match for Annabella, 21; marriage relations, 25; Judith appeals to for help, 32; and Annabella’s feelings for Byron, 36–7, 39–42, 46; as Byron’s confidante and correspondent, 37–8, 46, 49–50, 54, 62, 72, 164; and Byron’s Bride of Abydos, 54; and Byron’s relations with Augusta, 54–5; and Annabella’s engagement to Byron, 58–60; on Annabella’s temper, 63; Byron reports on honeymoon to, 73–4, 76; congratulates Annabella on saving Byron from suffocation, 73; optimism over Byron’s marriage, 76; chooses London home for Annabella, 81; Annabella tells of readiness to leave Byron, 97; enquires about Annabella’s impending separation, 115; on Annabella’s strained appearance, 131; and Byron’s marriage to Annabella, 416; letters from Byron, 460, 462

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount, 25, 210, 328, 336

Menabrea, Count Luigi: Ada translates paper on Babbage’s Analytical Engine, 260–7, 269, 271, 284, 294, 373

Mesmer, Anton, 239

mesmerism, 239, 248–9, 290, 476

Milbanke, Annabella (Anne Isabella) see Byron, Annabella, Lady

Milbanke, Judith, Lady see Noel, Judith, Lady

Milbanke, Sir Ralph see Noel, Sir Ralph

Mill, John Stuart: The Subjection of Women, 449

Milner, Emily, 14, 59

Milnes, Richard Monckton, 444

Minns, Jane, 64, 72, 77

Mitchell, Maria, 184n

Molesworth, Sir William, 245–6, 311, 412n

Montgomery, Hugh (Mary’s brother), 13, 18–19, 59, 174

Montgomery, Hugo (Mary’s nephew), 141, 152, 158, 292

Montgomery, Mary Millicent: friendship with Annabella, 13–14, 18–19, 26; spinal complaint, 24, 25–7; remains unmarried, 25; survives to old age, 28; travels abroad, 55; and Annabella’s engagement, 59; returns to England, 131; brings nephew Hugo to Ada, 152; Annabella stays with in Hastings, 156; accompanies Annabella on travels, 157; visits Acton House, 174; introduces Ada to Mary Somerville, 185–6; introduces Ada to Babbage, 187–8; life as semi-invalid, 198; suggests match for Ada, 199; condemns Augusta Leigh, 235; deceived by Medora, 236; Ada meets in Paris, 243 & n; raises money for Irish destitute, 323; visits Leamington Spa, 369; praises MacDonalds, 430; friendship with Anna Jones, 434; approves of Harriet Martineau’s proposed life of Annabella, 438

Moore, Doris Langley, 146, 461n, 464–5

Moore Place, near Esher, Surrey, 244, 327, 336, 338

Moore, Thomas: and Byron’s attachment to Augusta, 47; and Byron’s betrothal to Annabella, 58; on Byron’s ravishing Annabella on honeymoon, 72; letter from Byron on end of honeymoon, 76; Byron reports to on Annabella’s condition, 78; Byron praises Annabella to, 90, 119; seeks financial advice from Byron, 94; Byron complains of baby Ada to, 101; letter from Byron blaming self, 107; blames Annabella’s parents for Byrons’ marriage breakdown, 127; Byron describes Annabella to as ‘The Witch’, 136; Life and Letters of Lord Byron, 116, 126, 127n, 173, 416

Morgan, Sydney, Lady 183

Morrit, J.B.S., 125

Moulton Hall, North Yorkshire, 8

Mule, Mrs (cleaning lady), 81

Mulready, William, 10–11

Murchison, Sir Roderick and Lady, 188, 310, 318

Murphy, Mrs (Anna Jameson’s mother), 410

Murray, Amelia: Recollections, 444

Murray, John (publisher): payment for Byron’s Childe Harold, 42; Byron memoirs burned in premises, 72; shows bookplate print of Byron, 82; and Byron’s description of Annabella as ‘moral Clytemnestra’, 133–4; gives copy of Quarterly Review to Annabella, 134–5; told of Byron’s death, 143; presents Annabella with Byron’s works, 173; and Moore’s life of Byron, 174; Lovelace introduced to, 209; hears gossip about Ada, 308; and Babbage’s proposed biography of Ada, 408

