Sensingmovement in the room, Crispin reluctantly stirred awake. He openedhis eyes and languidly turned to see Becky poking her head out thecurtains. The light from the street lamps lit up her curvy littleform through the flimsy material of her pyjamas. He could literallysee the goosebumps on her skin.
“Becky, get back to bed,” he grumbled guiltily. What was wrongwith him? He shouldn’t be staring at her like that.
Hearing hisvoice, Becky turned and tiptoed back to her bed, pausing to place ahand on his cheek. “Sorry, sweet Crispin. Go back to sleep.”
If that weren’tbad enough, she leaned in and placed a little kiss on hisforehead.
When Becky nextwoke up, she found herself swaddled within a pair of strong arms.Right away she knew without opening her eyes in who’s chest she hadher nose buried. His unmistakable scent surrounded her andcomforted her. “Kelley…” she murmured drowsily, relieved that he’dcome back to her.
“Sh…” he whispered. “Go back to sleep, love.” IgnoringCrispin’s disapproving glare from the other bed he shared withDorian, Kelley closed his eyes to the outside world. All he knewwas that he’d wandered the streets long enough trying to forgether. In the end, all streets led him right back to her. His sweetlittle Becky. So what if it was wrong to lust after his naivelittle housemate? His lust for her, he could control. It was hisheart that he could not.
So what if theycouldn’t be together in the romantic sense? It was hard todescribe, this relationship of theirs. Be it what it may, though,he would be there for her in any way she needed him.
Obviously, shehad needed him last night. He’d realized that the moment he andDorian returned from the nightclub, to find Becky sobbing in hersleep.
It had brokenhis heart to see her dejected little form, so small and vulnerablein that big old bed. Ignoring Dorian’s accusatory scowl, he haddone what his instincts told him to do, he got in beside her. Thiswas definitely a better place to be than in the bed with his ganglyfriends. For one thing, she smelled better. Secondly, she obviouslydidn’t have a problem with him being there since she herself hadcome into his bed the night before. Besides, she had immediatelystopped crying the moment he’d gotten in bed with her and pulledher into his chest.
The girl had a lovely way of snuggling up into him. Sweetlittle Becky. He’d never felt so wanted, so necessary as when sheburrowed into his chest, clinging to him with an almost animalistictenacity as though her very survival depended on hispresence. I’ll take good care of you.Don’t fret love. I can’t promise that I won’t have my moments ofdoubt but in the end, I’ll always be there for you.
He hadn’t actually vocalized the words but merely willed herto hear his thoughts, to magically absorb them into her heart. Itwas enough for him to believe that she understood his commitment toher. This lovely little life-form that hadbeen delivered to him on his doorstep.
“How will I get through the next few hours?” Becky asked,standing between Kelley’s knees, absently playing with the lapelsof his trench coat. Dorian was standing out on the small balcony ofthe hotel room while Crispin was in the bathroom, gettingready.
“Just do your best, love,” Kell said, looking up into her sadeyes. “But if you feel you have to cry, don’t hold back. It’sbetter to let it out rather than trying to be brave.”
“I don’t feel brave,” she said, her lips allaquiver.
“You don’t have to be,” he said, standing up to his fullheight, slowly pulling her into his chest. “We’ll be brave foryou.”
“That’s right, little dormouse,” Crispin said, having heardtheir conversation on his way out of the bathroom. Hearing hisvoice behind her, Becky turned and put on a brave smile especiallyfor him.
“Sweet Crispin,” she said, holding her hand out to him. As muchas she was glad to have Kelley at her side, she hadn’t forgottenhow thoughtfully Crispin had treated her last night. In fact, shewould never forget his rare display of sweetness.
This time, itwas Crispin’s turn to ignore Kelley’s questioning glare. “Suddenly,I’m sweet. Go figure.” He chuckled, rather amused with himself.
“When you’re not prickly, you can be quite sweet,” she said,giving his hand a squeeze.
“Should we try and keep the room for one more night?” Dorianasked when he stepped back inside.
“No,” Becky spoke up first. “I’d really rather go straight homeafter the funeral. If you don’t mind. Besides, I don’t want to keepyou from attending classes tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry about classes. Take all the time you need,” Kelleyanswered for all three of them.
“I really just want to go home,” she said beseechingly.Suddenly, it was the most important thing to her. To get back toKingston and to routine. Whatever that routine might be.
For whatever reason, Kelley’s heart did a little leap at theway she referred to the House of Goths as her home. Again hethanked God that she’d found her way safely to his front porch thatfateful day. Protect her, you’re all she’sgot now, his beating heart demanded. She needs you more thanever.
Becky held uppretty well throughout the entire funeral process, from the viewingat the funeral home to the cemetery where after a short service,Granny’s ashes were placed in the niche.
With a secret promise that she would return periodically andplace flowers in the small vase, Becky said her final goodbyes. Sheregretted not having had the chance to tell Granny about Kelley,Crispin, and Dorian. She was sure the old lady would have liked toknow that her granddaughter was in very good company.Things are so much better now, Granny. I’ve madesome very lovely friends.
“Ready, love?” Kelley said, holding the car door open for her.Crispin and Dorian