you think. In the meantime, evenif everyone else moves on. We will always have eachother.”

“Until then, we should enjoy what we have, all of us,” sheadded dreamily. “I love my home at the House of Goths. Besides, Iwould miss them, worry about them. As with you, I consider themfamily.”

“I feel the same way. But don’t worry so much. We still haveplenty of time together. Years yet before we graduate. Lots of timeto get on each other’s nerves.”

“What happens in the summertime?” she asked absently. “Whenclasses are over for the year?”

“Oh, yes, I suppose you weren’t made aware,” he said with aninspired smile.

“Aware of what? What happens in the summer?”

“Well, we go on our yearly cross-Canada tour. It’s what we doevery summer. Think of it as one big road trip, the five ofus.”

“Really? Me too?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t leave you behind.” He laughed at thethought.

“Yay! How exciting!”

“It has its moments. With you along for the ride, it will beeven better.”

“Wow, Kelley, I’m so excited. I had no idea.”

“Way too early to get excited about the summer when we haven’teven had spring yet.” He gave his head a shake.

“That’s true. One day at a time.” She gave his hand asqueeze.

“That’s right. Now come along, let’s get a pie to go. They guyswill love it.”

“Let’s get a half a dozen!”

Chapter 53

Kell hadn’teven come to a complete stop before Becky fought with the lock onher door. “Settle down, love,” he said with a smirk. “You’ll seethem soon enough. Besides, you’re starting to give me acomplex.”

“What about?” She stopped and stared at him.

“I know you like them. So do I, but you needn’t be soenthusiastic about it. We’ve only just arrived back.”

“Aw… Kelley, I still love you the most.” She cracked up,realizing that he was only pulling her leg. He would have to be afool to doubt her commitment to him. Kelley was anything but afool.

“Go on, get out of here.” Leaning in, he stole a kiss beforeunlocking her door.

“I’ll grab the pies. You bring in our bags,” she said as shescrambled out of the car.

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave his head a shake.

It was amazing,really, how her mere presence altered the atmosphere. At the soundof her voice, the great cloud of doom that had lingered over thehouse instantly evaporated into thin air. Without hesitation, bothDorian and Keegan ran to greet her.

First at herside, Dorian reached out and took the pies from her arms. Next,Keegan came along and helped her with her coat. She was talking amile a minute, hugging and kissing them both. As glad as she was tosee them, she couldn’t help but wonder why Crispin hadn’t greetedher at the door.

Kell came innext, greeting everyone with a smile on his way upstairs. Momentslater everyone dispersed, carrying on as normal. Dorian returned tothe kitchen, Keegan to the television room to finish watching hismovie.

Standing at aloss, Becky made her way into the kitchen and sat at the table. Shequietly observed Dorian, fussing over the stove.

“You’re just in time for dinner,” he said, looking over hisshoulder. “Won’t be long.”

“What are you making? she asked while the question that weighedheaviest on her mind went unspoken.

“Turkey, of course. It’s New Years Day. I figured since we’reback to classes tomorrow, we might as well have one lastblast.”

“Oh, wow, Dorian, that’s very thoughtful of you,” she said,perking up a bit. “We brought apple pies for dessert.” She lookedaround but didn’t see where he’d put them.

“I noticed. That’ll be perfect. I set them down in the diningroom.”

“The dining room?”

“Yeah, I figured we’d eat in there tonight. You’re always goingon about how nice a table it is.”

Before hefinished his sentence, Becky ran into the dining room and turned onthe lights. That’s when her jaw dropped in awe. The table wasbeautifully set. Someone had arranged it as though it had hoppedout of a magazine, a gothy one albeit, but still, it was more thanshe could have ever dreamt it could be.

Looking up fromthe couch, Keegan paused his movie. “Not bad for a bunch of guys,is it?” The clever Goths had even opened the connecting Frenchdoors between the two rooms.

“It’s gorgeous!” she gasped with her hands up to herface.

“That’s what we were going for,” Dorian quipped, stepping inbehind her. “In hopes that you would be so impressed, you’d neverwant to leave us again.”

“Thanks a lot, man,” Kell said, stepping in behind Dorian,having overheard him. “As it was, she barely tolerated being awayfor two nights.”

With a pat onhis shoulder, Crispin finally appeared, resting his grey eyes onBecky’s face. “Oh, I’m sure you kept each other distracted wellenough. I did offer to loan you the handcuffs if she gave you anytrouble.”

“Like I would ever need them,” Kell quipped, sucker-punchinghim in the ribs.

“Of course, you wouldn’t,” Crispin scoffed, looking from Kellto Becky with an odd look in his eyes.

“Hey…” Becky blushed profusely at all their talk.

Without anotherword, Crispin disappeared from the room. At the frown on her face,Dorian was quick to explain. “He’s been a miserable sod ever sinceyou went off.”

“Aw, he’ll get over it,” Kell said, unbothered. “Call me whendinner’s ready. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”

“Once again, Keegan returned to his movie while Becky followedDorian into the kitchen. “What did you mean by that?” she asked,looking out through the window, seeing Crispin entering thegarage.

“Never mind, Becky, it’s just the way he is. He gets attachedto people even though he pretends not to care. I suppose it comesfrom how he grew up. He’s afraid to get close because, in the end,people have always let him down.”

“I understand what you’re saying but what has that got to dowith me?” she asked cluelessly. As far as she was concerned, shehad no plans to ever let Crispin down.

“I suppose when you went off with Kell, these last couple ofdays…”


“Yes, you get it now. Even though he knows in his head that youwere coming back, the whole thing makes him question hisexistence.”

“Wow, Dorian, you’re very perceptive.”

“I’ve known him longer, that’s all,” he added pensively.“Keegan thought it was just because Gracie dumped him. But I

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