were too busy to do.

Then the guilt set in once he realized that his only child was in high school, and he barely knew her. The housekeepers knew everything about her, but he still thought her favorite food was ice cream and cake. He knew it might be time to take a step back and handle his business behind the scenes versus up front and in person. He also knew that it might be too late, but he hoped that Tiara would give him a chance, which she did, and the two of them got very close. He learned that not only did she look like him, but she thought like him and acted like him as well.

Stephanie never told him about the weed, and she hoped that Tiara would be smart enough to hide it well from her father. He would kill them all if he knew his daughter was under the influence of anything. He had seen many things in the streets, and he truly believed that weed was a gateway drug. When that didn’t do the job anymore, the person would be looking for the next best high. Cocaine.

It seemed like Tiara was well on her way back to herself since her relationship with her father was getting much better. He was excited for her to start her senior year of high school. He made a promise to her. He promised that as long as she remained boy free and stayed a virgin, then once she graduated high school, he would put $1 million in her bank account for her to do whatever she wanted with it. Tiara was happy with the proposition because she knew exactly what she wanted to do with that money. As soon as that money was put in her bank account, she planned on moving as far away from her parents as she possibly could.

Staying a virgin would be easy considering she didn’t have too many guys approach her in school. Her father made sure nobody ever came close to her, and if they did, he had hired hands around her at all times who would tell him her every move. The only time she could flirt with guys was on social media, and even that was monitored. If she ever gave a boy her number, Blake would just call the cell phone company and block the number. She often felt like she was in jail and not at a place that she should call home. At first, boys would try to talk to her, but when word got around about who her family was, the boys from school completely backed off. They were all too intimidated just because of who her father was. So when her father came to her with that proposition, she immediately agreed to it. Like a silly young, teenage girl, she made the promise that she shouldn’t have.

Chapter 3

Beep! Beep!

“Noooo!” Seventeen-year-old Tiara moaned into her pillow. She cursed her alarm. “Shut the fuck up!”

She threw her covers back over her head, trying to block out the sun, only to have them pulled from her head.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Tiara heard her personal housekeeper say. “You won’t be late for another day of school. Your father chewed me out the last time that principal of yours called home.”

Tiara smacked her lips.

“Please, Stephanie!” she begged. “Just ten more minutes? I went to sleep late last night.”

“Nope,” Stephanie said and made Tiara sit up. “Whose fault was that, huh? How many times have I told you not to go to sleep late on a school night? I bet you didn’t even do your homework, did you? Isn’t that science project due today?”

Stephanie continued to fuss at Tiara as she got the young girl’s clothes prepared for the day. Tiara tuned the short, plump woman out and stretched her arms out as a large yawn escaped her mouth. Standing up, she forgot what was in her lap until it fell to the ground and rolled over and hit Stephanie’s white-laced shoe. Tiara bit her lips together and raised her eyebrows, hoping that Stephanie wouldn’t look down. She got no such luck. When Stephanie saw what had thumped against her foot, her hand flew to the apron covering her chest, and her nose twisted up.


“Well, now you know why I was up so late,” Tiara stifled a laugh as she motioned to her vibrator lying by Stephanie’s foot.

She shrugged, and Stephanie just shook her head. She spoke, but her tongue got lost somewhere in turning her mental thoughts into actual words.

“You’re having sex, Tiara?” Stephanie asked, already knowing what Blake would do if he found out something like that.

“No,” Tiara said with an attitude. She rolled her eyes, grabbing the underwear that Stephanie had placed on her queen-sized bed. “If I was, I wouldn’t have to put that thing on my middle finger at night and rub my own puss—”

“My God, Tiara!” Stephanie threw her arms Tiara’s way, making a face. “Why must you talk like that?”

“I’m just being honest. I haven’t gone all the way with a boy yet, but I’m seventeen. I have womanly needs now. I’m sure you remember what it’s like. At least I’m touching myself and not letting anyone else do it.”

Stephanie couldn’t help but to silently agree, but that still didn’t mean she was satisfied. Tiara smirked and went to the bathroom to shower. When she was done, she came back out clean and wearing her undergarments. Her body was fully defined, and her brunette hair hung to the middle of her back. After she applied lotion to her cream-colored skin, she put her long hair into a high ponytail. Once her hair was in place, she put on her school uniform: blue pants, a white-collared blouse, and a gray sweater hung around her shoulders. The pants fit snugly around her waist, and her hips looked good.

“Ohhh! Yesss! My ass looks amazing in these pants!” She admired herself in the full-length mirror on her bedroom

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