northernMississippi. The others have gone radio silent, and I am uneasyabout the information we may find. We will wait out the day and goin at dusk.

She knew the ones who’d come before weredead. Gunnar and his brothers had taken out the human males beforethey could kill another member of her clan. She pressed her hand toher chest to still the panic at the loss of her cousin. The lastthing she needed to do was to mourn him during this next round ofattacks coming for them.

With that piece of information, Anna Clairereturned the phone to its hiding spot, tiptoeing to the bedroom andsliding beneath the covers before her mate knew she was evergone.

Chapter 17

Gunnar awoke to his alarm. He and AnnaClaire had been up into the early morning hours, and he wanted tomake sure he made the scheduled meeting with the panthers at four.They’d be in place soon, and then they would wait for the humanmales to arrive.

Gaia was already at the counter, making acup of coffee when he left his sleeping mate to head into the mainhouse. She’d stayed overnight, taking the couch despite the male’sinsistence she have a bed.

“Morning, Gunnar,” she began afterabandoning her cup and coming over greet him. She reached down andtook his hands into hers and sighed heavily. “Know that ifsomething bad happens tonight, I will extend my promise to watchover your family.”

“I don’t know why you stayed,” he replied,relaxing a little as she dropped her hold and looked at the floor.“You promised our mother you would watch over us, but you didn’thave to.”

“I wanted to,” she blurted, looking up atthe ceiling for a second before leveling her emerald green eyes onhim. “A vow is a vow, and integrity is important to me.”

“Integrity is important, but staying here inhuman form is dangerous,” he reminded her. “You are neededeverywhere. Remember that.”

“I’m trying,” she sighed and returned to thecounter for her cup. “Doesn’t change anything. I’m staying here fora long time. I have no desire to return to the earth.”

“Why?” he inquired, honestly curious as towhy she wanted to stay here to watch over the planet and not returnto the place where she ruled nature.

“It gets lonely there,” she admitted. “I’vefound a family, finally. Something called to me all those yearsago, telling me to come here. After I met your mother, I thoughtthat was the reasoning behind it, but I’m not so sure now.”

“Whatever it is, I’m glad you’re here,” hesaid with a smile. “Plus, there’s no need to vow protection for themates and cubs. We are going to beat this.”

They were interrupted when Drake and Rexentered from their quarters. His two brothers hit the coffee potfor their cup and took a seat at the table. Luca came in not longafter, and it was obvious from the look on his face, the malehadn’t slept well the night before.

“Are you going to be able to do this?” Drakeasked Luca the moment he sat down.

“I’m fine,” he mumbled and hung his head. “Ihave to avenge him. Those hunters need to be taken outtonight.”

“They do,” Drake rumbled. “I don’t wantanyone else getting hurt, and if you are going to have a hard timefocusing on the fight tonight because you are mourning, I don’twant you…”

“I told you I was fucking fine!” Lucasnarled and pushed back from the table, dumping the contents of hiscup in the sink, and left out the back door before Drake, or anyoneelse for that matter, could stop him.

Drake and Rex’s eyes shifted toward thedoor, but Gunnar held up his hand to get their attention. “He’shurting, and he has every right to do so. As far as tonight, I’mnot worried about him. He will be a fierce fighter when the huntersarrive.”

“We have a few hours before the panthersarrive.” Rex stood and stretched. “Let’s get everyone up and insidefor a meeting over lunch.”

Gunnar agreed with a nod and found his placein the kitchen. Cooking would take his mind off the events thatwere coming. Even if it was a little bit of peace, he would acceptit and have a clan meal ready for them when everyone gathered.

It was a little later when tiny, warm handswrapped around his waist as he stirred a pot of stew at the stove.Her scent and touch soothed him even more. Turning around, heclosed his eyes and took her lips. “Good morning, honey.”

“Morning,” she mumbled and rested her headon his chest. “That smells amazing.”

“It’ll be ready in twenty minutes.” The stewwas forgotten as he took her over to the large table. From a glanceout the window, he noticed Drake and Rex were on their way with theelders. Anna Claire noticed them too, and she smiled widely. “Iknow why they’re here, but I don’t care. I’ve missed them somuch.”

“Take the next few hours to catch up beforewe have to send them home to shelter,” he replied, knowing how muchshe loved the two couples from her old clan.

His mate clung to Peggy and Martha once theyarrived. The two elder males sat at the kitchen table, watchingprotectively over their mates. Both of the males’ weathered facesbrightened when they saw the females they’d mated so many yearsago. Gunnar joined them, then rested his head in his hands for afew seconds before sighing and clearing his throat. “We have noidea what will happen tonight.”

“We are willing to fight alongside you,”Alfred stated, leaning forward in his chair. The male was in hisseventies, and while they could use the help, he needed them tostay hidden.

“I appreciate your offer, but I would preferyou stay with your mates,” Gunnar replied, casting a glance at AnnaClaire. The thought of someone hurting her brought an unexplainablerage to his mind. “The females need to be protected, and you arethe best ones to care for your own mates. The panthers are coming,and we have come up with a plan for Tessa, Ada, and AnnaClaire.”

“And what is that?” Doug asked.

“They will be locked in their quarters. Wedon’t want them together. It’s too dangerous to keep the mates inone spot,” he

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