onto the cool, rough sand. Micah extended his hand again, and Quentin took it.

The surf pounded against the beach while gulls screamed and sandpipers chased the sparkling water as it ebbed and flowed. Though Laguna Beach was made up mostly of hundreds of small inlets, this part of the coastline was wide and expansive.

Ahead, a number of men stood or sat on the sand. A couple wore bathing suits, but the cold water in February discouraged much swimming. One of the men looked up and waved at Micah.

“Hi, Yancy.” They walked up to Micah’s friend and his companions.

“Hey, baby. How’s it hanging?”

“Good. I think you know Quentin, don’t you?”

Yancy cocked his head. “Well, I’ll be damned. Hi, Queen.”

Quentin still looked a little shell-shocked, but he extended his hand. “Hi. Good to see you again.”

Yancy grinned. “You’re just as pretty when you’re not in drag. Meet the guys.” He introduced Quentin and Micah to several men, a couple of whom had been at the party.

Micah smiled at Quentin. “I’m just introducing him to the gay beach.”

Quentin looked around. “Oh.”

Yancy nudged Micah. “Hey, are you two an item?”

He got a big grin at that one. “We’re working on it.”

“Look, Ma, I’m a matchmaker. Son of a bitch, congrats, you two. Finally you’re with someone I approve of. Anti-Valentine’s has worked its magic.”

Quentin cocked his head. “I thought anti-Valentine’s was supposed to make us happy to be single.”

“Is anybody completely happy being single? A lot of guys have hooked up, sometimes permanently, at my party.”

Micah laughed. “You’re a fraud as a cynic.”

“We’re all under the spell of l’amour, my friend.” He held out his hand to a good-looking bear of a guy beside him. “This is Chuck.”

Quentin smiled. “So maybe next year we’ll have a real Valentine’s party.”

“Could be.” Micah stepped forward. “So good to see you all. I’m taking Quentin on his official coming-out route through Laguna.” He waved and took Quentin’s arm and started walking back toward the steps and their shoes.

Quentin laughed. “I see. You want to make me more at home in my own skin.”

“And such pretty skin it is.” Micah stopped and faced his companion. “I really would like to take your grandmother’s advice.”

“About the sex?”

“About the boyfriend. Can I be your boyfriend, Q?”

He smiled softly. “You told Annie I was.”

“I was just dreaming.”

“I’m nobody’s dream.”

Micah put his hands on either side of Quentin’s face. “Yes, you are. Best one I ever had, I think.” Oh yes, he was dying to taste. He pressed his lips against Quentin’s and pulled him close. For a second he felt him stiffen. After all, they were in the middle of a public beach. Then the slim body softened. All but one part. Whew. About those sheets….

He pulled back and whispered in Quentin’s ear. “I could use some of that hard thing in my mouth.”

Q shuddered. “Oh my, yes. I figured I’d never have you again. I about died at the thought.”

“I think we need to get home.”

“Which home?”

“Let’s go to mine so Furtwangler can share the experience.”

“Kinky feline.” Quentin kissed Micah’s nose. “But I would like to show you where I live sometime.”

“I’d love that. We can bring the wise cat to meet Mary Beth.”

“Oh, I warn you. You might not get him back.”

“It’s okay. It takes a village to appreciate all the great stuff about that cat.” He grabbed his shoes and the cupcake box, handed Quentin his sneakers, and they both hurried up the steps. At the top he turned. “I have my car. I was in a big hurry to get to you.”

Quentin smiled that gentle turn of full lips. “I hope you always will be.”

“Shall we each take our own vehicles and meet at my place? We have a better chance of not wrecking the car that way.”

“You’re on!” They took off running in two directions. Micah flew across PCH, the cupcakes banging in the pink box, and unlocked the door to the car from a football field away. He dove in, sped out of the garage, and down Glenneyre to his turnoff. As he navigated the corner, he saw Quentin’s fancy car about three blocks back.

Micah pulled into the garage, closed it, and opened the door to the house.


“Hi, buddy. We have company. You’re going to love it!”

He raced to the bedroom, lit a candle, smoothed the sheets, and hurried out to the front door just as the knock sounded. With a yank, the door was open and another yank brought Quentin through the door and into Micah’s arms.

“Welcome.” He planted a kiss that started out to be playful—uh, yeah. Hot. Micah’s lips softened and opened wide as Quentin melted in his arms.

Micah toed the door closed and kept kissing as he backed up. Must get to the bedroom.

Bang. Entry table bumped. Thud. Wall into hall scraped. But his tongue knew home when it found it.

He hit the hall wall with his back, still holding Quentin tight against his chest. When their forward motion ceased, Quentin snaked his leg up over Micah’s hip. Oh yeah! Cock to cock. But too much denim.

Micah slipped a hand under Quentin’s leg and lifted. Q got the idea. He gave a little leap, and suddenly Micah’s arms were full of a wriggling, humping Quentin. With his arms locked around Micah’s neck, he rode Micah’s hard-as-pipe erection like his own hobbyhorse.

Wow. Flashes of heat scrambled Micah’s brain, but he struggled to move toward the bedroom. His sight was blocked by a pretty face, so he moved by feel until he got to the door. Three steps inside, he lowered his happy burden to the bed. “Too many clothes!”

He pulled off Quentin’s very fashionable sneakers, then worked at getting a reluctant zipper down over an enthusiastic bulge.

Quentin laughed. “Let me. You manage your overdressed self.”

Micah tried to toe off his sneakers and pull down his jeans without ever taking his eyes off the soft, pale skin emerging from behind Quentin’s oxford shirt. Micah’s hands stilled on his T-shirt as Q removed his

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