When he arrived, Drake and Rex were alreadythere. Angry scowls tightened their faces as Gaia stood next to thepanther’s caretaker. “What the fuck is going on?”
A protectiveness like he’d never felt cameover him as he stalked the lawman. He already gathered the reasonfor the male’s visit wasn’t a good one.
“We found the fourth hunter, but he fled.”Garrett sighed like he didn’t want to repeat himself. Too fuckingbad. “We chased him to a wooded area about five miles from herewhere he bailed out on foot. I’ve asked a few of the Shaw pride tohelp find him.”
“Why didn’t you call us first?” Gunnarquestioned, making fists at his side.
“They were closer,” Sheriff Lynch repliedwith his own narrowed eyes. There was a flash of white in them, butas quick as Gunnar saw it, it was gone.
“We also have some news about thesehunters,” Gaia stated as she came around the table to stand infront of Gunnar. Her green eyes changed into the swirling blue ofher true nature. When they cleared, she smiled brightly at him,pulling him into a comforting hug. “Oh, Gunnar. I’m so happy foryou.”
“What are you going on about?” Drakegrumbled. “We’re talking about these hunters.”
“Gunnar first,” she beamed. “Then thehunters.”
“What?” Rex asked, his voice showingfrustration.
“Anna Claire and I touched last night,” heannounced, his smile widening with the news. “We also made acub.”
The cheers could be heard throughout thehome. His brothers, and even the lawman, clapped him on the backwith congratulations. “I appreciate that, but I need to know whatother information you have.”
Gaia and Garrett launched into theinformation the sheriff had found on the dark web. It led them toHarvey Helms, the remaining hunter, but what was uncovered sentGunnar’s protective instincts into high gear.
There were others out there. More than onehundred hunters had been identified across the world. “They’reusing this dark web group to plan an attack on all grizzlies?”Gunnar had to make sure he’d heard them right.
“We don’t know how they found out about yourspecies, but it’s been done. Their goal is to kill you and presentyour bodies to the world. They want fame, and with that fame, theybelieve they will get a lot of money.” Garrett cursed and ran ahand through his short, brown hair. “They even have a document thatshows the going price for breaking news photos from each of themajor news outlets.”
Harvey Helms emerged from the forest not farfrom the bears’ compound. He’d spent the last two days searchingfor a way to get to them. The forest behind their home was riddledwith foot paths where the shifters obviously hunted. Several treeshad scratch marks on them, proving their claws were just asdangerous as the grizzlies in the wild.
He needed to report back to the group andmake his plans for the first day of June. The hacker had set thedate, saying it was the end of their mating season, and if they’dkidnapped any human females, they could be saved before they couldturn them into killing machines.
The thought of one of his daughters beingcaught in their grasp sent an anger through him. The police were nodamn help. They were obviously on the shifters’ side. Shifters wereabominations of God, and Harvey was going to make sure he took outas many as he could before they came for him.
He knew he couldn’t use his car anymore.That damn sheriff was out for him, but he had a plan. There wereother grizzly hunters within an hour’s drive of his town. He’dplaced an emergency call to one of them earlier, requesting apick-up at the local bar. He was set to arrive around seven. Afterthat, he’d go hide out for the next two months and study the area.He’d already taken pictures of the entrances to the house, plus thethree cabins on their land.
Once the first of June came, they’deradicate the grizzlies and claim their fame as they paraded theirlifeless bodies in front of the media. It was time to stand theirground against the devil’s pets and send them back to theirmaker.
Chapter 7
“It’s been 3 weeks since you conceived,” thepride’s healer began. “I’m just going to take your blood and askyou a few questions today.”
Anna Claire nodded when necessary and waitedfor the panther to put on his gloves. She breathed a sigh ofrelief. The thought of being accidentally touched by a male thatwasn’t Gunnar scared her to death.
“Just a little stick,” he mumbled as heworked. She’d already met the male a year ago when she had beenrescued. He was a gentle soul, and she liked him even if theMorgans were apprehensive about the cat shifter being in theirhome. “How have you been feeling? Any sickness?”
“Just a little in the evenings,” she repliedwith a cringe. Gunnar’s bear rumbled from inside his chest. Shehadn’t told him of the symptoms she’d been having. “It’s not bad,though.”
“Try some chicken or toast,” he suggested.“I’d prefer you get as much protein as possible, but your body willtell you what it needs. My only request is that you stayhydrated.”
“I can do that.” Anna Claire glanced at hermate, and he was staring intently at the back of the healer’s head.She knew they were on edge with the hunters and having anothershifter in the house, but they could at least relax a little. Thehealer wasn’t an enemy.
Hell, the Morgans didn’t really like anyoneother than their own kind. Tessa had told her about their parentsone afternoon last summer while the males were away working intheir fields. As she glanced at the three brothers standing atattention around her, she really wished they’d accept thefriendship the panthers offered.
“Thank you, healer,” she said, sweetly.“Would you like to stay for coffee?” She ignored Gunnar’s narrowedeyes and focused on the doc.
“While I appreciate your hospitality,” hebegan, giving her a knowing smile. “I have to get back to my pridefor another appointment. Maybe the next time I come over, I’ll havesome extra time to chat.”
“That would be lovely,” she replied as