped his fingers at her.“Off with you!”
“No…” In her head, the word had sounded loud and powerful.