Finally, she blinks. “Man, you really live in a John Hughes movie, don’t you?”
“Lately, more and more.” I exhale, relieved. “You seem okay with this.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know. A hot girl throwing herself at me…” I smirk. “Don’t tell me you’re not a little green with envy.”
She rolls her eyes. “Rob, if I went full Hera every time some twit batted her eyes at you, we never would have lasted a week.”
“Good point.”
“Besides,” she says, smiling, “I was never the jealous one in our relationship.”
My jaw drops. “I do not get jealous.”
“You punched a priest.”
“Okay, first of all, priests shouldn’t be that handsy,” I say. “And second, I’ve matured a lot since then.”
She snorts. “Have you now?”
I raise my hands. “Hey, I didn’t say a word when you were going on about your secret admirer.”
“Good point.”
I cross my arms, casually leaning against the edge of the couch. “Speaking of which, how’s that been going?” I ask, wading in cautiously.
“Ah, well…” Melanie exhales softly as she slides her jacket off and drapes it over the back of the couch with her handbag. “I’m suspecting that’s not a thing anymore.”
Fuck yeah.
“Really?” I ask, feigning sincerity.
“Feeling a little ghosted, actually.”
“What a prick.”
She shrugs, a little embarrassed. “Not sure why I got so into it in the first place.”
Because he reminded you of me.
I don’t say it out loud.
“Well, if you want my opinion…”
“Never,” she replies quickly.
“I think it’s for the best,” I say anyway.
“Do you?”
“Yeah. I mean, who knows who that guy really was. I think you dodged yourself a great big bullet, Mel.”
“Maybe I did.” She takes a step closer, amused. “But now what am I supposed to do with all this free time?”
I bite my bottom lip. “I can think of a few options. And, since you’re here, I’m betting you can, too.”
Melanie smiles. “Yeah, well, I have to win back my panties somehow.”
I laugh as I lean in, her face tilting upward.
Someone pounds on the door and we freeze, our lips an inch away.
“Yo, Wheeler!”
“Damn,” I say. “That guy really is a cuntblocker.”
“A what?” Melanie asks.
“Hold that thought,” I say, stepping around her toward the door. I open it and smile for my landlord. “Hey, Mr. White!”
He nods, his thick neck disappearing somewhere within his navy blue jumpsuit. “Got a leak?” he asks.
“You know, it was acting up before, but it seems fine now,” I lie. “You might as well look, though. Bathroom sink.”
I step to the side to let him in. He tilts his body as he walks through the doorway to accommodate his giant, truck-like shoulders.
He spots Melanie in the living room. “Roommates are extra,” he mutters at me.
“Oh, no. She’s just visiting,” I say.
He grunts and takes another long, hard look at her before passing through the kitchen.
How dare he.
Once he’s gone, Melanie grins. “See?” she says.
“See what?” I ask.
“Jeal-ous,” she teases.
My chest clenches again. “No...”
A wicked brow rises.
“I just think it’s inappropriate for him to look at you like that,” I say.
“Like what?”
“Like a roast beef sandwich.”
She chortles, but quickly smothers it as Mr. White stomps back in from the hallway.
“I see nothing wrong with it,” he says, “but let me know if she acts up again.”
“Will do,” I say with a nod.
Mr. White pauses by the door to bow at Melanie. “Ma’am,” he says.
“Sir,” she says, her voice way too warm.
How dare she.
“Thanks again, Mr. White,” I say.
He tilt-walks out and I close the door behind him, quickly locking it with a flick of my wrist.
“That was rude,” I say to Melanie.
She squints at the door. “Do I know that guy from somewhere?” she asks.
“Don’t care,” I say, striding toward her. “Bend over.”
Melanie turns her head, blocking the kiss. “Wait, Robbie,” she says, suddenly cold. “Maybe we shouldn’t...”
I deflate. “Are you kidding me?”
Her lips twitch. “Yes.”
I grab her hips and pull her against me as she laughs. “No, that was rude,” I scold.
“Oh, come on,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I’m just having fun.” She kisses the edge of my mouth. “That’s what you wanted, right?”
“Is that what you want?” I ask, parroting the same thing she asked me last night.
“Yeah,” she answers. “I think some no strings attached fun might do us some good right about now.”
Fuck yeah.
I smile, my eyes on her lips. “I think you might be right,” I whisper as I lean in again.
We meet in a slow kiss and my stomach rumbles. One step closer. Two steps back. That’s what it’s like being in love with Melanie Rose, but I’m just a few more away from locking her down for good. She’s standing at the crossroads, losing all hope in whatever lame future she thought possible with the secret admirer, leaving me to welcome her back.
Melanie shifts backward, wanting to take me with her into the bedroom.
I stop us. “I need to wash those sheets first,” I say.
“Oh, right,” she says, glancing toward the room. “Not sure where that girl’s been...”
“With Roger, actually.”
“Oh.” She cringes. “Yeah, let’s wash those.”
“Couch is fine, though.”
“Excellent.” She falls back onto it, taking me down with her. She playfully grips my belt as I settle between her thighs. “Wait, what was my surprise?” she asks.
“Ah, well…” I smile. “It’s big and girth-y…”
“It’s your penis,” she says flatly.
“It’s my penis, yeah. I was going to put a bow on it, but then there was a teenager in my bed, so…”
“Maybe next time.”
I nod. “Maybe next time.”
Melanie pulls me back down to her lips.
For a recovering alcoholic, there’s no such thing as a good day.
There are okay days, but they’re few and far between. Even seven months in, I rarely go half a day without thinking about the warm comfort a bottle of whiskey can bring. Even