“Hey.” He presents himself. “Do I look like I’m suffering?”
“No.” I smile. “You look fine.”
He glances over my shoulder into the living room. “Were you up all night?” he asks.
“Yes,” I answer.
His brow rises with interest. “Did you finish it?”
“I did!”
“Yes!” He wraps an arm around me and pulls me against him. “Congratulations.”
“I typed the end on Charlotte and Liam just over an hour ago.”
He kisses me twice. “Awesome. I’ll read it after brunch.”
I blink. “After brunch?”
“Yeah, after brunch.”
“You’re going to brunch?”
He nods. “Yes, I am.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Melanie, I have been cooped up in this place for nearly two months.”
“Today, I feel strong and pain-free. I want to go outside, breathe some fresh air, take a walk with you, and see our friends.” His lips graze mine again. “Is that okay with you?”
“Yes, but—”
“And tonight... if I’m still feeling strong and pain-free...” He gives me a full, firm kiss. “I want to make love to you. Is that okay with you?”
I tremble in his arms. My perfect Robbie.
“Yes, that’s okay,” I say. “But I’m doing most of the work.”
He smirks. “I accept your terms,” he says before giving me another kiss.
Robbie and I walk together hand-in-hand, maintaining a slow and steady pace as we make our way toward Moira’s Cafe. He clutches his cane in his other hand, but he doesn’t use it to walk. He’s upright and strong in his leather jacket. His color has returned. He’s looking healthier every single day. I couldn’t be prouder of him for how well he’s pulled through this.
We reach the cafe and he steps forward to hold the door open for me. I’d say something about how the roles should be reversed, but he wouldn’t listen to it anyhow.
“Thank you,” I say as I step inside.
Robbie follows me in and takes my hand again as we pass the hostess station and round the corner toward our table near the back.
Nora and Trix have already arrived, but there are no drinks on the table, so they haven’t been here long. They look up as we approach, instantly smiling when they see that Robbie is with me this time.
I release his hand and take a step back to avoid getting trampled.
“Robbie!” Nora launches out of her chair. She purposefully halts in front of him, mindful not to hurt him as she wraps her arms around him. “It’s so good to see you! Should you be out?”
Robbie sighs. “I am a strong, independent man,” he says. “I’ll be out if I want to.”
Nora looks at me. “Should he be out?” she asks.
I nod. “He can be out.”
She smiles, satisfied. “Good! Because we missed you!”
“I missed you, too, ladies,” he says. “How’s it going?”
Trix stands, her tiny but noticeable baby bump leading the way as she walks around the table toward him. “Doing better now that you’re here,” she says. “You look great.”
“I feel great.” Robbie glares at her stomach. “How about you?”
Trix rolls her eyes. “Don’t even get me started.”
“Oh, but it’s fun,” he teases as they hug.
I pull out the empty chair for him, quickly noticing that we’ll need an extra one now that there’s four of us. Before I can turn around and search for a server, a fourth chair appears from beside me and settles into place right where we needed it.
I look up as Roger winks at me.
“Saw you coming,” he says.
“Thank you!” I smile. “You back on Sundays?”
“Covering a shift for Amy. The new usual today?”
“Yes, please.”
“Coming right out,” he says before expertly weaving through the tables toward the kitchen.
Robbie slowly sits down, but the stiffness in his abdomen fades as he sits back. Satisfied, I fold my coat over the back of my chair and sit down. As I do, Robbie reaches for my hand again and discreetly holds it under the table.
Nora swoons. Not discreet enough, it seems. “So, are you two going to get remarried?” she asks.
I groan. “Nora, we’re happy,” I say. “Why do you want to ruin it?”
“Ignore her,” Trix says as she sits down. “She’s a little wedding crazy right now.”
Nora gasps. “I am not!”
“Oh, yeah? Then, what’s in that giant binder you have hidden in your bag under the table?”
Nora hesitates, caught. “Just a few ideas I wanted to run by you guys.”
Trix props her chin up with her palm. “Like?”
“Place settings,” Nora says. “And flower arrangements. Maybe a few bridesmaid dresses...”
“Uh-huh. Wedding crazy.”
“Hey, I’m excited, okay?” Nora fidgets in her chair as she gazes at the rock on her left ring finger again. Daddy did good. “I didn’t know this wedding planning stuff would be so much fun!” She gasps, an idea striking her. “Maybe I should develop a new app…”
“No,” I say. “Launching PK nearly killed you.”
She chortles. “Oh, it wasn’t that bad.”
We all roll our eyes.
“You’re not even getting married for another year,” I say calmly. “There’s still plenty of time to get excited.”
“Fine.” Nora pouts. “I won’t bring out the binder today.”
“Bullshit!” Robbie taps his fist against the table. “You had me at place settings. Let’s see that binder!”
Nora squeals as she grabs her bag.
Trix twists toward me. “And now I’m talking to you. How are you holding up?”
“Great,” I answer. “Really great, actually.”
“Yeah, you’ve got that happy face on.”
“Is it that obvious?” I ask.
She nods at Robbie. “Both of you do.”
I look at him as he schemes with Nora over something in that binder and my heart skips twice.
Roger appears over us with a tray of flutes filled with orange juice only — our new usual. Ever since I moved in with Robbie, I’ve sworn off getting weekly mimosa drunk in solidarity and support. Trix and Nora did the same.
“Thank you, Roger,” we all say.
With a wink, he’s gone again.
Nora plucks a flute off the table and goes right back into her binder with Robbie.
I chuckle, going back to Trix as she absently rests a hand on her belly. “Do you know what it is yet?” I