Gunnar had advised him to push his bearaway before they arrived at the Shaw’s land.

“We need allies," Gunnar stated.

“I know,” Drake sighed and blinked a fewtimes until his eyes returned to their natural brown color.

It was just after midnight when they pulledup to a security gate at the driveway but didn’t have to talk tothe male waiting in a small shack by the fence. He pressed a buttonto open the large iron gate and waved them through. The sherifffollowed closely behind.

The drive up to the main house was coveredwith large trees with their limbs hanging over the gravel road.Upon a clearing, the red brick home stood in the middle of a largemeadow. To the left of the house, quite like their own, a road leadto several cabins. Each one was lit by a porch light and had theirown unique design to the outside.

Gunnar didn’t feel uneasy with the cats, butthat didn’t mean that his brother felt the same. A rumble came fromhis chest when he opened the door and the scent of the pridereached his nose.

“It’s going to take some getting used to,Drake,” Gunnar reminded him. “They are not our enemy.”

“I know,” his brother grunted. “Let’s dothis.”

The front door opened and Talon Shaw, thepride’s leader, stepped out along with Savage and Booth, two of theolder Guardians. The Guardians were an elite group of males who hadvowed to protect the alpha and the pride. They were lethal, andthey’d proven that to the Morgan clan several times over the lastfew years.

“Drake,” Talon greeted as they approachedthe home. “Gunnar.”

“Talon,” he and his brother said in unison.The males exchanged handshakes and walked inside, following thealpha to his office.

“I’ve been advised by Garrett as to whathe’s seen,” Talon admitted. The sheriff stood against the far wall,keeping himself in a neutral position in the room. “We are fightingour own war, but I have extra men who have volunteered to assistyou tomorrow.”

“As much as it pains me to ask,” Drakebegan, sitting up straighter in his seat. Gunnar knew it was hardfor his brother to ask for help, but the oldest Morgan brotherwasn’t going to take any chances with his mate and cub. Gunnar feltthe same way. “We need help. If what the sheriff says is true, weare looking at the possible destruction of our clan.”

“That won’t happen,” Talon replied with aflash of his glowing amber eyes. The male’s beast was as agitatedas his own. Gunnar knew Talon Shaw was an amazing leader and hadcompassion. That wasn’t seen very often. “I will send a team to youmid-afternoon. They have been advised to follow your instructionsand to protect the mates and cubs at all costs.”

“That’s a lot to ask of you,” Gunnarreplied. His Guardians were willing to sacrifice themselves for agrizzly mate and cub. It was shocking to say the least.

“We may not be of the same species, but weare from the same gods,” Talon reminded them. His eyes calmed as hestood from his seat. “It’s best if we stick together when an enemycomes our way.”

Drake stood, but he remained silent. Gunnarwatched as his brother thought over the alpha’s words. Talon wasextending his friendship, but it was up to Drake and Gunnar toaccept it.

“I agree with you,” Drake finally replied,holding out his hand to seal the deal on a new friendship with thepanthers.

“And I agree, as well,” Gunnar stood andtook the alpha’s hand. “I appreciate all you have done for us overthe past few years. My mate’s health and safety are my top concern.Your healer should be held in highest regard for the things he hasdone for our clan.”

“We are very lucky to have him,” Talonnodded in agreement, but a wave of sadness crossed his features,reminding Gunnar of the recent news. “On behalf of the entire Shawpride, I want to extend my condolences for the loss of your mate’sblood family.”

“Thank you,” Gunnar said with a nod. Hecould still hear his mate’s cries in his mind, and it caused ashiver to roll down his spine. “There was nothing that could bedone for him, and we will plan his funeral pyre upon the end ofthis current war with the human hunters.”

“Storm, Lucky, Diesel, and Axel are in themain living room,” Talon advised. “If you need more males, let meknow now.”

“Those four will suffice,” Drake agreed. “Ican’t thank you enough for your support in this.”

“In these times, we must stick together,”Talon preached. “I remember a time not long ago that we asked youto help us.” That was true. Drake had helped keep an eye on one ofthe panther mates during a time where they’d been targeted.

“I think we have a deal,” Drake replied,standing a little taller. Gunnar saw the change in his brother themoment he connected hands with the alpha. Their alliance would be agood thing for the future of the clan and pride.

“My men will arrive at your place by fourtomorrow evening,” Talon replied. “They’ll be coming in as pantherswith no vehicles. I’ve instructed Storm to be your point ofcontact. He will shift and approach your home through the rear. Isthat agreeable?”

“Yes,” Drake nodded. “I have clothes theycan borrow should they need to shift, or I can take them home withme now to keep at the main house.”

“We will sort all of that out with them,”Talon replied and nodded toward the sheriff, who opened the door sothe four males could enter.

They got down to business, discussing aplan. Gunnar and Drake left with a duffle bag of clothes and a planto keep their clan safe. He felt a lot more at ease knowing theyhad doubled their numbers with the panthers on their side.

The pain of losing Ransom would never fade.Anna Claire vowed to honor him for the rest of her life. She didn’tknow when they’d be able to give him his final sendoff back to thegods, but she prayed it would be soon.

“Anna Claire?” Luca called out as he knockedtwice on the main door to her quarters.

She dropped the blanket she’d covered upwith and hurried to the door, removing the bar and throwing thelocks to get

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