Carl Weber’s Kingpins:


Treasure Hernandez

All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


Urban Books, LLC

300 Farmingdale Road, N.Y.-Route 109

Farmingdale, NY 11735

Carl Weber’s Kingpins: Dallas Copyright © 2018 Treasure Hernandez

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

ISBN: 978-1-6228-6647-2

This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.

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“Oh my God! Lingerie? Seriously, Ti Ti?”

Tiara Rogers sat at a circular table watching her best friend open up the baby shower gift that she’d bought her.

“Well, shit! I figured since I’m going to be around buying the twins stuff anyways, I might as well take care of the mama!” She grinned at the sheer teddy and lace panties Elaya was holding in her hands. “I didn’t know what sized titties you would have once you drop them babies, so there are like five bras at the bottom of the bag. Take your pick!”

The entire room burst into laughter, and Elaya cocked her head, rolling her eyes at her best friend.

“You’re lucky I love you.” She held the lingerie up one more time. “But hell, this will be motivation to snap back to my before-baby body! I’m ready for these chiren to come out and stop renting this one-bedroom belly!”

Tiara sat and beamed at the beautiful woman before her. Her heart ached in a good way just thinking about all of the things that Elaya had to endure just to get to her final stop of happiness. Her wedding ring glistened in the light, and the smile on her face was bigger than Tiara had ever seen it. When Elaya had opened her final gift and finally got tired of taking pictures, she came to where Tiara was sitting.

“You ain’t right!” She pulled Tiara up by her hands. “You know I don’t like people like that! Got me up there smiling and shit.”

Elaya’s full mocha-colored lips turned up as she made a face.

“Stop it,” Tiara giggled. “I worked hard on your makeup, heffa, for you to be looking all ugly.”

She took a step back and looked at Elaya. She looked like a goddess with a swooped band and a long braid that was tossed over her shoulder. Her breasts and butt looked amazing in the long, flowing white dress that laced her body. Her bright brown eyes shone, and it was almost impossible for her high cheekbones to show. The happiness just expelled from her eyes, and tears threatened to spill from Tiara’s eyes.

“No!” Elaya pointed her finger into Tiara’s face. “No tears! You promised. You spent hours on my makeup!”

But Tiara could not contain her joy. They had both lost everything, but at the same time, everything has finally fallen into place. The nightmare they had endured together was finally over. Elaya who had suffered the worst at the sick Doctor Pierce’s hands had finally found happiness with a man who would never judge her. In Elaya, Tiara found something she had lost seemingly so long ago. Family. Despite Lay’s warning, Tiara poked her full lip out and furrowed her brow as she looked at her friend with watery eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Tiara said. “I just love you so much. He almost killed us.”

“I love you too, Ti Ti. If it weren’t for you, I would not have survived,” Elaya said, trying to blink back her tears. “Aww, shit; fuck it.”

They embraced each other and cried softly into each other’s necks. Tiara felt one of the babies kick on her stomach and smiled through her tears.

I love you, little babies, she thought.

“Somebody get a clean-up team on aisle five. We have two beautiful women crying a river,” Elaya’s husband Clarence came up from the side of them. “Tiara, what I tell you about coming around starting trouble?”

The women laughed and pulled away from each other. Elaya swatted playfully at him and went over to give him a kiss.

“Shut yo’ ass up, Clarence,” Tiara grinned at him. “If it weren’t for me, the two of you wouldn’t be married or have these wonderful babies on the way! I’m the one who told her to say yes to that first date. Tell him, Lay!”

Elaya gave Clarence a look and raised her eyebrow. “She does have a point.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, I thought you were weird looking at first.”

The three of them cracked up laughing, and Tiara took a step backward to give them their personal space.

“Aye, T!” Clarence said before she could get too far. “There’s a dude I went to college with over there by the punch. He said he knows you from back in the day. Go holla at him with your lonely ass. You know you need a man.”

“Clarence!” Elaya punched him in the arm.

“What?” He looked seriously confused about why she just hit him. “You the one who said it!”

Tiara squinted her eyes at both of them, and Elaya guiltily shrugged her shoulders.

“It won’t hurt to see what’s up with him . . . right?”

“Uh-huh,” Tiara said and made her way toward the refreshments table.

She wondered who on earth could possibly know her. She wasn’t quite the friendliest person in high school, and the only person she was cool with back then was dead. Standing beside the table sipping virgin strawberry daiquiris was a well-built, chocolate man.

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