“Gunnar, please,” she mumbled repeatedlyuntil he finally came closer. His eyes searched her own, and oncehe found what he was looking for, he took her lips again. If thatwas all she got from him for the rest of their lives, she’d behappy. Kissing Gunnar was going to become one of her favoritethings.
His hair was softer than she imagined as hehovered over her, and the short beard he wore rubbed against herskin deliciously. One of his hands released her face and slid downher side, stopping at the waistband of her pants. She didn’t wantto talk to him for fear it would jolt him out of this mating trancehe was in. Lifting her hips, she moaned when he slid his handaround her back to push the material over her ass.
“You are mine,” he whispered as if he wasthanking the gods.
His touch across her sensitive skin feltlike fire, but the burn was welcomed. His lips molded to hersperfectly, and when his tongue snaked out to touch her own, she letout a moan worthy of a seductress.
“Mount me, Gunnar, please,” she begged. Theache was building, and her bear was roaring in her mind. Theywanted to feel his bite. She’d been told the mating would erase anyhesitation once the connection was made, and the elder females hadbeen correct. She didn’t care about her past…she didn’t worry if hewas going to be to animalistic…she just wanted his cock and hisseed while he bit into her neck.
“I want to taste more of you,” he growled.Gunnar was in his own passion, and when he pushed her tank top offand took one of her nipples between his teeth, she cried out withlust.
Her tiny fingers searched for the fly of hisjeans as a growl of frustration fell from her swollen lips. Themoment she pushed his jeans past his ass, her hand wrapped aroundhis hardness, and the warmth of it sent her body surging towardhim.
“On your hands and knees,” he ordered as hepulled away. She didn’t have to be told again, because the beastinside her was in charge. The animal knew exactly what needed to bedone, and as she got into the position, Anna Claire breathed a sighof relief. It was finally happening. Gunnar was officially hermate.
His hand ran up her spine, tangling in herlong hair. The bear inside her bucked against her skin, but Gunnarwas there to hold her in place. It was natural for her to submit toher mate as he broke through her virginity.
She hummed when he rubbed his cock againsther wetness, coating himself in her essence. The gasp she’d held inwhen he pushed against her body came out in a yelp when he brokethrough.
“Stay still, honey,” he cooed. “Let us getused to each other.” She knew he was struggling not to move just asmuch as she was. The pain wasn’t as bad as she expected, and thetear to her maidenhood would heal enough not to hurt within a fewseconds.
“I can’t,” she panted. “I need…you. You haveto move, Gunnar.”
“Yes, my mate,” he teased and made onethrust in and backed halfway out before thrusting inside heragain.
A storm was brewing inside her body, readyto crash into the earth. The thickness of his cock was just enoughto touch every inch of her, giving pleasure without pain. As hecontinued to thrust, and with each one becoming faster, she fell toher forearms and pressed her face against the sheet. The beastinside her was guiding her, knowing what was going to comenext.
He tightened his fist at the back of herhead and pulled her up so her back was to his chest. His hot breathsent chills to the skin on her neck as he licked the spot where hewould bite her.
“I’m going to mark you,” he warned only halfa second before his canines sank into her skin.
The storm building inside her rushed outwith a gasp. The climax froze her voice, but he knew what to do.Just like every other aspect of her life since coming to the Morganclan, Gunnar was ready, willing, and able to care for her. As hereleased her neck, licking over the spot where he’d marked her, hermate fell to his side and pulled her across his body.
“Take me back inside your body and mark meas your own,” he whispered, using just one hand to cup her face soshe would look directly into his golden eyes.
She took his cock back inside her body andmoaned from the feel of it. The slide of his hardness took on adifferent sensation. With her hands on his stomach, he lifted herhips to teach her the rhythm he desired while she was on top.
“Oh, Gunnar,” she said once she finally hada voice again. It was muffled by her canines, but he heard thedesire in her voice.
Gunnar turned his head to the side in asilent offering. The beast inside her growled when she saw the spotwhere his neck and shoulder met. The bear told her to bite himwhere her mark would be seen by all other females, warning themthat he was mated.
She fell to his chest and bit into the spot.A loud roar fell from his lips as she felt his cock begin to pulseinside her. The warmth of his seed calmed her need, squelching theheat.
His blood tasted like his mating scent. Theearthy combination of his blood and scent calmed her, relaxed her.When she licked the spot on his neck, Gunnar pulled her back to hislips.
“Hello, mate.” He smiled at her, and shefound herself returning the gesture with a weight lifted from herheart.
Chapter 6
Sheriff Lynch listened to the radio trafficof a high-speed chase in the northern part of his town. The malewas identified as one of the men he’d been looking for regardingthe hunters on the dark web group that had been started a fewmonths prior.
Harvey Helms was the only one left in thearea from the original four he’d had visions of, but that didn’tmean they were in the clear once this male was caught. Theinformation he had found on the group made him