eyes changed back to his human side…an odd hazel colorthat was more green than brown.

She’d never noticed them before now. Itcould’ve been the contrast between the two colors. The change fromhis angel white to his human color was staggering, and Gaia felther heart flutter.

“That’s not right,” the sheriff said with ashake of his head. “I saw all of them in my vision.”

“What did you see?” Rex ordered.

“There are more,” Garrett panted, closinghis eyes as tight as they would go. “A lot more.”

“How many?” Gaia asked, moving closer to thesheriff when he shivered.

“Eight…possibly more,” he cursed. “They’reorganizing and heading this way. They’ll be here before dusk, andthey aren’t going to hide.”

“They’re coming to our doorstep?” Drakeblared, his body swelling and pulsing with the need to shift.

“Right to the door,” Garrett confirmed,jerking his head to the side so he could look directly at Drake. “Idon’t see them winning. Hell, I can’t see anything past theirarrival, but I have a feeling deep in my chest that it won’t endwell if you stay on your current path.”

“What does that mean?” Gaia pressed, feelingthe earth’s energy swirling inside of her. She had to tone it downor she would cause the ground to shake beneath her feet again, andshe didn’t want to do that…not now. There would be time for thatlater.

“I can only see human involvement,” Garrettbegan. “If a paranormal species intervenes, I am blind. My guess isyou will have help, and if you don’t, the clan could perish.”

“What if we help ourselves?” Drake growledas he tucked his chin so his long, dark hair could frame his face.“We are the paranormal.”

“That’s not how it works.” Garrett sighedand ran his hand through his dark, brown hair. “My visions aregiven to me for a reason. I don’t always know what they are, butthe one thing that stays true is that when something human comesfor the pride, I know the outcome. I can pinpoint what’s going tohappen, but if there are shifters involved, I lose sight.”

“So, you’re saying there are other speciescoming to help?” If he saw other species arriving, there washope.

“Yes,” Garrett answered and approachedDrake. “I know how you feel, and I know you take care of yourown…but, you need them. Drake…you need to talk to the pride.”

Drake grabbed a chair and spun it around,dropping down into the seat. The wood creaked as he leaned over torest his elbows on his knees, covering his face with his hands.“I’ve asked too much of them already.”

“They’ll come, and you know that.” Garrettwas right. Gaia had seen the things the pride had done.

“The Shaw pride has the manpower you’llneed, Drake,” Gaia added. She walked over and knelt in front of himand lowered her voice to a level only the shifter could hear.“Please, Drake. I cannot protect you from this. You need theirhelp.”

“It was never your place to protect us,” hereminded her, keeping his voice low. “My mother should’ve neverasked that of you.”

“But she did,” Gaia replied. “I have lovedyou and your brothers since you were little.”

“And we have loved you as if you wereanother mother to us,” he replied and took her hands as they bothstood. She felt tears prick at the back of her eyes as the largemale took her into his arms. “We will be okay.”

“You should talk to the alpha,” shewhispered as he released her.

Drake thought for a moment as the sheriffstood at the other end of the table, watching their interactions.She’d never told Garrett the entire story of why she was here, andher pride wouldn’t let her. Gaia was a bit selfish and wantedsomeone to love and befriend because sitting around watching theworld tear itself apart made her feel unwanted. It was fate she’dcome upon Drake’s mother and befriended her all those years ago.She would forever cherish the memories she’d gathered over the lastthirty-eight years of being in her human form.

“Call Talon and tell him I’d like ameeting,” Drake ordered. “And it needs to be done as soon aspossible.”

Anna Claire took a deep breath and wiped hereyes one last time. She’d cried so much, she didn’t have any tearsleft to shed. “I can’t believe he is gone.”

“We will give him a warrior’s pyre,” Gunnarpromised as he kissed the top of her head.

“That’s what he deserves,” she whispered andpushed away from her mate. The absence of his warmth caused ashiver to roll up her spine. Her hand automatically went to herstomach in a protective manner to cover her cub, and her matenoticed, covering her hand with his own.

“Everything is going to be okay,” hepromised. “I won’t let anything happen to you or our cub.”

“I’m more worried about you,” she replied,feeling the ache in her eyes. She needed to cry again, but thetears wouldn’t come. “What is going to happen now?”

“We will guard the clan tomorrow,” he vowed.“No one will come for us. I’m going to ask that the elders comehere before daybreak and stay inside where we can keep themsafe.”

“Please do,” she gasped. “I cannot loseanother person I care for.”

“You’ve been through so much,” he stated,taking her back into his arms. “Let me hold you and our cub forjust a little while longer. I need to have a talk with my brotherto make a plan before the day breaks.”

“Kiss me, Gunnar,” she pleaded. Needing hiswarmth and touch was essential to her mental state. Getting lost inher mate right then probably wasn’t the best course of actionduring this new war brewing outside their door, but she needed himwith a passion she couldn’t describe.

Chapter 16

Gunnar and Drake left the clan late thatnight after their mates were settled. The sheriff followed theirtruck to the panther’s land for protection. Even though the lawmanhadn’t seen any visions of another attack that night, they weren’ttaking any chances.

“I think it’s a good thing we are asking fortheir help,” Gunnar announced. “They’ve offered their assistancewithout request of payback before, and they’ve always had ourbacks.”

“They’re putting themselves in harm’s wayfor us,” Drake reminded him. His brother’s eyes were already goldenas his beast was on edge.

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