jeans to reveal a red lace thong with a lovely cockhead peeking over its top.

“You devil.”

“In angel’s clothing, sugah.” He snapped the side of the thong against his slim hip.

Micah smiled. The guy was such a combo of angel and devil. He ripped the T-shirt off and crawled onto the bed toward Quentin, eyes fixed on his prize. As he drew near, he stuck out his tongue. “Comin’ to get you.”

Quentin giggled as Micah pounced and slurped that pretty red-headed dick out of its lacy décor and right down his throat.

“Sweet God!”

Micah sucked and licked, then pressed his tongue into Quentin’s slit and wiggled. He got serious hip wiggle in return.

“Oh yes, yes, darlin’.”

Micah pulled away. “Really want to fuck you. It feels like years.”

“Fuck away.” Quentin rolled back and pulled his legs beside his ears.

“Nice move. Your grandmother’s yoga must be rubbing off on you.”

Quentin extended his arms between his legs. “I want you to rub off on me.”

Sweet. Sweetness. Micah leaned forward until his body caressed Quentin and then he kissed him gently on the lips. “I want to hold you and kiss you, but….”

“Yes, fucking first.”

Micah dove for the end table and grabbed the supplies. Condom on. Check. Lube into sweetest hole on the planet. Ooooh yes, check.

Quentin sighed as Micah gently lubed his passage. Then he applied some juice to his throbbing dick. Cock to hole. Absolutely. Enter… oh yeah.

Quentin breathed out long and slow as Micah pressed in to the balls. He stretched his body forward so they were face-to-face. “You’re so special. Do you know that?”

Quentin’s eyes misted, but he shook his head.

Micah pulled out and ever so slowly pushed back in. “You are. You look like a rare bird of paradise, but you’ve got balls to spare.”

“Thank you.” The mist became a tear.

Micah kissed those full lips. “And I really care about you.” He pulled out and pushed in. Out and in, staring into those deep blue eyes. “Jesus, I love fucking you.”

Breath came hard. Faster and faster. Quentin moaned and whimpered but smiled all the time. His butt rose to meet every thrust. “Oh, oh, oh.”

Micah’s hips had a mind of their own. He wanted to make it last, but those hips kept pounding until spots danced in front of his eyes and champagne fizzed in his balls. Too great. Oh God. Hot, tight. Perfect. Quentin. “Quentin. I’m going to come.”

“Good. I can’t hold out much longer. You’re rubbing against my cock so nice. Do it, darlin’. Do it hard!”

Micah caught his breath as his thrusts went into overdrive. Oh God. Oh God. Yes. Harder. Hotter. Juice bubbled in his balls and boiled over. Coming, cominnnng.

Hot cum squirted onto his chest from Quentin’s cock. “Oh, darlin’. Oh, darlin’.”

Warmth poured through his arms and legs like oil as fire erupted from his cock, shot into his head, and flashed like black light in front of his eyes. He’d never known he could come like this. But then, he’d never known Quentin.

The heat turned to warmth.

The warmth to sweetness.

He collapsed on that smooth, sticky chest and just breathed. Quentin’s legs flopped on the mattress beside Micah. “Darlin’, if raw organic food gives you that kind of energy, I think all men should become converts.”

Micah chuckled. “I think all my energy comes from cupcakes. I never had a fraction of stamina until I met you.” He raised his head and rested his chin on Quentin’s chest. “I wish I could show you how special you are.” Wait! Idea.

Micah rose up and slowly pulled his soft cock from that lovely spot. He slipped off the condom and backed from the bed. “Be right back.”

He padded into the bathroom, tossed the condom, and warmed a washcloth, then came back and wiped off Quentin. “I have something I’d like to give you.”


“I’ll show you.” He grabbed a robe from the hook behind the door. Furtwangler fell in behind him as he walked to the kitchen. “I forgot about this until now, buddy. What do you think?”


“Yeah. I think I really got it for Quentin too.” He stretched up to the top cabinet and retrieved the box he’d hidden there two weeks before. The cat rubbed against his legs. “Yeah, I like this idea.”

He walked back into the bedroom. The washcloth was gone, and Quentin had straightened the covers. He sat leaning against the headboard, his soft curls framing that angelic face.

Micah sat on the edge of the bed. “You can refuse this and I’ll understand. When I bought this, I thought it was for someone else. Now I realize I bought it because I love it, and it was always for you.” He handed Quentin the silver-wrapped box.

“Should I open it?”

“Absolutely. It’s yours.” Micah put out a hand and stopped Quentin’s fingers on the bow. “It’s a reminder.”

“Of what?”

“Open it.” Quentin undid the bow and then pulled off the paper. When he opened the box, the gold bracelet glimmered and the little carved dolphins danced around its perimeter.

“Oh my stars, it’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you. Will you wear it?”

His smile was shy. “If you want me to.”

Micah took the gold circle and unclasped it, then fit it around Quentin’s slim wrist. “Whether you’re dressed as Queen or as Quentin, you’re unique and beautiful. I’d love it if this could remind you of that.”

“Oh my.” Tears dripped onto Quentin’s smiling lips.

Micah leaned forward for a kiss. “I’ll be forever grateful to Valentine’s Day.”

“And to anti-Valentine’s Day.”

A phone chimed. Quentin looked toward the chair where he’d thrown his pants. “It must be Mary Beth.”

Micah fished for the phone and handed it to Quentin.

“Hello, dear.” He listened. “Yes, we’re having a lovely day, thank you.” Pause. He giggled. “Yes, we took your advice. When? Tomorrow night? I’ll ask him.” He put his hand over the phone. “Mary Beth wants to take us on a double date with her and George.”

Micah nodded.

Quentin stared at the phone, then put it back to his ear. “He says yes. How serious is this relationship

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