from the same dimension, Underlayes, none of the families started out there. The creation of the dimension was an endeavor from all factions from all regions of the world. So most not only kept their accents and languages, but also passed them down to the younger generations.

His name was Adorjan, a name handed down from father to son for generations. The youngest of nine, the oldest being six hundred forty-eight, Adorjan himself no more than a few months older than me in vampire terms; as far as actual years went he was forty-five, though I could tell his knowledge far surpassed his vampire age.

The ages of his siblings weren’t uncommon for vampires since they lived forever, or until someone killed them. What was uncommon was the fact he and all his siblings shared the same parents. They also shared the same alabaster-toned skin with a slight splatter of freckles, along with a shock of cinnamon hair, that only added to their attractiveness. He had parents who had been together more than a hundred years before they’d even had the first.

Their romance might not have been a fairy-tale one, and did have quite a few ups and downs, but it was very real and full of love and loyalty. And Adorjan was the only surviving boy. One other son had been born a century before him but did not survive his transition, something I heard was much more dangerous for the males of their species than for the females. Born vampires were typically like humans except instead of being breastfed milk, they’re breastfed with blood. But only from their mother, the only allowable substitute being the father. Don't ask, and don't be sick thinking that either, yuck much. Also, instead of going through adolescence and/or puberty, they go through a transition, the formal term being transcendence.

At the age of twenty, for both males and females, their bodies go through a physical and psychic metamorphosis, a transcendence. All the organs in their bodies become stronger and more durable, also slowing down as their aging process begins to decrease to almost nonexistent. Their fangs grow to their full length and become retractable. Their psychic abilities also kick in, some more so than others and differing between each family and each vampire; hypnosis, telekinesis, all-out mind control; the possibilities are damn near endless. The bones of the body also go through a complete change as well, becoming not only stronger and more durable just as the organs do, but also much thicker, gaining much more mass, which is where the complications set in.

As women start off with a lesser mass density in their bones, the increase doesn't cause too much damage for them. Since men start off with a higher density, sometimes the increase can be more than their body is able to take. One never knows when, how, or even if this will happen to their own son. So, watching them through their Transcendence, a process that lasts for a total of three weeks, though the last three days are the most critical, is even more frightening than awaiting their birth, or teaching them how to take their first victim.

I was in two very different places at once. Part of me was still physically in bed with this very present Adorjan, being fucked senseless and enjoying multiple climaxes, each one harder than the last, while another part of me was stuck in his past, watching his entire life transpire before my eyes. Discovering the fact that not only was his family one of the most influential vampire clans even before the formation of Underlayes, but also amongst the most powerful, aside from the Royals.

I saw his life in its entirety in fast forward. His first steps, first fight, first kiss, first feeble attempt at having sex, then his first real fuck. Saw his first true bite, along with his first accidental kill. I witnessed every interaction he had with his family, his sisters, and his parents.

Not only did I see it all, I also experienced every sensation right along with him, as if I were experiencing each and every event in Adorjan’s life myself. The sheer terror a small child feels upon falling on his face before taking that very first step. The pure, sweet adrenaline rush right before his first true punch, feeling the smack of flesh against my own knuckles. The nervousness of placing his lips upon another’s out of lust as opposed to that of familial love.

Complete and utter embarrassment in knowing he had no idea whatsoever how to have sex, and busting a nut the exact moment of entry, a sensation so foreign and new that release could not wait. Victorious pleasure when fucking for real for the very first time, truly pounding into a female’s sweet, soft, hot, and wet succulent pussy, able to take one’s time and enjoy every inch of its heated depth.

As he sank his fangs into the very first blood slave directly after finishing his Transcendence, the pulse of the sacrifice’s life-giving blood flowing hot and thick down my own throat. A sensation so new, so right, so good I could not control myself nor stop until she was drained of every last drop, though I did not feel one twinge of guilt as her heart stuttered its last, faint beat.

Once again, I was thrust back into the present, all his memories, every event of his life, embedded into my own. Knowing who the male who was fucking me senseless was, both inside and out. Knowing and loving him for who and what he truly was, no longer was he a stranger. I knew him as well as I knew myself, if not better.

He gave a final deep, hard thrust, releasing his seed inside my womb, making me climax right along with him, my walls milking his cock of every last drop.

“What you saw, every emotion you felt, experiencing my life as though it were your own, we all have done the same, only

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