Trix sips her juice and shakes her head. “No, it’s too early to tell,” she answers.
Robbie glances at us. “It’s a boy,” he says.
I squint. “She just said it’s too early to tell.”
“Nope.” He shakes his head. “Boy. Clear as day.”
“How can you possibly tell that?” I ask.
“I just can.”
“That’s one creepy talent you have there, Rob.”
“I know. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a boy.” He smiles at Trix. “Congrats.”
Trix nods with caution. “I’m inclined to believe him. He’s never been wrong before.”
“Eh...” My face screws up. “I wouldn’t go quite that far...”
Robbie glowers playfully at me before going right back to admiring dresses.
“Lance is hoping for a boy,” Trix says.
“What are you hoping for?” I ask.
“Also a boy,” she answers. “But I tell him I feel a girl instead. Makes for some good fun.”
I nod. “Gotta respect the playful banter.”
“Speaking of which, did you finish your book?” she asks. “I know you were close.”
“Finished it up this morning,” I answer, proudly.
“Damn, girl. That’s like two books this month.” She chuckles. “Did you find your muse or what?”
I pause, glancing at Robbie beside me again. He turns, feeling me looking at him, and he smiles.
“Yes,” I say. “I did.”
He raises our entwined hands to his mouth, and he kisses my fingers.
And I’ll never let him go again.
Epilogue: Nora
I stare at myself in the full-length mirror. I’m on my knees, collapsed on the old carpet of this old church, clad in a white from head-to-toe with the long skirt of my dress sprawled out around me.
Today is the day I’ve been waiting for. Not my entire life, naturally. Until Christmas of last year, I only vaguely thought about what my wedding day might be like if I ever got to it. Surrounded by friends and family. An aisle of rose petals and a string quartet. And the perfect man standing at the end, eager to make me his bride.
I stare at myself until my face doesn’t look like a face anymore. My make-up is done. My hair rests on top of my head, styled to perfection.
But I’m not getting up off this floor.
There’s a knock on the door. I say nothing.
I jolt. It’s Clive.
“Nora, I’m coming in.”
“No!” I say, shifting to face the door. “You can’t come in here!”
“Then, will you come out here?”
I pause. “... No.”
“Then, I’m coming in.”
“Wait, it’s—”
The door opens anyway. Clive strides inside and stops as soon as he sees me kneeling on the floor. To his credit, his face remains stoic as he closes the door behind him and stands above me with his hands in his pockets.
My cheeks fill with blood. I’ve barely seen him in a week. He moved into Trix and Lance’s house for the days leading up to the wedding. I’ve missed him so much. Needed him so badly...
My core ignites at the sight of him in his tuxedo.
“It’s bad luck for you to see me like this,” I finish my sentence.
“Is it supposed to be good luck for the bride to be twenty minutes late to her own wedding?” he asks, breaking into a smile.
I turn away in a huff. “This isn’t funny, Clive.”
“I’m not laughing, Nora.” He paces toward the mirror. “Are you having second thoughts?” he asks.
My instinct is to say no. Of course not! Nora Payne doesn’t have second thoughts. Nora Payne plans out everything in advance, making second thoughts practically impossible.
“Nora?” Clive turns and looks down at me, his tall, broad presence making my stomach flutter with warmth.
Nora Payne is an idiot.
“Yes,” I answer, unwilling to lie to him.
“Because of me?” he asks.
My breath catches. “No,” I say. I look down, ashamed. “Because of me.”
Clive shifts on his feet and walks behind me. His stride is loud and purposeful, firing chills down my spine. I close my eyes, following his trail around the room until he pauses directly behind me.
He lowers to his knee. I shudder.
“Are you scared?” He rests a hand on the back of my neck. “Or just nervous?”
I think before answering. I take too long and he pinches a section of my hair. He draws it back, forcing me to tilt my head and look at him.
“Hmm?” he asks.
“I’m worried,” I say.
“About what?”
I swallow hard. “That I won’t please you anymore.”
Clive pauses. He gazes at me, his eyes more sinister than before. He licks his lips and smiles.
That’s right, Daddy.
I’ve been a bad girl.
“Nora,” he growls, “did you do this on purpose?”
Yes, I did.
I don’t answer. He already knows the answer.
His touch settles just above my shoulder blades.
“Do you need to be punished?” he asks.
My nerves twitch with delight. “Yes,” I whisper.
“Right now?” he asks. “Here?”
Oh, fuck yes.
“Yes,” I say, quivering softly.
Clive stands up tall. “Rise,” he says. “Now.”
I gather my skirt as I shift my feet beneath me and push off the floor. Before I can even find my balance, Clive steps behind me and takes a firm hold of my waist. He guides me forward to the table in the corner with bridesmaid purses and gifts stacked up on it.
“Put your hands on the table,” he says.
I place my palms on the cold surface, happy to oblige him.
Clive reaches for his belt. He loosens the buckle and pulls it free as I will every nerve in me to stand still.
“You think I’ll find you less pleasing after this?” he asks. “After you become my wife?”
“I don’t want what we have to change,” I say, truthfully.
He sets his belt down on the table next to my right hand. “I do,” he says.
Genuine jitters rattle my gut. “You do?”
I feel him reach down to the bottom of my skirt. He slides it upward, his fingers gently grazing my thigh.
“Yes,” he whispers in my ear.
He shifts forward until he’s pressed hard against my back. He reaches a hand around my body and slowly pushes it into my panties.
“You don’t want to be my Dom anymore?” I ask.
His hand stops. “Oh, Nora,” he says, that low growl returning. “You’ve