Murray, John III, 318, 440, 452

Murray, John IV, 460–2

Murray, John VI (‘Jock’), 465

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: Byron and Sir Ralph Noel support, 88; Byron copies coach, 124

National Review, The: Annabella co-founds with Henry Crabb Robinson, 427

New York Mirror, 178n

New York Times, 245, 440

Newman, Cardinal John Henry, 325

Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire: Byron’s mother’s death at, 31; proposed sale, 44, 57, 78; Byron spends Christmas at, 50; Captain George Byron acts as agent, 93; Byron’s body taken to, 151; sold to Wildman, 162, 216; Ada visits, 352–4, 356; Wildman restores, 353; Annabella suggests Ada acquire, 357; insecure future, 463

Newton, Sir Isaac, 217

Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 420

Nicholson family, 332

Nightingale, Florence, 325n, 332–3, 386, 398–9, 426

Nightingale, Parthenope, 398n, 399, 426

Nightingale, William (Florence’s father), 332–3, 352

Nightingale, William (of Ada’s gambling circle), 364–5

Noel, Alice, 424–5

Noel, Charles: as Annabella’s agent at Kirkby Mallory, 154, 233; Ada asks to find tutor for children, 284; trains Byron Ockham, 320; instructed to care for poor, 324; home in Leicestershire, 341; fondness for Ockham, 342, 393; stays with Annabella at Leamington, 369; attends Ada’s funeral, 400; pleads for Ockham’s return home, 420–1; given share of inheritance, 423; Realf works under, 424

Noel, Charles Jr, 437

Noel, Edward: brother Robert acts as trustee for, 154; Annabella plans to send to Greece, 174; schooling, 175; runs school in Greece, 217; Annabella quarrels with, 291; returns to England, 291n; lives near Leamington, 369; Annabella transfers Greek property to, 420; bequest from Annabella, 437; and publication of Annabella’s letters, 445

Noel, Fanny (née Smith), 157, 177, 179, 217, 291, 369

Noel, Judith, Lady (earlier Milbanke; Annabella’s mother): and Annabella’s childhood, 4–7; and brother Thomas’s first visit to Halnaby, 8; character, 9; social conscience and duties, 10; and Annabella’s introduction to London society, 18; takes waters at Tunbridge Wells and Leamington Spa, 25–6, 147; loquacity, 26, 113; concern over Annabella’s relations with Byron, 32, 45; in London, 34–6; visits brother at Kirkby Mallory, 55; on Annabella’s marriage arrangements, 59; meets Byron at Seaham, 62; and Annabella’s wedding, 68; on Annabella’s happiness in marriage, 75, 92; adopts name Noel, 84, 88; Byron invites to Seaham for Annabella’s lying-in, 90; financial setback, 92; illness, 100n; visits Annabella after birth of daughter, 100; invites Byron to stay, 101, 103, 108; and Annabella’s impending separation, 112–14, 121; on breakdown of Annabella’s marriage, 112; erysipelas, 112; at Kirkby Mallory, 114; wishes for court case, 128; condemns Mrs Clermont, 131; as godmother to Ada, 132; and Ada’s upbringing, 145–6; Annabella stays with after separation, 146; Annabella’s dependency on, 147; decline in old age, 147; Harriet Beecher Stowe meets, 432

Noel, Louisa (née von Henniken), 205, 215, 259, 261, 338, 412n, 426n, 427, 437

Noel, Mary, 69

Noel, Mary Anne, 369, 424

Noel, Sir Ralph (earlier Milbanke): father’s death, 8; wilful nature, 8; education, 10–11; philanthropy, 10; religious beliefs and practices, 10; as Whig MP, 10; fondness for theatre, 11; friendship with Annabella, 13; financial difficulties, 19, 92–3; and Annabella’s marriage prospects, 23–4; ill health, 26–7; meets Byron,

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