were already sitting in the back.

“Yes…” she said, putting on a brave smile.

Chapter 13

In the weeksthat followed, Becky had the pleasure of meeting a few friends ofthe Goths. Mostly other Goths like themselves. She hadn’t realizedthat there were so many around. Then again, a lot of them didn’talways dress quite so obviously, unlike her eccentric housemates.Usually she would stay out of their way, not wanting to imposeherself on their guests. Most of them were polite when she didhappen by. Others simply ignored her altogether.

One, inparticular, Jax, his name was, showed quite a lot of interest inher. So much so that his avid attention unnerved her.

Usually, whenhe came around the house, Becky would stay in her room or if theywere out in the garage, she would stay inside watching television.The guys hadn’t actually banned her from hanging around them, butshe just felt it would be best to give them their privacy. Besides,what did she have in common with Goths?

When it wasjust the four of them, though, she didn’t mind hanging outtogether, especially to watch television. Next to painting,huddling around watching movies quickly became Becky’s favouritepastime.

“Joining us tonight, dormouse?” Crispin asked, making room onthe couch between him and Dorian.

Becky smiledand nodded enthusiastically, sensing that the normally prickly Gothsecretly liked it when she sat beside him, even though he pretendednot to.

Kelley wouldwatch with a reluctant smile as she tucked herself in between hishousemates. At first, it had bothered him to see her sit socomfortably with his all too eager housemates, usually with herhead on Crispin’s shoulder or lap, her feet up by Dorian’s knees,but he’d convinced himself that it was perfectly all right for herto feel comfortable in doing so. They were housemates, all of them.Still, he secretly wished it was on his lap she sat.

“You’re such a little couch hog,” Crispin protested playfully.“What if I wanted to lie down?”

“Go ahead.” She giggled, tugging the throw over her shoulders,resting her head on his lap. “There’s plenty of room.”

“Hey, I draw the line there,” Dorian said, tucking the throwaround her feet. “If anyone’s going to lie down beside Becky, it’llbe me.”

Having heardenough, Kell scowled at the lot of them. “Are you all quite done?”he scoffed, suddenly very unamused. “Shall I start the movie orleave you three alone?”

“Kelley?” Becky gasped, attempting to sit up. She couldn’t helpbut frown at his inappropriate comment. How dare he imply such athing? She suddenly felt quite indignant.

“What the fuck’s up with you?” Crispin snapped, placing asteadying hand on Becky’s shoulder.

“I do believe he’s jealous,” Dorian snickered teasingly.“Plenty of room for all four of us here on the couch. If you don’tmind sharing.”

“Fuck off,” Kell said, tossing the remote control at thesuddenly not so amused Steampunk before storming out of the room.Immediately, Dorian got up and went after him. Moments later,shouting and swearing could be heard from somewhere in thehouse.

“No, you stay put,” Crispin insisted, holding Becky down. “Thisisn’t your fault. If he can’t handle it, that’s hisproblem.”

“I don’t understand what just happened,” she whispered with afrown.

“It’s nothing I didn’t see coming. I’ll tell you that much,”Crispin said cryptically, reaching for the remote.

Ten minutesinto the movie, Dorian and Kell returned, acting as if nothing atall had transpired. Perhaps Crispin was right, Becky thought,watching Kelley sit stiffly in his chair. She’d done nothing wrong.Crispin seemed perfectly okay with her being where she was. Dorianseemed quite comfortable too. She was small enough that she didn’ttake up a lot of room on the big old couch. Why it bothered Kelleywas beyond her.

Could Dorian beright about the jealousy thing? But Kelley hadn’t shown anyparticular interest in her ever since they got back from Toronto.In fact, he’d been acting rather aloof and cool around her attimes. She figured he was doing it on purpose so that she wouldn’tget any romantic ideas about him. She sensed that about him, hisdesire to distance himself from her. She couldn’t blame him forthinking it either.

Becky hadindeed developed a crush on the handsome Goth. How could she nothave, given the circumstances of her life as of late? Without hergrandmother around, she was very much aware of the fact that shewould’ve been completely alone in the world, had she not metKelley. She owed him a lot and she couldn’t help but grow attachedto him. He’d been so kind to her in the immediate days followingGranny’s funeral.

She had evensnuck into his bed a couple of nights just so that she wouldn’tfeel so alone. He hadn’t seemed to mind at first. He’d even cuddledher into his chest which was a bonus since all she really wantedwas to lie quietly next to him. Then suddenly, one night he prettymuch told her to back off. Not so much with words, but neverthelessshe’d gotten the impression that she was imposing on him.

It happened onthe third night she’d snuck into bed with him. She noticed that hebecame very tense, and she was quite sure she heard him swear underhis breath. Instead of pulling her into his chest, he’d abruptlyturned his back on her and grumbled to himself. Ever since thatnight, Becky had stayed away from his bed. The last thing shewanted was to be a nuisance.

Halfway intothe never ending horror flick, Becky flinched at a particularlyshocking scene. In fact, they all did. Moments later, they werechuckling at themselves.

“I don’t know why you all enjoy these movies so much,” Beckyprotested, hiding her face under the throw.

“Scared?” Crispin teased, tugging the throw off herface.

“I don’t know how I’ll be able to sleep after watching this,”she complained.

Hearing her words, Kelley turned to look at her with a wistfulexpression on his face. Come to my bedtonight. I’ll keep you safe, he wanted tosay. He couldn’t, though, because he realized how foolish thatwould be. If they were to be housemates, it could never happenbetween them. Even so, he wondered why she’d stopped coming to hisbed at night. Had he done something wrong? Had he held her tootight? Whatever it was, it was best she stay away. He wouldn’t beable to resist her much longer. He couldn’t

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